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WTB model S with rear seats

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Oooh, congrats! I am open to a 60. Is sypercharging enabled? I havent had much luck finding an 85 with rear seats in my budget.

What are the details if your vehicle?

Thanks! We're super excited.
My 60 is solid black on black leather, matte obeche, supercharging enabled, jump seats, sound studio package, tech package, active air suspension, currently 65k miles. KBB currently says about $50k for private party value. We'll see what it says when I'm ready to sell.
Join the club...I have exact same requirements. There will be something for us soon, I hope. I am waiting for this supposed influx of CPO cars.
Yeah i keep hearing there is some mythical inventory of unicorn cpo cars coming soon. Hopefully! It seems like $60k will get a really good model S but those rear seats seem to be a little harder to find on lower optioned vehicles. I have found several in the low $50ks but i need the rear seats.
Thanks! We're super excited.
My 60 is solid black on black leather, matte obeche, supercharging enabled, jump seats, sound studio package, tech package, active air suspension, currently 65k miles. KBB currently says about $50k for private party value. We'll see what it says when I'm ready to sell.
Thanks for the info. I would prefer to find one in a lighter color but will keep an eye out for your listing when you are ready to sell. Thanks!