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WTB: Tesla Zero Emissions license plate card

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I not only have one that's pristine, but also have it in a pristine "ALL-WHEEL DRIVE" frame that I'm willing to let go of. What do you have in mind?

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PMs with @akidesir revealed what he was trying to do: display his Tesla at car shows without his license plate showing in photos. Rather than charge him the going (~$35, shipped, per eBay) rate for the frame and plastic message plate, it was just as easy to whip up a PDF of the plate in two formats for him to print and slap over his plate. (12x6")

Since others might have such a need, here's the PDF for anyone to use. :cool:

If anyone wants the frame/plate, PM me. :D


  • zero-emissions.pdf
    21.7 KB · Views: 318