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WTB 21" Gray Turbine or (black) Arachnids

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Local only (Los Angeles Area). Has to be in mint condition (will not buy repaired wheels) with center caps, tpms2 and tires.

$1800 for Turbines

$3k for Arachnids. I know how much people think they can get for their wheels and stuff but the Arachnids were given out for free via the referral program so essentially it's free money.
Mine are listed and locally available. If you want a set of brand new, factory black matte, let me know but if you want to try and find the cheapest set, best bet is to buy silver and powdercoat yourself. I have both but opted to run silvers so my brand new factory blacks are for sale. I'll powdercoat my silvers a custom color if/when they get scratched or I'm bored enough... Good luck either way! I have the Turbines for sale as well but they have had a scratch on the lip touched up according to my shop (bought the car used). You are welcome to take a look at my buddy's shop off of 405/Santa Monica right up the street from the Service Center on Pontius and they are close to your asking price but not quite there...