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WTB: model S, SF bay area, 50-57k

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Tesla recently had a big price reduction in the CPO fleet across the board. There may be some better deals there now than there were a couple of weeks ago.
I have to agree with you as a Bay Area commuter, the MS is a fantastic car to get around in at rush hour.
Note that dual chargers can be added so don't pass up on a good car if it doesn't currently have it - just factor it into your price.

You mentioned commute - I have a traffic heavy commute in my non AP car and would very much enjoy AP if my budget allowed.
AutoPilot hardware began being added to MS in mid September 2014. That is a huge hit on the value of a vehicle. If you commute a lot, think seriously about getting an AP vehicle. I use it every day commuting. That is a good filter for the used vehicles available. On the other hand if you don't think you will need AP, you can save money on a used purchase.