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  1. B

    Help Fight the FUD

    Don’t worry we’re still not there.
  2. B

    Elon & Twitter

    I’d say anyone who is serious about actually following through with the order would drop $100 dollars if they could get it earlier. You aren’t saying much at all there…
  3. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Musk is annoying the center and center left more than he is annoying any extremists.
  4. B

    Elon & Twitter

    So he got suspended again for a post from 2.5 years ago? That moderation team must be really behind.
  5. B

    Elon & Twitter

    You’re confusing two different metrics. 43% is the number of websites across the web running on WordPress. Of those 43% apparently 120k we’re running this social media plugin and actively interfacing with Twitter. Also, regardless of those numbers, this is just one plugin on one piece of...
  6. B

    Elon & Twitter

    I suspect we will be seeing a lot of this with Elon’s idiotic API pricing. This hurts for Twitter. I believe it is something like 40% of ALL websites are running on wordpress. https://mashable.com/article/wordpress-drops-twitter-jetpack-social-sharing Elon is so out of his depth. I give it a...
  7. B

    Elon & Twitter

    I don’t think these cultists realize how cringe they actually are.
  8. B

    Elon & Twitter

    There certainly is, I suspect we vastly disagree about why that is though.
  9. B

    Elon & Twitter

    I’ve been having fun laughing at his incredibly bad takes. But he’s well on his way to my list.
  10. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Yeah but, see the thing is the UK has a history of writing hit pieces about Elon. So…c’mon bro, everybody knows that.
  11. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Christ this guy is a clown. Where was his “back room dealing” tweet when Trump ran for a second term without debating his own f-ing party?
  12. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Hahaa man, if you had any dignity you would be thoroughly embarrassed.
  13. B

    Elon & Twitter

    This post definitely has that right wing man of the people/populist vibe to it. Now, you other peasants, hurry to Twitter and pay your $8 monthly tribute to the god king Elon.
  14. B

    Elon & Twitter

  15. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Lmao, except those places you mention actually provide a service. Twitter is just piggybacking off of everyone else’s hard work by reposting their content. Which you can get elsewhere just as easily since it’s all online.
  16. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Yeah…if you’re a cheap, crass plebeian. /s
  17. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Precisely…maybe read the whole article not just the headline.
  18. B

    Elon & Twitter

    That whole post was extremely rich but that last part…No offense but you’re the last person who should be upset about the perceived notion that OTHERS aren’t getting the context…
  19. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Yeah but when Musk does it he’s a genius.
  20. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Yeah, I’m sure climate climate change is going to be a hot topic on Tucker Carlson’s show. After years of climate denial. My guess is this will be completely focused on wokeness/twitter/free speech culture war BS. I’ll wager they spend less than 10% of the time talking about climate/evs.
  21. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Ughh, you know this is going to be gross.
  22. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Should those companies also give up all of their corporate funding?
  23. B

    Elon & Twitter

    First of all, If this were even remotely true every 4-8 years when the government administration changes hands all news corps taking government funding would presumably change the way they report on things to appease the new masters, right? Or how does that work? Secondly, I would hardly call...
  24. B

    Elon & Twitter

    They both produce a product. One produces cars, one produces news stories. The attempt to try and portray either company as peddling in influence is yet another logical fallacy being presented here.
  25. B

    Elon & Twitter

    The hypocrisy here is staggering. When Elon takes government money it is a prudent business decision. When NPR does it, it fully discredits their organization and is proof of a leftist cabal of woke deep state media operatives working to manipulate the public.
  26. B

    Elon & Twitter

    I asked because you said NPR should give up their 1% funding to avoid the image of any impropriety. Which would imply you are in favor of media that is 100% corporate…I strongly disagree.
  27. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Which do you like better, stand funded media or corporate media? What’s the alternative?
  28. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Are you familiar with the term red herring?
  29. B

    Elon & Twitter

    It’s not missing the point. He is well aware. It’s more a akin to a 5yo sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming “la la la la la” while being told something they don’t want to hear.
  30. B

    Elon & Twitter

    NPR's operating budget is $300 M, and 1%, or $3 M is funded by federal subsidies ⁠The LA Times calculates the federal subsidies Musk's companies have received at $4.9 B. https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html Let's be generous and say Musk received those...
  31. B

    Elon & Twitter

    This is whataboutism. None of this refutes the point Tesla was state funded.
  32. B

    Elon & Twitter

    It’s honestly hard to tell satire from reality nowadays. Especially when it comes to politics.
  33. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Does anyone here really doubt this spineless turd is a partisan hack?
  34. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Man I love when they start eating their own. 😂
  35. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Lmao, a second ago you were calling this reporter a presstitute because some social media manager at tesla solar responded to her article with “this is wrong by a large margin” with absolutely no evidence of that. You bought that response without even questioning it. Then after getting called...
  36. B

    Elon & Twitter

    T-minus 5 minutes and counting…
  37. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Omg I’m dying 🤣
  38. B

    Elon & Twitter

    It’s a shame when a topic as basic as factual true/false can go so far over someone’s head. We definitely need more money in the education system.
  39. B

    Elon & Twitter

    This is demonstrably wrong with literally millions of examples in the form of tweets.
  40. B

    Elon & Twitter

    It’s not directly what you said but I can read between the lines. You are so confident that Twitter is the home of truth yet you don’t even want to share where that truth comes from? Very sus…
  41. B

    Elon & Twitter

    So it has nothing to do with truth or accurate information…you just like the echo chamber. Got it.
  42. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Sure, why don’t you recommend some of your most trusted to us so we can all get the high quality info you’re getting.
  43. B

    Elon & Twitter

    For sure, cuckdestroyer69 on Twitter is definitely a more reliable and qualified source of information. God speed.
  44. B

    Elon & Twitter

    It’s so funny when people willingly trap themselves into a bubble of lunatics and then go on to preach about how everyone else is crazy biased liars.
  45. B

    Snippiness 2.0

    I love how you ignore all the facts that destroy your BS talking points. 1. A significant number of people never collect a dime after paying into SS their whole life because they die. Also a not insignificant number of people die before collecting as much as tgey paid in. 2. Despite what...
  46. B

    Snippiness 2.0

    I love old bhp_dook tries to explain the entirety of the SS system (poorly i might add) so your eyes will gloss over instead of admitting he was full of sugar and we are entitled to this program because we spend our entire lives paying into it. Nobody is “paying for your retirement” except...
  47. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Right, because that’s how it works. Someone else pays for it… Remind me what that SS payroll tax they take from every one of my checks does again?
  48. B

    Elon & Twitter

    I’ve got some ocean front property in Ohio super cheap you might be interested in if you believe that tweet.
  49. B

    Elon & Twitter

    14256 isn’t even your post so I am guessing you meant 12457. Either way, none of that is “exactly what I said”. You are in big support of “lay people” injecting their opinions. I’m saying it’s dangerous and there is more than enough examples to show why. Such as vaccine misinformation. So no, we...
  50. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Ah so it didn’t say what I said at all. Got it. Had me confused there for a second when you used the word “exactly”. Enjoy your Tesla buddy.