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WTB: Model S 100D

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I have a pearl white with the gray interior. 2020 Model S long range plus with 20k miles on it. has FSD purchased and unlimited supercharging. I know you want blue with white but if you change your mind, lmk! It has the subzero weather package and homelink also!
I have a pearl white with the gray interior. 2020 Model S long range plus with 20k miles on it. has FSD purchased and unlimited supercharging. I know you want blue with white but if you change your mind, lmk! It has the subzero weather package and homelink also!
FYI, that unlimited Supercharging is for the current owner only and will not transfer to another owner.
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I have a pearl white with the gray interior. 2020 Model S long range plus with 20k miles on it. has FSD purchased and unlimited supercharging. I know you want blue with white but if you change your mind, lmk! It has the subzero weather package and homelink also!
I appreciate the comment. I already have a white model 3 and only want to get out of it for a blue with white interior model S.