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  1. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yes this is correct, it’s been rumoured that trials to bring them back are starting soon but that’s not happened yet
  2. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Those two look like P’s to me I’m sure yours is there too!
  3. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    @laurenj94 sent me this earlier, for those of you who got the little shipment..
  4. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace’s expected time in Fremantle Port has moved forward almost 24 hours. It’s now loading the morning of the 26th. Promising!
  5. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace is moored at Laem Chabang! It’s due in port for 24 hours, and should go back to Singapore and then onto Fremantle.
  6. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    No… it blew out a whole minute 😡 🤣
  7. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace has been showing as due in Laem Chabang port at 4am tomorrow morning, but the destination has dropped out of tracking. Glitch or delay? Who knows. I’ll be watching it throughout the night.
  8. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    This is the level of dedication I appreciate. Not a bad guess either - based on the VIN you shared with me, the total was 30. 🔥
  9. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I don’t believe the 30 days enhanced autopilot is offered anymore, that was a short thing a full year or so ago
  10. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong has left Singapore for Thailand.
  11. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    If yours is on Turandot as I suspect (more than suspect) then the MolAce RoRo will not do you any favours - Turandot is a Wilhemsen.
  12. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace has arrived in Singapore, it’s currently moored. When it leaves it will be off to Laem Chabang, Thailand to pick up ours - due 8AM Monday in Port there.
  13. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Port congestion by the look of it, Orion Highway and Salvia Ace are ahead of it in the queue.
  14. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    It’s an educated guess until Tesla give up the ghost and confirm it for you. Otherwise Viper is spot on. Educated guesswork. I initially had Morning Crystal as the probable ship this run, Paganella a slightly possibility, then Turandot as a secondary carrier, or not at all much later on. You...
  15. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Damn I’m good 😎
  16. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    .. or if it is just a truck then it’s more direct Win win I suppose
  17. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    The 18-30 timeline is consistent-ish with that of ours for Dugong. Finishes unloading the 15/16th, no delays out of the port or on the warehouse side, I reckon the 18th is really unreasonably optimistic but 20th and forwards? No reason why note Dugong finishes unloading on the 28th, earliest...
  18. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    It may well arrive tomorrow but it won’t begin the process to commence unloading until the 15th (well, 2359 on the 14th) due to port congestion Fremantle Ports expected movements is your friend, updates 6 days a week. I’ll throw together my methodology on the tracking thread at some point if...
  19. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Not that it’s of much use to us aside from a what might have been, but Leo Spirit is off Kwinana Anchorage now has been for the last four hours - due to be brought in in three and a half hours We are two and a half days from seeing Dugong hit Singapore.
  20. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Who do you think keeps giving him this information? 😉 😉
  21. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Arc is due in port midnight on the 15th. However, as it’s going to the 12 NQ we won’t be able to see the loot from the webcam
  22. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Marinetraffic is the better tracking website because it updates sooner and more frequently than the vesselfinder but it also crashes more often too. However, I’m cross referencing that data with every shipping schedule I can find, from both ends of the supply chain. Originally Leo Spirit was...
  23. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Leo Spirit is 24 hours away from unloading - really curious to see what it’s ferrying that wasn’t our Tesla’s. Toyotas maybe? Dugong has blown out until midnight of the 18th for departure, still on track to begin its movements in Fremantle port late in the 26th however. I also note an...
  24. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Who needs a full sized model Y when you have these beasts.?
  25. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Looks like someone pulled the trigger on the HW3 number, the website now only shows the white/white; one with 19 Gemini’s and one with 20 Inductions. I know our allocations are tiny but you can’t say they don’t move here in the West.
  26. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Maybe, but why only white? There’s an absolute ship load (literally) of 2023 dated stock from the Glovis.
  27. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Interesting that they still seemingly have to somehow transport old HW3 stock from elsewhere. Not really sure how that works. 🤷‍♂️
  28. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    I don’t believe Morning Crystal has any M3P on there, no? It’s all on Turandot?
  29. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Wow it’s gone quiet in here - looks like my echo chamber 😹 I posted the other day that it looks like the LRs were gone. Well, now everything model Y is gone that isn’t white. Why? Look at the gnarly button at the top. I wonder if that existed a month ago how many of us would’ve pulled the...
  30. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    So to give everyone a run down of where things stand around the country Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane are awaiting pickup from the Grand Pace which departed last week. Adelaide are waiting for the Leo Spirit due in about a week, it’s got to stop off in Fremantle first. Perth are waiting for...
  31. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace has departed Xiamen for Singapore, currently due at 4AM on the 13th (Thursday).
  32. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Our EDD (Dugong Ace) has come closer by a day. I don’t think it can move closer pretty much any more unless it arrives sooner, I’m just hoping the gap in dates closes as it has for our Paganella loaded friends in the east. EDD July 5-July 26 now.
  33. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace will be going to Singapore from Xiamen. Whether it goes Singapore-Thailand-Fremantle or Singapore-Thailand-Singapore-Thailand TBC. Either way, we’re 9 days away from departure from Thailand with our Teslas based on current schedule.
  34. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace has arrived bang smack on time in Xiamen. Should be a 12ish hour turnaround and it’ll be on it’s way. Dazmac are still anticipating a 27th departure from Fremantle for Dugong, Fremantle has it also, midnight going onto the 28th. Leo Spirit on their end has blown out two days...
  35. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Both to an extent. It isn’t yet on Dugong Ace, it came to Singapore and then Thailand via Leo Spirit, it was then dropped off, Leo Spirit left for Singapore (with Adelaide’s Teslas still on it). We’re waiting for Dugong to come back from its pickup run, where it’ll go to Singapore and then here.
  36. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Leo Spirit is due in Freo Port on the 10th. It’s Dugong Ace not due until the 26th
  37. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I ended up going the other way from QS to ultra red for the same reason, because WA got ripped off big time with their QS allocations. I’m guessing Turandot is the ship in question, as they just gave their allocations yesterday. IMO the induction wheels are a waste now the Gemini’s are black...
  38. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace has left Shanghai for Xiamen; due tomorrow afternoon
  39. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    You’ve got a HW3 spec, so yes, it’s older. It has an older on board computer. Practically, today, there isn’t a lot of difference, but going in the future it might.
  40. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    So, which of you just cleared out Tesla WA’s long range stock? I looked four hours ago, we had the red, grey and black numbers Now; nada 🤔
  41. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    It'll leave Shanghai tomorrow or so, but it's just a question of where it stops on the way if anywhere. Unfortunately it must be considered a transship as it isn’t on the molace schedule at all I don’t know man, I dig the minimalistic warehouse vibe big time. I look forward to my selfie with...
  42. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    It seems about right, the most right on anything trackable.
  43. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Is this how women feel about pregnancy? Hate it, but then miss it after? Because this part is dogpoo.
  44. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    I'm guessing Turandot. Brisbane > Syd > Mel.
  45. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Nah, I don't think so. The timeline doesn't work. Initially I had thought Morning Crystal could be likely, as Leo Spirit was loading side by side and Leo is confirmed to have Teslas on it, but there's almost a full month between then and now. Could be Turandot, due in another week, but I don't...
  46. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Thinking about it... Torrrens left on the 31st. Took a week from Port to delivery centre to organise delivery dates for 10 days from now. Two and half week We shouldn't face the backlog that Torrens is, we're only competing with the road based vehicles. I still think the 6th is a push, but...
  47. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong Ace is in Shanghai now. It'll go back to Thailand, to Singapore and then here. The good news? It's Freo port official now, and still on schedule.
  48. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I wonder if I'd kept my QS whether I'd be on the truck or on the Ship... hmmm
  49. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Wait for the main delivery warehouse to be free, wash them and get them in. The issue is the main pickup warehouse isn't big enough for 3 boatloads of vehicles.
  50. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Why is the backlog for delivery so long we all ask? This isn’t helping (Not my post)