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  1. Haxster

    Determine Cost Per Mile?

    Be careful about energy cost savings. Consider this scenario: After tax credits and rebates, you pay $10K more for a Tesla (or another EV) than a comparable ICE car. You save $0.10 per mile on "fuel". After 100,000 miles, you break even (10,000/0.1). All else being equal (and it's not), the pure...
  2. Haxster

    2017.28.4cf44833 (spoiler: nothing new in release notes)

    Here's the deal: The "cf" stands for "changed or fixed". The numbers following it are the number of "changes or fixes" made to the last version... or not :eek:
  3. Haxster

    When will M3 demonstrators arrive at Tesla stores?

    I was told by the Santana Row store (in Silicon Valley, not far from the factory) that they wouldn't have one for "a few months".
  4. Haxster

    Where is the special token of appreciation for day 1 line waiters?

    You may get to be the first one on your block with a $50K Model 3.
  5. Haxster

    Do you Wave or Wave Back at other Tesla drivers on the road?

    No…not elitist. Just trying to avoid repetitive stress injury.
  6. Haxster

    How can Tesla do rain sensing on AP2?

    Unfortunately, other things could produce the same flair patterns. Here's a scenario: You park under a tree on a hot day. Clear tree sap drops on the window over the camera. It drys hard. When you get in the car, it thinks there's a rain drop or two on the windshield. The wipers start and...
  7. Haxster

    Stupid question thread

    A spinning inertial wheel is another approach. Not so good: the gyroscopic effect on handling. :eek: However, I understand that an inertial wheel is used somewhere in Europe for a cable car that goes up and down a steep hill. Makes sense for that application. Maybe they also considered a wind-up...
  8. Haxster

    Stupid question thread

    I always suspected that that huge slab under the car was really just a giant wind-up spring. That explains the electric motor sounds that I hear sometimes when I'm charging the car...they're actually just winding up the spring. Right? o_O
  9. Haxster

    Console Phone Induction Charging

    Sounds interesting. When I click on your links, I get: Tesla Motors Club - Error You do not have permission to view media within this album. You may want to change them to public or upload photos.
  10. Haxster

    Tesla Semi Battery and Charging configuration

    And beyond (well beyond) self-powered trailers, there could be self-driving trailers. No semis (or drivers) needed.
  11. Haxster

    Tesla Semi Battery and Charging configuration

    Another future concept to think about... With small efficient electric drive motors, modern controller electronics, and powerful batteries, maybe the traditional tractor-pulling-trailer approach will make less sense. Semis already control a trailers brakes and lighting. What about having them...
  12. Haxster

    Tesla Semi Battery and Charging configuration

    It's hard for me to imagine a semi fitting in a current passenger car supercharger station...even if it's not pulling a trailer. I guess it could if it dropped off its trailer(s) nearby while it was charging. More likely, semis will have their own chargers or battery swapping stations. Swapping...
  13. Haxster

    Reasons for Wheel Size

    I can't answer your question, but... One strategy some buyers use on current Teslas is to get the standard wheels, mount the tires (and tire pressure sensors) on aftermarket wheels that you like, then either keep the standard wheels for winter tires or sell them to someone else. There should be...
  14. Haxster

    Reasons for Wheel Size

    Larger wheels (i.e. lower profile tires) are more vulnerable to tire punctures from pot holes (we have a lot of these in California) and curb mishaps. These sorts of tire punctures can often not be repaired and can also cause damage to the wheels (which usually CAN be repaired).
  15. Haxster

    How many Teslas are in the Bay Area ?

    Or this link http://energycenter.org/sites/default/files/docs/nav/transportation/experience-electric/EXEL-Bay-Area-EV-Driver-Data.pdf From this (kind of dated) report: 16% of 21K EVs in the Bay Area are Teslas ~3,350. Seems like there are a lot more than that these days.
  16. Haxster

    Discussion about production Model 3 #1 (SN1)

    To me, it still kind of looks like if a Model S and Model X got together and had a baby.
  17. Haxster

    Has anyone tried Perpendicular Auto Park yet?

    I finally got 17.26.76.to show the dim little "P". I engaged it, and it started backing into a space. I chickened out and hit the brake when it looked like the car was about to mash my passenger side rear door into one of the two parked cars.:eek: I could have misjudged things, but.... I tried...
  18. Haxster

    Let's try to figure out the Tesla Software rollout process!

    A speculation: Complaining on this forum about a recent update feature moves you to the bottom of their list.
  19. Haxster

    Standard Audio Question

    Yes...such as they are. You can see them using a bright flashlight.
  20. Haxster

    Design my Model 3.

    Kind of a dangerous position to park a car...especially in that color...and at dusk.
  21. Haxster

    Update Withdrawal...a WiFi issue?

    Agree. There are a LOT of things that they could enable, fix or improve. Maybe once they get the M3 out, solve the early firmware issues, fix the serious problems, address the quirks, deal with major customer satisfaction issues, and try to tune some of the remaining shortcomings, they'll give...
  22. Haxster

    Update Withdrawal...a WiFi issue?

    I've not gotten my update fix in nearly two months. Not since 17.17.4. I can't take it much longer. Where's my silky smooth? I'm tired of being jerked around on the highway and have my mediocre parking skills challenged every time I back in to a parking spot. And the latest and greatest is...
  23. Haxster

    My Tesla Home Charging Setup

    For the power meter, you can do a search on ebay for (Amazon seems to no longer carry this): AC 80-260V 0-100A Digital LED Panel Volt Watt Power Meter Voltmeter Ammeter For the NEMA extender cable, you can search Amazon or ebay et al for: Camco 55215 18" PowerGrip Extender - 50 AMP The...
  24. Haxster

    Almost July now. When is the final announcement?

    While I appreciate the "Funny" ratings on this post, I'm trying to figure out how this obvious "Fake News" could be rated "Informative".
  25. Haxster

    My Tesla Home Charging Setup

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I'm an engineer. I'm still getting up on the learning curve for producing videos, but do plan to do more. For those who want to skip the home charging video, here are a couple of photos showing the cable management:
  26. Haxster

    My Tesla Home Charging Setup

    The key features shown in the video are: • Quick and easy connect and disconnect • Nothing to roll up or store • No floor or overhead safety hazards • No interference with either of our two cars • Use of the standard Tesla Mobile connector • Charge and energy consumption metering
  27. Haxster

    Cruise Control-Wiper Confusion

    I DID finally get used to the Tesla gear shift UP being reverse and DOWN being forward.:confused:
  28. Haxster

    Cruise Control-Wiper Confusion

    Sometimes I long for the good old days: A single stalk. No buttons, No dials. No twists, No push. No pull. No slides. Just a simple turn signal.
  29. Haxster

    Cruise Control-Wiper Confusion

    How many times have you turned the wipers on when trying to adjust the following distance for the Traffic Aware Cruise Control? After six months, I still keep doing it. I hope that I'm not the only one.
  30. Haxster

    Is the Boring Company really breeding supertooth gophers for the job?

    May not be as farfetched as it sounds. Oh wait! My meds. My meds. I forgot to take them again. Sorry.
  31. Haxster

    Almost July now. When is the final announcement?

    Unconfirmed sources tell me June 36.
  32. Haxster

    Tesla Loaner Sale

    I was sort of interested in the 4 Cylinder Model S on line 22, but really want a V6.o_O
  33. Haxster

    San Francisco life with a Tesla

    Unless the miscreants knew this (and most current cars were retrofitted), they'd still break the glass. :( My approach is a "deterrent"... And maybe sprinkle some razor wire around the seat latch area with some electrical arching.
  34. Haxster

    Feels like a space ship?

    The future will never arrive. Because if it did, it would become the present; and no longer be the future. o_O
  35. Haxster

    17.24.28 released - improved 'silky' update from 17.22.46?

    It's the tailgaters not expecting you to suddenly slow down.
  36. Haxster

    Model 3 has dedicated rain sensor, a bad sign

    That sure is a glossy display… Reflection issues?
  37. Haxster

    17.24.28 released - improved 'silky' update from 17.22.46?

    :eek: So, good advice may be to warn friends and loved ones to try not to drive behind (or even near) Teslas.
  38. Haxster

    Centre Left Air Vent - not blowing

    There's an articulating plastic mechanism that can pop out of the damper. It's easy to snap back in, but not so easy to remove the panel from the dash to get to it. If you don't want to fix it yourself or take in in for service or close it very often, then you can probably poke a pen or...
  39. Haxster

    Flaky Auto Lane Change

    Actually, I was very careful to make sure that a manual lane change would be safe every time I tried an auto lane change (I don't trust it enough yet to do anything other than an extremely low risk change). No blind spot. No fast closing vehicle in the new lane, etc. Another annoying anomaly...
  40. Haxster

    Flaky Auto Lane Change

    Not aware of those. Will look for them next time. Thanks!
  41. Haxster

    Flaky Auto Lane Change

    Yes. Just after one failure to auto change lanes, I actually checked to make sure that is was still enabled. It was. The divided highway that I was on was well marked and a prime fit for auto lane change. And I checked to see if any of the cameras of sensors were blocked. They weren't. Maybe...
  42. Haxster

    Flaky Auto Lane Change

    I just drove from Silicon Valley to Santa Barbara and back on 101 in my 17.17.4 AP2 MS. About 700 miles I used autopilot most of the way and it worked very well. Auto lane change was another matter. About 20% of the time, the car wouldn't change lanes. Speed, lane markings, straightness, and...
  43. Haxster

    17.24.28 released - improved 'silky' update from 17.22.46?

    I'm still waiting for the update from my 17.17.4 "burlap" version.
  44. Haxster

    Amazon Buying Whole Foods

    At least in my limited travels, Tesla seems to like having SuperChargers near Whole Foods already. Perhaps future full self-driving "local delivery fleet" Teslas will deliver groceries from Whole Foods during the day and then recharge there overnight after the store is closed. (Although they...
  45. Haxster

    Charge port light

    While others may disagree, I'd vote for some form of visual confirmation at the charging port that charging was taking place that stayed on during the entire charge process...and maybe a second indication that the charge was complete. Lots of multi-color LEDs to do this. While you can get this...
  46. Haxster

    Driving without the key...

    Sounds like Tesla needs roof sensors to alert you if anything is left on the roof before driving away. Stuff like keys, purses, briefcases, groceries, babys. :eek:
  47. Haxster

    Body Colored Lower Panels

    Nice work! I don't want to offend anyone, but the first thought I had was "white turd".
  48. Haxster

    When/where are acceleration increases noticeable?

    Practical driving? Not much benefit other than potentially safer merges (think "insert" yourself into traffic) and potential collision avoidance by being able to scoot away from a "situation" (e.g. being rear-ended or side swiped). Fun factor? :D
  49. Haxster

    Body Colored Lower Panels

    IMO, flat black lower panels and wheel arches can give a lighter color vehicle a less bulky look and make it look higher off the ground. This makes more sense for the MX than the sedans. Maybe that's why they only changed it on the refresh. If you can, try photoshopping a white MX to have...
  50. Haxster

    Obeche Wood (glossy) Trim Kit

    What's the trick for removing the arm rest panel? I removed the two screws under the cup holders, released the fasteners on the front and rear by pulling up. No problem. But the center fasteners seemed REALLY tight or maybe secured by screws. I didn't want to force anything. Thanks for any help...