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  1. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Happy for you, enjoy mate! However, I was 100% certain that you were located in the US, before reaching the end of your post. FYI — This is a Canadian waiting room thread! I think the late night jump scare of sleep might have something to do with it 😉 Again, enjoy and congrats! 🚙
  2. B

    Model 3 Performance (Canada) Waiting Room

    Nice! Saw here that dates changed for another fellow Canadian, and some individuals who responded. No changes for me. Anyone else seeing changes? Hoping deliveries start next month as initially advertised 🤞
  3. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Seeing some EDD changes in the other thread, and X. Any changes from those here? Nothing to report for me. Still holding at September - October for me.
  4. B

    Model 3 Performance (Canada) Waiting Room

    Hopefully not, build quality is atrocious. Though the Panasonic battery would be nice! It’s also a consulting period, no action at this time. Again, as mentioned before, would be inplemented after the summer, if anything. https://apple.news/ASvGCmjAITfa68DVJCpdSNw
  5. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    It will be. The free colour ALWAYS is.
  6. B

    Model 3 Performance (Canada) Waiting Room

    This will happen in a few months, September/October at the earliest if enacted. Government is on recess until the fall. Hopefully Elon delivers our cars before then.
  7. B

    Model 3 Performance (Canada) Waiting Room

    Passed by the Vaughan, ON SC yesterday while running errands. I asked when the M3P would be available for demo, and the SA said they are expecting them in August. With deliveries expected to begin mid-late August, as Chinese demand has increased and have been given priority supply. SA said for...
  8. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Nice. State? Also, add to the sheet?
  9. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    This. I also would rather the M3P Giga Shanghai quality over the Fremont US builds, based on feedback from those overseas, its leaps and bounds better… I hope🤞
  10. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    I thought I lost a fellow CDN brother to the wait game! Hopefully within the next 2 weeks, we start seeing CDN VINs assigned 🤞
  11. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Thanks, I see him again! Odd.
  12. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    @spennyy Did you cancel your order, or did someone remove your entry from the tracker? You were the only person from Vancouver, BC on the sheet if I recall correctly.
  13. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Drive Tesla Canada reported on my November delivery window lol, but overall canadian order delays. https://driveteslacanada.ca/news/tesla-model-3-performance-deliveries-delayed-in-canada/ Dear Elon, if you’re reading this, please expedite ;-) Sincerely, Prospective Canadian M3P Customers
  14. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    EDD updated from Sept 28 - Nov 23rd to Sept 18 - Oct 30th. Better than my far reaching Nov EDD lol
  15. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Goodbye November EDD. EDD updated from September 28-November 23rd to September 18 - October 30th... for now lol
  16. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    THIS. I definitely am aligned with your statement, I’ve become much more at peace since not checking for updates and videos. Popping in every so often, as it’s nice to see others take delivery of their beauties :)
  17. B

    Model 3 Performance (Canada) Waiting Room

    Based on this link here, when the Highland was launched in Canada this year, initial deliveries went to Ontario, Quebec and Alberta. Selfishly, I hope this is the case again 😛, but I’ll be happy seeing Canadian orders receive VINs!!
  18. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Correct. Gotta wait and trade when your car is ready, or sell privately earlier and find another driving solution until your car arrives.
  19. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Hoping for everyone’s sake the maximum wait from their order date is 2-3 months max. This way we can enjoy the summer, and end the waiting madness 😂
  20. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    UGH, I NEED. 🤤 Congrats!!
  21. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Yes, counting your EDD blessings. I’m the only one (as of now) on the tracker with an EDD reaching Nov 😊😂
  22. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Very much this. Not a fan of red, but seeing the Ultra Red … I was like “One M3P in Ultra Red, please 🙋”
  23. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Sigh. The EDD monkey now begins it’s rampage on Canadian orders! Ouch, but better than Nov ;)
  24. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    After seeing my EDD update from Aug 13-Sept 25 to Sept 28-Nov 23 (Canada), I’m with you on this 100%! Will continue to update the tracker. Until then, will check once a week or if I get a notif and will live through you lot who get deliveries :)
  25. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Just checked. EDD moved from Aug 14-Sept 25 to Sept 28 - Nov 23rd. Sigh. Updated tracker. @Destiny1701 @M109Rider - Any movement for you?
  26. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Humanity still has a chance 🙌
  27. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Any update from the TA you spoke with? 👀 Messaged in the app yesterday, and the SA advised assignment should begin through the month.
  28. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    To confirm, you got a VIN?! If so, woohoo!
  29. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Good catch. Considering they are on here proclaiming daily they haven't received a VIN... Though I'm sure it could've been lost with the amount of times the sheet has been messed up. @CHB12312 Are you on the sheet or trolling? Haha
  30. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Ahh! Don’t be fixated on this date, I’m sure it will move around a bit.
  31. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    This. I have a feeling this will fluctuate like we’ve seen in the Ludicrous thread, as we get closer to July and deliveries begin. Same EDD range.. for now!
  32. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Congrats! Thanks for sharing. Let me know your thoughts on the audio, I'm curious haha
  33. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I just saw this! Any one else who took delivery have any build/panel issues with their car?! 👀 @eeeric Thanks for this!!
  34. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    We want it NOW haha. Let's keep our fingers crossed for no logistics delays!!
  35. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    I noticed that too! The US site is most likely getting updates as the car has officially launched there too. Maybe we will see changes once we get closer to July. Haha I hear you! It’s been nice seeing real world impressions and pictures of the car. I was hoping for a Mid-July delivery, so...
  36. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    What was the difference in miles when you resubmitted the trade? 👀 Hoping mine doesn’t drop by much :/
  37. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy your ride!! The red looks awesome. I too am stepping out of my comfort zone, and going red. Can’t wait! 🚀
  38. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I’m with you on this, I feel that they will catch up!
  39. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Someone on the tracker has a VIN, with a May order date.
  40. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Your window should tighten soon
  41. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    It would seem so! I guess the the three of us are in the same situation. What's your current EDD?
  42. B

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Same boat as you! Aug 14-Sept 25th :( I feel the Canadian deliveries won't be subjected to the delays seen with US orders, as it seems RoW are getting deliveries without issue. Fingers crossed we see some movement on CDN VINs in the next few weeks 🤞
  43. B

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Most likely will accept the trade, and consider options as I get closer to M3P Reality!