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  1. SocalMS

    I Enjoy the Car, I Really Dislike Tesla the Car Company

    You mean, only sell cars to those w/ rose colored glasses?
  2. SocalMS

    I Enjoy the Car, I Really Dislike Tesla the Car Company

    I don't "whine" to my neighbors.. I just speak honestly about my Tesla experience on TMC. I hope balance the "fanboys" who are online about Tesla... and give an honest assessment of the vehicle and the company.
  3. SocalMS

    I Enjoy the Car, I Really Dislike Tesla the Car Company

    What's the limit?
  4. SocalMS

    I Enjoy the Car, I Really Dislike Tesla the Car Company

    I have less than 1K miles on my car. Its a 2017. The car isn't bad.. it's a nice car. Yes there are some "things" they could've done a whole lot better... There are some poorly executed features on the car. My auto steer/cruise control/ tacc etc.. etc... doesn't work... The car isn't...
  5. SocalMS

    Unable to get a Service Appointment

    You got your appointment at the end... but do we need to really TRY THAT HARD? Should it be necessary for us to jump through so many hoops.... and push and push to get a simple appointment? Something wrong w/ this PROCESS.
  6. SocalMS

    If it all goes wrong, what will we buy?

    I would not buy a Model 3. Having one Model S is enough... And with their backed up Service Dept... No thanks! And if you get into an accident... Good luck getting parts...! One Tesla in the garage is more than enough... Having 2 is too risky..
  7. SocalMS

    Unable to get a Service Appointment

    I agree. I don't see this getting any better w/ the release of the Model 3. I hope i can get in (fix all my warranty issues) and get OUT before the rush of Model 3 cars jam up their pipeline... Good luck getting an appointment after the Model 3 release!
  8. SocalMS

    Unable to get a Service Appointment

    Good luck with that.... Likely, the service manager will be in a "meeting" and unavailable...
  9. SocalMS

    Unable to get a Service Appointment

    I've had delivery issues that had to be handled... ...and now new warranty issues I need to handle. I hate the idea of bringing my car back in, they tend to "break" things, while sitting in service. Sales and service guys always repeat the same line..." Please bare with us.. we're growing...
  10. SocalMS

    Unable to get a Service Appointment

    I'm can't get a Service Appointment... Tesla must be quite busy handling new car issues... The last time I spoke w/ a rep, they said they were 4 weeks out w/ bookings... Someone was supposed to call me back to schedule.. but nothing for 2 weeks. I can't even get an appointment to handle my...
  11. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    I don't know about that.... What I imagine is everyone looking at each other, and shrugging their shoulders... Not because they don't care.. but because they are powerless to do anything...
  12. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    I think we all have our own "limits" and perceptions. And it's challenging to communicate that through a forum.. For myself, I WRONGLY expected Tesla's quality and service to be on par w/ the best of the best car companies... I WAS WRONG. Maybe it was all the great reviews, media write ups...
  13. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    I would advise everyone: 1. Do not take service delivery in the dark (when the sun is setting/ bad lighting). Make sure you can inspect your car in full daylight inside and out. 2. Do not take your car back unless everything is GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU. 3. GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, is the operative...
  14. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    I appreciate everyone's suggestions. I've emailed Tesla in Fremont, emailed my local service manager.. Got a reply back from Fremont saying they'll forward the request to a local SC. (that's what they usually do.. just forward stuff) (Two requests, two replys saying they'll foward the...
  15. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    As soon as the Tesla service center calls back to schedule my appointment... I guess I'll get to the bottom of this mystery....
  16. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    :) ... I wish you were right.. but I've been pretty patient w/ Tesla... When you buy a new car.. and then it has to sit in their shop for the next 40 days because it had DELIVERY PROBLEMS... It can wear on the patience of even the Dalai Lama... So finally getting my vehicle to drive day to...
  17. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    I've been wondering the same thing.... " You should be talking to the service manager and see what happens. Posting your complaints here before service has responded is a waste of time. Service in San Raphael has been excellent. " I've already contacted all relevant parties.... no response...
  18. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    My experience with Tesla and my first month of REAL ownership has been complicated... * I said I'll try to schedule one. That means that I've already requested the schedule and now I'm just waiting for them to confirm...
  19. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    bro... buddy...... ? take it easy ....
  20. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    I'll have it looked at, as soon as I can get an appointment... whenever they "choose" to schedule me... Traffic Aware Cruise Control doesn't work.... The service center asked me to try turning everything off.. and then try to get the normal cruise to work... They seemed to think it might...
  21. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    Yes.. I know the procedure quite well now... Need to take it into service anways for a loose door handle. Anyone else notice how poorly made the door handles are? Mine's already wiggling off the frame... and it's only a month old.. It's just draining to have to check every detail of the...
  22. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    New updates didn't change anything. The new updates cite alot of new "stuff", but none of them work for me.... Not even basic cruise control.......
  23. SocalMS

    Tesla Service Always Breaking Something

    I notice a recurring phenomenon. Everytime my car goes into Tesla service for some warranty work, it comes back with something else damaged. Usually its the original problem not being properly fixed, but in addition to that, SCRATCHES. Once I had a giant scratch (looks more like a small dog...
  24. SocalMS

    Mindset Regarding Quality From Model S Owner

    Depends on how long your car is in the shop and what kind of loaners they give you.. If you're stuck w/ old/cheap rentals.. then no thanks... No way would I put up w/ all those PROBLEMS.
  25. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    270? That sounds like fun....hm...
  26. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    "They suggest I turn off Auto Pilot / Traffic Assist / Auto Steer/ from the Control Panel " Tried the above... still doesn't work.... About to get a new update today.. we'll see what happens... NO CRUISE CONTROL ON A NEW TESLA ... YET?
  27. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    Just got off the phone w/ another service center rep. He doesnt' seem to be 100% sure... Their comment: . Maybe I need to drive the car more so the system can calibrate... . They suggest I turn off Auto Pilot / Traffic Assist / Auto Steer/ from the Control Panel That might work.. they say...
  28. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    Yes .... 1 Pull of the Stalk.... NO GO....
  29. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    I do have AP2. Works on "some" FWY's, I believe under 55mph or 65.. But normal cruise control NEVER works anywhere... ** I just want to be able to jump on a FWY, set it at 80MPH.. and let it cruise.... Can I have that (at least) please TESLA!
  30. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    My car's got about 500 miles.. so it's uniquely new and broken... Odd that some say it's supposed to work.. .other members say, it's normal... The service center confirms it doesn't work..... hm.... what to believe... Am I a snowflake or not?
  31. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    As I mentioned yesterday, I called the service center and they CONFIRMED that bassic cruise control STILL doesn't work. So what's the point of scheduling an appointment to get something that doesn't work yet, fixed. I believe auto steer/drive (whatever it's called) works up to about 55mph, but...
  32. SocalMS

    Refused delivery. How long to fix?

    You said it... "oh well...."
  33. SocalMS

    Security Guards at Super Charger Stations

    Yes.. multiply that times all the super charger stations ... If I was a Tesla shareholder, I'd be concerned... Even as a present Tesla owner.. this concerns me.. as this takes away financial resources away from what the company needs to handling "security"...
  34. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    I think your car must have special powers... I have version 17.9.3 and Tesla support just confirmed TODAY everything that I just stated... My car (to them) seems to be the norm...
  35. SocalMS

    Security Guards at Super Charger Stations

    24hours x (cost of security guard) x 365 days? Small price you say?
  36. SocalMS

    Refused delivery. How long to fix?

    Keep your expectations low... save your sanity...
  37. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    I believe TACC works under certain FWY and road routes.. and within certain speed limits.... Mostly... It doesn't work. and "standard" cruise control... does not work. As confirmed my Tesla Service Support just today.
  38. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    Just got off the phone w/ Tesla... CONFIRMED... Standard cruise control does not work over 55MPH, and they have no idea when it will be rolled out...
  39. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    Tried both.. doesn't work
  40. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    About 500 miles.. and still not working... (may work under 55mph.. but who drives under 55?) Does anyone have a 2017 where their Cruise Control IS WORKING?
  41. SocalMS

    Security Guards at Super Charger Stations

    There was a security guard at the Buena Park location.... Literally, just sitting there.. on a chair.. watching the super charger station.
  42. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    Standard Cruise control... no go for me....
  43. SocalMS

    Security Guards at Super Charger Stations

    Has anyone noticed security guards now being stationed at super charger stations?
  44. SocalMS

    Can I Please Get Basic Cruise Control Enabled on my New Tesla

    When will something as basic as "normal" cruise control function like it's supposed to on the new 2017 Teslas? Something that's enabled on practically every entry level car, STILL doesn't work...!
  45. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    You make many humorous assumptions...
  46. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    I respect your opinion... but I felt just the opposite, after a few days of driving it... It just felt "odd" to me... That's just me.... I think the fact that it's "slippery" and doesn't have a non-slip rubber coating/cover is what's more obviously detrimental in the experience. The fact...
  47. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    The bigger issue is that it doesn't have a non-slip rubber covering... Secondarily, it's cheap plastic. Not a functional issue, but a "feel" issue.. IMHO... it feels "cheap".
  48. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    Nice to know that Tesla shorts anyone w/o a PERFORMANCE MODEL with plastic accelerator pedals...
  49. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    The point is NOT that it can be remedied w/ after market parts... The point is WHY DOES IT NEED TO BE REPLACED WITH AFTER MARKET PARTS.... Cheap plastic pedals is a FAIL.
  50. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    My cruise control is still not working on a new 2017... Let alone auto-drive/auto pilot... And it's almost April 2017!