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  1. B

    Surprising characteristic or newbie ignorance?

    Yes. I would like a true one-pedal option. 1. Regen to a complete stop. 2. When you stop (brake or regen) it stays put. No creep and no roll back. Who would ever want to have roll-back anyway? You have neutral in the very rare case when you want the car to roll backwards by itself. I don’t...
  2. B

    Is it worth changing?

    Hmmm. No warning saying the charge door is open?
  3. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    He was using the British spelling. Please don’t read my posts, I’m a terible speler.
  4. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Yes. Switched CS locations and things started moving, Picked up car and got two programmed keys and they fixed about 5-7 other issues I had with the car. very satisfied--so far.
  5. B

    Over Charging

    The manual says something like “A plugged in Tesla is a Happy Tesla” .
  6. B

    Shortage of keys?

    SC said that you have to bring car into SC to program new keys. Mobile service can’t do it. Picked up my Snowball today-at SC now. Also getting them to look at a # of small issues while there. Much more impressed with this SC over the one where I picked up Snowball.
  7. B

    Shortage of keys?

    I only got one key and it went bad after two weeks. The APP works okay but is not nearly as convenient. Process 1. Fetch phone 2. find and hit the app. 3. Hit the unlock icon. 4. Verify, do you really want to unlock? Y 5. Hit the Keyless drive icon. 6. Verify-use fingerprint scanner. After this...
  8. B

    Newbie questions and a lesson learned

    Yes. I got the update. “Maintain Climate Control” issue already fixed by T. Must have read this thread!!
  9. B

    2017.42.1 94435ee

    Just got 42 . If there was a problem with 42 and they fixed it in the next release, will they continue pushing out a bum release or will they issue a bad release and then update it with a corrected version when they get around to it? I can’t see why they would continue pushing out the bad...
  10. B

    Newbie questions and a lesson learned

    My wife has late stage AD so she is unable to comprehend touching screen. Dog is pretty smart though. Might be able to train him if the touch screen will respond to a wet nose.
  11. B

    Is it worth changing?

    No. I push button on the adapter until the light turns from green to light blue. Then I release the adapter button and it regards the adapter and you can pull out with one hand. If you fail to release the button you need to use two hands because the adapter held to the Ji772 by a latch that is...
  12. B

    EV incentives and Tesla purchasing process

    Did you lease or buy? I bought an i3. I had to go through the same bothersome process as you describe BUT BMW gave me duplicates of all I needed and gave me simple instructions and discussed the process. When I got my X, crickets from the dealer. On my own. Still if you accept the bother, I did...
  13. B

    Garage & Homelink Issues

    Tesla knows about this now. When you call a SC you will get a recording that they know about this and are trying to fix ASAP. I use Homelink so I’m wondering if I should wait on installing update until this is resolved.
  14. B

    Camper Mode release notes

    This is great for those of us with pets or, in my case a severely disabled wife. I often make stops of 15 minutes or less, but in the Mojave Desert heat that can still get uncomfortable in that short time. Likewise, I suspect cold climes will also love this. Excellent change. It would be nice...
  15. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    One neat feature of the Tesla is the ability to do updates and analysis at a distance. I have wondered why they do not just overnight a replacement fob? I realize there is some programming involved, but if they can unlock the car at a distance, do they not have the information they need to...
  16. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I also called the General CS line. As always, the person tried to be helpful and suggested I try a new battery. He ended by saying the exact thing that was said with my other 5-6 calls. He will pass the issue along and I should get a call from CS soon. Using the App I took my wife and went...
  17. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I escalated about 1 PM. Let’s see how long it takes to get a response.
  18. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Getting pretty desperate. The fob has totally packed it in. The only way I can use the car is with the phone--and you have to go through the process every time you get in and out. Nice feature but not as good as a working fob by a mile. Be 69 in a month. Wife is totally disabled. In hospice...
  19. B

    X: What's your 90%?

    Found the toggle under settings/units.
  20. B

    Surprising characteristic or newbie ignorance?

    Actually by the time I had the roll back, creep was off. With my i3 you had true one-pedal driving. Once you got used to it there is no going back. Come to a complete stop without using brake. With the X, when you come to a stop on a hill you have to take your foot off the accelerator and mash...
  21. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Thanks for the information and ideas. I’ll try some of this. On issue #1--I am about 30 feet away when I see the light. Closed doors. Think that is not far enough distance? Issue #2. When I get the error message I’m in the car with keys and fob in my pocket. I take it out and position it in...
  22. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I’ve had my X for 3 weeks. Still learning. Two vexing issues. 1. I have a attached garage that has exterior windows. I keep observing that the Xs lights are on when parked in that garage. I’m 40 feet away. Seems like I’m getting a lot of battery drain overnight. Issue # 2. I keep getting “Key...
  23. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    I’m not sure what is going on. It does look 90% complete, but there still is finish work to do and few workers. In addition they have not yet hired a manager and have not begun to hire the many employees needed to run the place. My question is whether the Superchargers can be operational and...
  24. B

    X: What's your 90%?

    Total newbie for sure!! I know it has to be simple but I could not find anything in the Manual--though I’m still working through it. All my numbers are in miles and not %. Is there some screen or toggle that gives you the % charge. Is the line between trip and daily 90 %? If so 100D is 260 at...
  25. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    Yes--and no offense to the locals, but Yermo is not exactly the epicenter of construction activity statewide. This is the biggest thing to happen to Yermo since Upton”s went in in the 60s!!
  26. B

    Is it worth changing?

    Thanks Texas EV--I have been slogging through the owners manual at 5-10 pages a day but have lapsed lately. I got up to pg. 90. but charging starts at 140 so I had not read that. one of the good aspects of this forum are frequent reminders on how valuable/informative the manual is.
  27. B

    Is it worth changing?

    Thanks. tccartier. None of these factors concern me. I have solar at my home which generates excess power. I’m all electric and have not paid a utility bill (except water) for 3 years. I don’t have TOC metering since there is no need and you are right, just plugging it in whenever is fine. It...
  28. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    This pic is virtually identical to the ones I took three weeks ago. So little changed, that I did not even post them. Did you see many work vehicles at the site? When I went by at 2PM there was only one sedan on the whole property. What concerns me is that the exterior of the building needs a...
  29. B

    Insurance Cost in SoCal. for MX

    Wow, that is less than half of what I’m paying. Called the insure my Tesla # and was auto terminated, Said to call back during Business Hours. I called at 3 PM.
  30. B

    Insurance Cost in SoCal. for MX

    Does anyone know what a good insurance cost is for the MX. I just to my bill and it is $1247 for 6 months--$2500 for a year. This is with replacement cost rider. I have a clean record. Mercury Ins. This is $950 more a year than my BMW i3. Kind of wipes out ones fuel savings. Any body happy...
  31. B

    Federal Tax Credit and Tesla buy-back

    This is what I did with a i3 lemon. I replaced it with another i3 and did not request another credit. Slept easier at night. Actually bought a significant upgrade with the buyback funds (price dropped).. So I was happy and felt I complied with the intent of the law. IRS audits are a pain!!
  32. B

    Auto Present Solution

    Thankful, mine works as designed. But I do wish it would disable automatically at home and re-engage automatically when out and about.
  33. B

    Is it worth changing?

    I had an i3. Installed a 6-50 Clipper Creek Charger. When I use the adapter Tesla supplied with my X, I’m getting about 21 MPH of charging with the CC. It will cost me about $300 to have an electrician rewire to a 14-50 so I can use the Tesla travel charger. Cost/Benefit--Is it worth the $300...
  34. B

    Auto Present Solution

    How do you give brilliant ideas to Tesla? People who use their garage frequently (trash, storage, tools) find it annoying to use auto present. Door always opens and sometimes does not recluse. Radio and AC go on with lights etc. Yet the feature is both cool and useful when out and about. Who...
  35. B

    I Hate to Read Car Manuals !!

    Anyone like me? I am WORKING my way through the X manual. It is a slog to be sure, but I find I AM learning a bunch. I find that If I set a goal of just 5 pages a day, that I am making progress. Usually I read a few more because of momentum. The embarrassing thing is that many/most of the...
  36. B

    Problems setting up Homelink

    It is cool when you get it set up. I programmed both my gate opener and garage door opener with the Homelink. Jury still out on using the auto-open/close feature. Not that hard to close either the gate or door on the X with auto.
  37. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    Yes, but if you are trying to avoid congestion, there is tons of it backing up from the Bridge over the Mojave at Barstow all the way East to inspection station and even to Minneola Road. Frankly, if you are already on I-40 heading west, you could hit the SC at the Linwood exit in Barstow...
  38. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    I’m a little concerned about the continuing progress at Eddies World. Just went by last Friday and there were no workers there . Only one black sedan. Everything looks almost ready but little changed for a month. Everything paved, Superchargers installed but finish work on the facade and portico...
  39. B

    Newbie questions and a lesson learned

    Thanks everybody. All questions answered. I still think a button the says “Maintain Climate Control” should appear on the “Door” screen when putting the X in park. Much easier.
  40. B

    Surprising characteristic or newbie ignorance?

    Great. Makes sense. Whew!! Thanks.
  41. B

    Surprising characteristic or newbie ignorance?

    1. I’ve only had my X for 6 days. Stoplight on a hill. HONK, HONK. The car behind me had noticed that I was rolling backwards into her vehicle. I stopped in time but was shaken. I haven’t had a car without backward roll prevention in 20 years!! 2. Eighty mile drive home from the dealer...
  42. B

    Newbie questions and a lesson learned

    Thank you. I have the Upgraded Audio pkg. Is Sirius/XM provided free or via a paid subscription?
  43. B

    Newbie questions and a lesson learned

    Good point. I’m still getting over my i3 range anxiety where I plugged in every time I got home. The one down side to letting the charge get down to 25% is if there was a surprise need to go on a longer trip, one would have to wait for the L2 to charge sufficiently (at 20MPH) before leaving...
  44. B

    Newbie questions and a lesson learned

    Newbie questions and comment: 1. Is there any way to quickly maintain the climate controls (AC/Heating) other than by using the phone app? My BMW had a prompt whenever you shut off the car. Wife severely disabled and we travel with a dog. Live in the desert. I frequently make stops and wife...
  45. B

    X: What's your 90%?

    Question: I understand that the 90% is to protect your battery. I think the science is that either a very low or high charge is unhealthy when at a wait state. But what if you are going to use the car for a significant distance (over 50 miles) immediately. Any harm in going to 100%? Only had my...
  46. B

    Supercharger - Yermo, CA (LIVE 21 Nov 2017, 18 V2 Stalls)

    The Eddie World website is advertising for only one position. This looks like a head honcho position. This being the case it sounds like the opening would be after they have hired a multitude of employees. I also suspect they will bring in an experience team from their other location to recruit...