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WTB: WTT: OEM 2021+ Model S Refresh round steering wheel

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Looking for OEM 2021+ Model S Refresh round steering wheel.

Also open to trade my yoke for your OEM round steering wheel.

You now have the ability to refresh your Model S / S Plaid Yoke Steering wheel into a full complete rounded steering wheel with all functions and no compromises. Round steering wheels are made to completely match with your OEM steering wheel core. Adopts top-grade leather, and you don't have to worry about any air bubbles and deformation. it adds texture ergonomically designed for worry-free driving and comfortable to handle.

On top of that, you can even customize the look and feel to your heart's content. The most comprehensive options to make your steering wheel truly yours.

Tesery is proud to bring you a one of a kind fully custom made new steering wheel replacement in a range of designs including racing steering wheels, yoke steering wheels, half steering wheel, round steering wheel, rectangular steering wheel, normal steering wheel, roadster steering wheel... The most comprehensive options to make your Model S & Model X steering wheel truly yours.

Each steering wheel consist of skeleton made out of a strong metal such as magnesium, aluminum or steel, wearable with anti-aging. The skeleton is covered by a highly durable, soft, foam material along Nappa leather, wirh inject molding used to apply the polyurethane on the skeleton.

You can choose your favorite style by clicking on the link below.



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