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  1. R

    14-50 requirements

    Thanks, @ATPMSD! Never knew you could do that.
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    14-50 requirements

    How do you add it to your app?
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    Recurrent: Model 3 drivers got 72% of EPA range with new cars, 64% after three years

    After the error-filled piece that Recurrent published late last year suggesting that Lithium batteries are not affected by frequent Supercharging, and this latest effort of theirs where they have conflated efficiency and degradation... I think their credibility is pretty well shot.
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    LFP vs NCA database of Wh/m for Model 3 SR+ and others possibly starting May 2024

    No, it's NCA. The LR AWD models are all NCA chemistry, I believe.
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    LFP vs NCA database of Wh/m for Model 3 SR+ and others possibly starting May 2024

    My 2022 LR AWD Model 3, at just over 30,000 miles, is at a lifetime Wh/mile of 229. Vehicle is stock except that the aero covers were removed early on and replaced with the wheel cap kit (a change which imposes a very modest efficiency hit). Wheels and tires make a big difference. But the...
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    Reservation Numbers are RANDOM and have no relevance

    Roger that! The other benefit of being a bit further down the line is that any number of early teething issues will be resolved. Trucks a year from now will be noticeably better than the samples being delivered today (there is, in fact a temporary hold on most deliveries right now because of...
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    Reservation Numbers are RANDOM and have no relevance

    Not true. The vast majority of Cybertruck reservation holders have not yet been offered the opportunity to configure and order a vehicle. The only two cohorts where "anyone" could jump the queue were the Refer-and-Earn points (30,000) offer and the long-term shareholder offer. It doesn't...
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    Choosing between two models, taking into account range and charging habit

    All else being equal, I'd probably lean towards the slightly older AWD model over the SR+. But it's unlikely "all else" is equal. Which means the choice for me would probably turn on overall condition of the two vehicles, how many kilometers each has on it, and - most importantly - what the...
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    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    Having two HV battery failures in 100,000 miles is terribly unfortunate. And it certainly begs several questions. Thing is, though... you (the OP) have done absolutely none of the things that might help your "case." Having a major pack failure at 21K miles would make most of us very...
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    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    You've mentioned a number of times having "issues" with your battery prior to the warranty expiration. But nowhere have you provided any insight into what those were. If your conversations with the Tesla Service people were as vague as you've been here in this thread, I'm not surprised you've...
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    Model 3 LR AWD - Two Year Snapshot

    A year ago I posted a one-year snapshot of my 2022 Long-Range AWD Model 3 ( Model 3 - One Year Later ). Now, with a second trip around the sun, here are some updated stats. The most important thing is that this car remains an astonishing revelation. Anyone on the fence about buying a...
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    Canadian winter - best practices for preconditioning battery for best efficiency?

    There are a couple things you need, in addition to the software, if you want to see all the data the car is reporting. If you decide to explore that rabbit hole, the web site here will get you started: scan my tesla There are countless posts, here and elsewhere, regarding attempts to improve...
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    Canadian winter - best practices for preconditioning battery for best efficiency?

    Not a dumb question at all. Tesla's capture a ton of real-time data at a very granular level. Things like temp and voltage of every single cell in the battery pack. Alas, outside of a very narrow use case involving Ludicrous mode, I'm not aware of any OEM way to view pack temp. A bluetooth...
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    Preheating for supercharger near departure location

    The short answer is that you cannot get your battery to Supercharger-ready temps in ten minutes. And, no, there's no way to pre-schedule that. Turning on climate will trigger battery heating if your pack is cold enough. But at 8C/46F you're already above the set point where that kind of...
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    Only 3% battery degradation on M3LR (E5D battery) after +3 years and 75.000 Km!

    Some attributes read by SMT are asleep until the car is activated by being put into Drive. But in my experience Nominal Remaining is not among those. It is read instantly and reliably when SMT is fired up. SMT is simply displaying what the BMS is reporting. If the car had to be driven before...
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    Canadian winter - best practices for preconditioning battery for best efficiency?

    Our winters here in the mid-Atlantic are certainly much milder than what you see up north. But I've monitored pack temps in many conditions (with SMT) and what I can say is that the only scenario where I have ever observed pack temps declining while driving is following a Supercharger session...
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    Cold weather trip; Considering avoiding Nav directly to SC to avoid preconditioning

    The danger with charging a Lithium-chemistry pack in cold weather is Lithium plating. That is probably the worst thing one can do to one’s battery, is largely irreversible, and if the rate of charge – the C-rate – is high enough that phenomenon will begin even at fairly modest temperatures. DC...
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    Reservation Numbers are RANDOM and have no relevance

    Yes, when your Reservation Number comes up in the queue, you will have an opportunity to configure your truck to whatever you want. If that config is available then, they'll build it for you. No, choosing some other build config (like an AWD or CyberBeast) when inputting your Reservation will...
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    Finally got to Zero!

    Based on Ken's long-term battery health, one might conclude that getting your pack down to zero is the best thing you can possibly do for it!
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    Cybertruck Reservationist (Past and present) - Help needed

    Why don't you just wait and see if it becomes a problem, rather than stressing over that it might?
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    Reservation Numbers are RANDOM and have no relevance

    Of the increasingly numerous CA/TX reservation holders who have received invitations to configure their Cybertruck orders, we've seen none that were not in the 112xxxx range. That suggests that reservation numbers are anything but random. More likely is that Tesla reservation numbers, issued...
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    So I have an early reservation.

    None of the Foundation Series Cybertrucks will be eligible for the $7500 Federal tax incentive, because they exceed the $80K cap. And the only way to get the range you're apparently going to need is to purchase the $16K Range Extender option. Becomes a very, very expensive proposition. Even...
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    Watt hours per mile to attain projected range

    The majority of my drives beat the EPA range. Lifetime wh/mi just bumped up from 229 to 230 (24K miles), because of the colder temps as we head into winter. 2022 LR AWD. And, no, I don't drive softly.
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    Tips how to keep my battery healthy using mostly fast charger all the time?

    If I had to use a Supercharger as my primary charge source I would: 1. Try and find a lower power Supercharger to use, as suggested above by @RayK. 2. 'Navigate' to that Supercharger for 30 minutes just prior to every charge session, even if the station was only two minutes away. 3. Try and...
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    Tesla battery longevity not affected by frequent Supercharging, study says

    There are a number of incorrect statements in the Recurrent article (starting with "Preconditioning is when the car’s thermal management system pre-cools the battery so it can accept a higher charge rate without overheating"... and the article continues with several more misstatements after...
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    Significant overnight drop in battery capacity after lightning strike..

    I'll just add that lightning does not charge the "air" in and around your house, damaging otherwise-protected electronics. To damage something it must take one ore more discrete paths, typically metallic, but if voltage differentials are great enough also via arcing. A true direct or very...
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    OEM Tires vs Summer vs Winter vs All-Weather?

    2022 Model 3 LR AWD, w/Standard 18" wheels. 235/45 R18. My Model 3 remains the best vehicle I have ever owned... so this is in no way a complaint. But I confess to being a little bit surprised last March, at the one-year mark, when the Tesla Service Center (where I had gone to get Virginia's...
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    Tesla Model 3 Battery Died!

    The likelihood that you would have both a pack failure and a drive unit failure at the exact same time are vanishingly small. I would not conclude anything until you've obtained a more definitive diagnosis.
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    Battery Temperature Low while supercharging.

    Well, congrats. Or, maybe, condolences. Simply driving, even in the summer, will not typically raise pack temps to the level needed to support maximum throughput at a DC Fast Charger. Which is a good thing, because the very high pack temps that pre-conditioning and DC Fast Charging bring to...
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    Battery Temperature Low while supercharging.

    Are you preconditioning for a good, long ways on the way to the Supercharger? You can't just drive up to a Supercharger, even in the summer, even if you've been driving for awhile, and plug in and expect to have a high charge rate. If you precondition - by explicitly navigating to a...
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    2023 Model 3 RWD - Brand new will not charge to 272

    That they would charge/discharge the car six times (presumably, simply running a Battery Health Check out of the Service Menu) tells me that they are clueless. They just keep hoping it will miraculously fix itself. It also tells me they are fixated on it being a BMS problem. Which it could...
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    2023 Model 3 RWD - Brand new will not charge to 272

    It wouldn't shock me if a new EV with an LFP battery had a wonky rated-range display until it got some miles on it. The same characteristic (low cell voltage variability) that challenges the BMS in reporting accurate SOC (and prompts the recommendation to charge to 100% at least once per week)...
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    Miles per kWh at different speeds

    Certainly, route geography, weather, and temperature are all important factors in vehicle efficiency. But one of the great myths in the driving world - going back to ICE vehicles - is that, those factors aside... vehicle efficiency is simply baked into the vehicle we bought. We look at things...
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    Miles per kWh at different speeds

    Good question. But it's complicated by the fact that Tesla has, over time, made both hardware and software changes that affect the inherent efficiency of a particular model car. Examples on the hardware side include the introduction of the Octovalve and improvements in the drive units...
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    leaving new M3 outdoors (snowy winters in upstate NY)

    My Model 3 sits outside a shed, uncovered, 125' from my house. I wired a Tesla Wall Charger to the outside of the shed, so am able to keep it plugged in whenever I want. We get pretty significant temperature swings across the seasons here in the Mid-Atlantic. EV considerations for me include...
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    Model 3 idle battery drain only when battery <10%

    I doubt many EV owners park their vehicles, without being plugged in, at SOC less than 10%. Curious what your scenario is that puts you in that situation and allows you to see battery drain at such a low SOC. In any case, I believe Sentry mode and Cabin Overheat Protection are both...
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    Choosing new or remanufactured battery pack.

    The question I'd be interested in in a scenario such as this (and perhaps the OP's, as well) is how Tesla determines the degradation level of the old battery if the car electronics (specifically the charging system and the BMS) are non-functional? Wouldn't shock me if they throw a dart and...
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    What Percent is Your Tesla Charged to While at Home?

    @ts2340 ... to @AAKEE 's questions... yes, your car has an 82.1 kWh battery pack and it is EPA-rated at 358 miles. (I also have a 2022 AWD LR Model 3, build date of 2/2022). Enjoy your car!
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    Battery Degradation Year 1

    Presumably, yes. The caveat is that most trips that would go 416 miles would probably involve a lot of high-speed interstate miles. And vehicle efficiency declines at high speeds. I did a 200-mile trip a couple days ago where the speed limit was mostly 70 mph - meaning actual speeds were...
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    Newbie Question about charging at home

    I agree with Randy. Unless your electrician was having to do something unusual, like rearrange existing circuits inside your panel, his "not having time" is bizarre. I'd be getting a new electrician. Congrats on the new wheels!
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    Is using often a Slow Supercharger also bad idea?

    No, using Superchargers is certainly not a bad thing. But it is hard on your pack, especially if you use one locally and don't precondition for a good, long while before plugging in. A pack degradation comparison between a mostly L2-charged vehicle and a mostly Supercharger-charged vehicle...
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    Thought exercise for using a generator connector to charge

    Yes, the L14-30 is an inlet port for a generator. But crikey. There's a reason that transfer switches and lockout switches exist. Hard to believe that anyone - much less a short-term rental - would contemplate tampering with a service panel on a property that they have no knowledge of just so...
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    Battery Degradation Year 1

    Aye, I agree that lack of smoothness ought to translate into less vehicle efficiency. In my case, I'm typically above 100%. I'm not sure why. I'm certainly not a cautious, slow driver favoring Chill Mode. Quite the contrary... I still debate purchasing the $2K Acceleration Boost upgrade...
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    Battery Degradation Year 1

    Interesting thought. I live in the Mid-Atlantic, in what most people would describe as gently rolling hills in Virginia's western Piedmont. My Regen percentage is notably higher than yours, Ken. Curious as to why you think of Regen to be inefficient? I'm just the opposite - I'm disappointed...
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    What Percent is Your Tesla Charged to While at Home?

    I frequently am faced with a home-to-home trip with the option of either charging to a high SOC using my L2 TWC, or else stopping briefly in route at a Supercharger. I'll always choose the higher L2 SOC. DC Fast Charging is tough on an EV. That said, the Supercharger network is a beautiful...
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    Is using often a Slow Supercharger also bad idea?

    As a general rule of thumb, slower charge rates are better for your pack than higher charge rates. Lithium plating is the concern when charge rates increase. As ambient pack temps decline, resistance inside the pack increases and the C-rate (rate of charge) the pack can accept without...
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    Model 3 loaner help stranded

    The good news is that you bought a used Model 3 and right off the bat you are getting a new HV battery pack. I'd consider the logistics you have to wrangle while they get that done small potatoes compared to the benefit you're getting. Congrats!
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    LFP pack and cell voltages at various states of charge

    Interesting. You can certainly see the challenge the BMS has in being able to distinguish accurate SOC with the LFP chemistry. Good stuff!
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    Scheduled Precondition on Sick Day

    Preconditioning is never going to trigger active heating of the battery in a 50F environment. Only the cabin.
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    Tesla route planner - add specific supercharger?

    The Tesla Nav system is pretty intelligent. If you route to your final destination, the car will tell you which Supercharger(s) it thinks you need to stop at. If you want to stop at a different Supercharger - maybe you want to be a bit more conservative than the car thinks is necessary, for...