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  1. G

    Is non enhanced autopilot included.

    Any ideas how they might handle people who opted not to get AP but we're expecting to only pay $3000-$3500 surely they will make the 1 camera option available to maintain that promise?
  2. G

    Level 5 dreams

    With the impending implementation of level 5 what cool features or uses would you like to see. For me I want the car to talk like Alfred so I can say "Alfred, how's traffic on the 405" and Alfred will respond "it's bumper to bumper, might I suggest we take an alternate route" and I'll say "yes...
  3. G

    Recieved tesla s yesterday no AP2

    Isn't there a 3 day happiness policy?
  4. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    Yeah they brings up an whole other category of people, what about those who did not order AP1 expecting to add it later for $3500 do they now have to pay $6000?
  5. G

    [poll] how many AP2.0 upgrades

    I'm wondering how many of us ordered AP1.0 but will be receiving AP2.0 hardware and what your plans are.
  6. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    @MP3Mike yeah that makes sense if it does degrade. Also if the group is bigger than a few hundred there is reason enough to maintain the differences
  7. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    @MP3Mike you're right, it isn't bait n switch in the negative meaning of the phrase (it's more of a bait n upgrade), but the fact is we were told we would get one thing but are getting something else. What we are getting is significantly better than what we were expecting I definitely concede...
  8. G

    Is non enhanced autopilot included.

    Starting a new thread here because this subject has come up in a couple places. When ordering a MX there is no option for non enhanced AP yet the APE wording says the enhancements include going from one to four camera's Does this mean that non standard is now included for no extra cost?
  9. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    @MP3Mike I didn't give them any options I was just told I have to pay more. My statement was about how they could have made it less stressful and confusing.... Nowhere does it say AP uses 1 camera. The ONLY option listed is APE which states going from 1 to 4 cameras which explicitly implies 1...
  10. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    That's not what my DS said, we have to pay more to get APE
  11. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    Agreed that would have been nice
  12. G

    Stealing level 5

    You know it wouldn't surprise me if the cameras didn't record. If tesla plans an automated Uber fleet and the car is accused of causing a serious accident you'd think they would want video of the accident to determine who is at fault
  13. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    Absolutely, a self driving car is a dream I'm already forking out a lot $5000 more is small in comparison Although I think those who paid for AP should receive APE for free, either that or tesla should make an AP non enhanced available (maybe listed as no longer available) with just one camera...
  14. G

    4 vs 8 camera, rear-view and blind spot detection

    Would have communicated better if they left out the who one camera part so that it read something like "The enhancements include four cameras to see fast-approaching vehicles in adjacent lanes."
  15. G

    MX 60d AP Wording Changed

    My MX 60d is due for delivery in December, My Order sheet changed from saying: "Autopilot Convenience Features 2,500" to "Autopilot Hardware 1 with Convenience Features 2,500" Elon stated that ALL vehicle coming out of the factory now will have the new hardware suite..... does anyone have...
  16. G

    Which candidate is better for Tesla?

    Hillary will launch nukes at Russia and within 4 minutes of her time in office there will be no environment to speak of. Trump on the other hand will make friends with everyone, charge them all according to their profiting off the US, then in turn lower everyone's taxes so they can all afford...
  17. G

    Stealing level 5

    That's a good point, they should turn on the cameras to record and transmit live streams so you can prosecute all criminal activity and damage
  18. G

    4 vs 8 camera, rear-view and blind spot detection

    What about the going from one camera to four? There is no option for one camera which suggests, to me anyways that it's included?
  19. G

    4 vs 8 camera, rear-view and blind spot detection

    So the enhanced says your going from 1 to 4 camera's does this mean AP1.0 is now included standard?
  20. G

    AP1 owners take heart

    Elon stated in the call that tesla vision is what they call the software and that it runs on several hardware platforms. The cameras are part of the sensor suite. You have a valid point about the hardware processing limitation though.
  21. G

    I can see the headlines now.

    With the AP2 announcement I'm wondering what will happen when someone who has a tesla with AP2 hardware but only AP1 features enabled (1 camera) and gets into an accident. Currently the media blames most tesla accidents on autopilot regardless of the facts usually refuted by tesla with facts...
  22. G

    AP1 owners take heart

    I imagine AP1 hardware will eventually switch to tesla vision (if it hasn't switched already) so both hardware's are on the same software since Elon did mention the software will run on any hardware. The AP2 will simply have more cameras and better sensors but it's entirely possible AP1 will...
  23. G

    Model X 60D is Gone

    I suspect the difference is between those who paid $2500 and $3000 for AP1 what sucks (well from my perspective anyways) is the ones who paid $2500 lose the discount they got on $2500 AP1 before the price increase when they upgrade to APE
  24. G

    Model X 60D is Gone

    I was told there are no discounts, I can stick with the autopilot I ordered at $2500 or pay an additional $2500 to upgrade to enhanced and $3000 to get full self driving all pending the functionality being available so basically no discount at all
  25. G

    Stealing level 5

    Omg how cool would it be if it recognized and greeted you like Hal. Hello Dave, where where would you like to go today. Bonus Easter egg... "I'm sorry Dave I can't do that."
  26. G

    Sensor Interference

    does anyone know if the radar and ultrasonic sensors are effected by sensors in other cars, e. g. if 200 teslas are on the road together do the sensors get confused?
  27. G

    Stealing level 5

    as i was thinking of all the level 5 scenarios i couldn't help but wonder, is it harder to steal a level 5 car. Would you just goto the police station then summon the car :) Thoughts?
  28. G

    Tesla Referral Program

    here ya go feel free to use mine http://ts.la/greg4419
  29. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    mind blown, i was expecting AP 2.0 but i wasn't really expecting lvl 5
  30. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    In the call Elon did state that they are no longer installing AP1. All cars coming out of the factory will include AP2 hardware, which answers one of my questions about our MX to be delivered in December. Now the question is if there will be an additional cost? I'm actually leaning towards...
  31. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    I wonder if the 8 cameras could be used for parking security as well?
  32. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    my 60d due for delivery in December says DA02 in the source code, does that mean they will still manufacture the old AP1 for existing orders or with that be changed... I cant imagine they would want their assembly line having to deal with two different installations, Im assuming they will have...
  33. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    any mention on what they are doing for cars on order that havent been delivered yet, do we get a discount, do we get the upgrade for free???
  34. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    omg i am so glad i pushed delivery to December
  35. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    soooo is 5:03 what's up uncle E
  36. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    M3 p2 = level 4 autonomy = tesla vision 4 all = :)
  37. G

    My Tesla M3 Reversation Page updated

    agreed, the snowball is gaining speed and size with time, the M3 is significantly simpler than the MX I expect they will deliver on time.
  38. G

    Tesla Referral Program

    I guess it's better than no referrals at all, New buyers still save a $1000 http://ts.la/greg4419
  39. G

    No wifi while driving in v8.0

    just youtube mitm wifi, you'll see just how easy a hacker can attack you via wifi, passwords do not protect you.
  40. G

    No wifi while driving in v8.0

    This is wonderful news. This could possibly be the single greatest security fix tesla could implement, wifi is horribly insecure. Im sure the recent vulnerability discovered by keen illustrated to tesla just how vulnerable wifi can be. even if every security vulnerability was patched leaving...
  41. G

    Car Unlocking On Its Own At Night

    omg, i hope they don't have a lurch forward bug in the future, maybe I'll back in when we get ours.
  42. G

    Autopilot failed to notice a bus today

    i would assume that it would recognize the bus because it's supposed to use the radar as the primary recognition and camera as a backup but this does bring up a good point, can you fool the camera with a picture, i wonder if tesla has tested this. reminds me of fooling face unlock on a phone...
  43. G

    I wonder if new bugs aren't due to new hardware

    Elon tweeted that he will be revealing a new product on Oct 17th i wonder if it's not going to be new AP 2.0 hardware. If it is new hardware, i wonder if they haven't been installing the new hardware such as the new nvidia suite of ai hardware for automation. if that is the case then it...
  44. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    we are probably all wrong and it's a new mass market rocket for colonizing Mars after the election, with EM as the new president of Mars
  45. G

    Car Unlocking On Its Own At Night

    its possible the signal is being bounced or even possibly amplified by something in your house, try putting your key fob significantly further away or in something that will shield radio signals and see if it continues to happen.
  46. G

    Which candidate is better for Tesla?

    Trump is going to take back control of our energy, which is the best path to getting off our dependence of non renewable energy. Hillary is going to sell us out to the highest bidder while telling us that she has done more than any of her predecessors to move us towards renewable energy
  47. G

    President Trump's future policies, something to fear

    The fact of the matter is that fossil fuels are NOT going away immediately, it is a slow conversion process, one well on its way thanks to the efforts of EM and the tesla community. ONE (of the many) problem is that while we have a current dependency on fossil fuel we have been signing and...
  48. G

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    Starting October 17th 2016 you will be able to change your Model X into various other vehicles such as a Model S for a small fee. Made possible because all Tesla's are actually transformers that have been software limited to their current shapes thanks to a revolutionary new smart aluminum...
  49. G

    November delivery...

    got our vin moments ago delivery set for end of November beginning of December
  50. G

    Model X 60D is Gone

    any chance tesla will upgrade the outstanding 60d orders