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  1. R

    Is Tesla planning to enter the power plant industry?

    I don't think it makes sense. Creating plant cost $X. If Tesla is developing it for some utility then Tesla gets paid $X*(1+margin) and can pay their costs immediately and put profits into scaling up. Then if Tesla was to be utility it would have to wait multiple years befory money goes back and...
  2. R

    Cost of Tesla Solar Roof Tiles

    About the cost sounds like everyone is missing one point: profit margin. Let's assume Elon is Wizard of Ozz and he can make this roof for $100/square. Is it better to sell it initially for $1000 an invest in new production or sell it for $150 and grow slowly? Both for business and Earth first...
  3. R

    Next gen Roadster

    You seem to be wrong. Not in terms of fact per se. But in reading what's the reason and what's the cause. How I undrstand this is that they needed high margin vehicle to be able to put expensive tech inside it. As well as lacking effect of scale comparing to other auto makers. High margins are...
  4. R

    Next gen Roadster

    Hmm... there are reasons to think that Roadster2 can be next after Model3. Issue is simple. Truck/Y/3/S/X - they all need huge investments and enormous development of industrial capacity. Those are mass market. And Tesla is now mostly focused on that, on enlarging their scale. There seems to be...
  5. R

    Graphene Polymer Battery 497 Mile Range

    I agree. There are over dozen posts here bashing this announcement. Every one is just repeating generic and statisticaly valid arguments. There is no single argument why this single idea could not work. There is, just nobody presented it here I mean. So it is true that : "If it's not Tesla it is...
  6. R

    Tesla cuts 60kWh Model S, entry-level Model S is now 70D.

    70D I dislike such wording, but WTF? No any anouncment, no any tweet, just post on FB and on their blog. Introducing the All-Wheel Drive Model S 70D | Tesla Motors Why? What this version is suposed to be? What part of marked it's aimed. I never imagined there is need for something between 60...
  7. R

    Tesla Gigafactory

    That makes some sense. From one side Tesla is not owner of GF and not even owner of all technology required for operating GF - cells are IP of Panasonic. So sharing ownership with Chinese partner shouldn't be a problem. But from other side Tesla is super serious about quality and efficiency so...
  8. R

    500 mile range Tesla - why not?

    Using some logic. Noone need super car acceleration, people like it, Tesla is providing it. Noone need more than 500miles range... It's just too expensive at the moment but it will be done. Not for model3 but for sure for premium car. But... Tesla is quite small company. They have lot to do. So...
  9. R

    Elon "About to end range anxiety"

    I totally agree. However Tesla is not alwas honest. They are promoting EVs as much more reliable and easier(cheaper) to maintain, while charging 600$ annually. Not a big problem for over 60k$ car. However as stated by someone - those are often most expensive cars people have bought. It's much...
  10. R

    Elon "About to end range anxiety"

    And this last makes perfect sense when thinking about model 3 as Supercharger infrastructure is in some way laying fundations for success of this holly grail of Tesla. Allows to use SC while not rising up front cost and helps apartment dwellers. This could be also easily adapted to much smaller...
  11. R

    Elon "About to end range anxiety"

    Pre paid. Yes. Sorry. Or other way as simple as paying for phone calls. And by other I'd guess BMW - they are trying. Or Nissan (way too silent about them and in terms of quantity they are the leader). But for such a model they don't really need partner. Musk is famous for providing supply...
  12. R

    Elon "About to end range anxiety"

    Wild guess. Tesla is to enable pay as you go supercharging. For everyone. For every car which is able to use such currents. And is expannding Superchhargers dramatically. And it's partnering with ***. All fleet. Makes economical sense. In few years when others will join EV revolution they will...
  13. R

    Tesla Opens Its Patents To Boost Electric Car Adoption

    Hi I find one importand argument on this thread with which I have to agree. Even if patents are free it will take some decent amount of time for other players to change it into design and then to prepare production line. That's worth to remember. They probably could invent something themselves...
  14. R

    Will Gen III mean more supercharging? Good for battery?

    As I don't expect to afford Model S and I quite like living inside the city, where it's hard to get a garage, I was thinking a lot about charging possibilities for Gen III. One thing is wrong in this topic IIRC. Someone mentioned that supercharging will be enabled for Gen III and that's true. He...
  15. R

    Tesla Sales Banned in New Jersey... hopefully not for long!

    Hmmm.... I think lot of you guys are totally wrong at one point. Tesla, as for now, lost nothing. This are NJ residents, who lost and are f-d. And Tesla has lot of work and fights to change the world and I don't know why you assume that Musk & Co. should protect NJ people? Tesla has demand (in...
  16. R


    This is highly speculative topic, but Tesla is all about future. 500k cars/year thanks to Gigafactory it's just the start. There can be delays (or can happen little sooner), but let's assume, that it's quite sure it will happen. I mean Gigafactory, Model E and 500k+ cars/year. The big plan is...