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  1. Paul Wolff

    Safety Score affected while parking?

    Thats safety score is such bullshit. They sell these cars as sporty cars and boast about the acceleration and cornering, but if you do that, you get racked. It has to be high to get the self driving activation, which makes no sense because you're no longer driving, so your driving habits are no...
  2. Paul Wolff

    $10 Month for Premium Connectivity

    They have done the same to all models, even though it was not an option or available as an option before June. In an update, they just turn it off stating that it's now Premium. I have been putting together a class action regarding this. I expect to get what I paid for.
  3. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    Unfortunately, TuneIn goes too. It is about the internet connectivity within the cellular system in the car. Spotify may be new, but my point is that they data streaming is now shut off, except for the monochrome NAV. The car was sold with all of those as included options. You can say that...
  4. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    Yea, but we aren't discussing what he does for a living, I'm not sure why thats a discussion...
  5. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    Before the date that they started advertising the options.
  6. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    If your phone is set up for that, the internal system is now disabled.
  7. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    Except that you don't have LTE internet connectivity.
  8. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    Are you a conspiracy theorist? I'm an engineer that designs recording consoles and have never worked for the car isdustry. I'n not trolling nor stirring the pot. I am advocating for people that paid a premium price for premium features and then get them turned off to get more money. I'm sure...
  9. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    And the color maps, which is quite useful. You couldn't buy those extras as an option because they were not listed as an option at the time. We ordered the car with "every option, except white seats and dual motors", the sale person bragged about the connectivity and never a word about options.
  10. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    The issue is that the sales people sold the car with those items, never discussed any options, they didn't announce being grandfathered because it was not an option at the time.
  11. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    You only have WIFI if you are at home. When out, you have no browser, no streaming radio, no color maps. The point is that they did not offer it as an option until later, but are turning off it on all cars.
  12. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    Thats the exact point. Their is now no internet streaming radio, now their is no browser, they say nothing about any options. If you don't care about it then move on.
  13. Paul Wolff

    Class action against Tesla for turning off Prem Connectivity before it was an option

    I am gathering information for a class action suit against Tesla for turning off Premium Connectivity before it was an option, and was sold as an included feature. I have screen shots of their web site and the sales punch list showing that it was included and was not an extra feature. The...
  14. Paul Wolff

    New Autopilot update issues

    Just go the most recent update, they seemed to really improve the turn off lane panic mode, where it centers itself then realizes that it's got a late dead center so it swerves to correct. They also changed the slowdown-braking when approaching stopped vehicles, It appears that they didn't take...
  15. Paul Wolff

    Scraped tire rim - help!

    They are using undersized tires. Mine are worse. I'm just waiting until they wear out so I can put the proper width tires on it.
  16. Paul Wolff

    Tesla Crash in Indy

    The Model 3 had mechanical door openers inside, which I didn't know until a neighbor pulled it and got out...
  17. Paul Wolff

    The Real Use for Auto-Pilot

    As a former Porsche owner, (3-914, 1-914-6, 2-912, 4-911 and 2 Cayman S) when I got the Model 3, the acceleration sold it... faster that all the above, handled really well, but on long drives to LA, AutoPilot saves my sanity. Being able to be more observant of the surroundings, including the...
  18. Paul Wolff

    Another tragic fatality with a semi in Florida. This time a Model 3

    I don't use auto lane changing. The people that went 90MPH into a wall most likely were asked to wiggle the steering, and pulled hard enough to disengage AP and the car swerved into the wall. That is one reason why they added the encoders to the "are you there" request. It's not autonomous...
  19. Paul Wolff


    Anyone experiencing rash on the wheels, when on other cars it never seemed to happen? It looks like they put smaller width tires on the cars, so the wheels are the furthest thing out. Can't wait until they wear out,
  20. Paul Wolff

    Autopilot getting worse

    I seem to be having more and more false braking with autopilot, and it's abrupt. Just a matter of time before I get rear ended. Mostly with left turn-offs of a freeway, where you have a gap in the line so the car wants to center itself, and then it see's the white line and slams on the brakes...
  21. Paul Wolff


    You can't see inside the car from the outside, and you can't see from under because of the headliner I sewed into the black insert. When you are at the far end coasts, having the antenna higher eliminates the car blocking the sharp angle from the sat angle.
  22. Paul Wolff


  23. Paul Wolff


  24. Paul Wolff


  25. Paul Wolff


    Yea, I have CNN, MSNBC, CNN INT and classic vinyl, and Beatles. I guess that makes us liberals...
  26. Paul Wolff


    You need a good connection and a good plan, and you don't always get 4G or 5G, so it becomes as bad as their "TUNE-IN" crap.
  27. Paul Wolff

    Aux input into Model 3 (or: FM modulation questions)

    You unplug the FM antenna and replace it with the modulator. I paralleled mine and when in LA, it have it set to 107.3, which is pretty clear-isa, it sometimes get hissy a little, and only once dod it switch over tot he actual channel. But short of that, it works well and the antenna is...
  28. Paul Wolff

    Another tragic fatality with a semi in Florida. This time a Model 3

    People need to understand that AP is and assist, not a toy. It flips out enough that you can relax, but not ignore. IT has prevented me from rear ending people at least a dozen times, so I feel like it's doing it's job, but I pay attention.
  29. Paul Wolff


    How to install XM in a model 3. Buy this kit: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016NXEBU2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It has a good XM receiver and a modulator for FM. You'll need to cut off the male end of the antenna wire from the modulator and strip it back so about...
  30. Paul Wolff

    Aux input into Model 3 (or: FM modulation questions)

    I did it, I'll post pic is a few days...