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  1. E

    The "End of Quarter" Waiting Room / Buying Guide

    My son and I just picked up the new MY today. My son has another 2023 MY. This new one feels better even compared to the 2023 version. The most noticeable one is the suspension. Much smoother. You don’t feel the road too much anymore. And my son said the seats feel more comfortable as well.
  2. E

    New here: MYP in QS

    Here in the US, when you receive the VIN, sometimes the car is not produced yet. If it’s the same process in Europe, that means your car can be delayed for any reason. I have ordered and owned several Teslas at this point. I learned to just relax and wait. You get your car when you get your car...
  3. E

    .99% APR Financing Promotion (May 10 - May 31 2024)

    Happened to my son. He got a text about the delivery and the “new” rate. He responded to the text and they gladly fixed it to .99% as promised. I think this is just a mistake someone made rather than bait and switch. They were swamped with this low APR promotion and an overworked staff made a...
  4. E

    .99% APR Financing Promotion (May 10 - May 31 2024)

    Can the rep not do it for you at the store? I will be afraid to do it in the app myself. If you make a mistake, good luck with Tesla fixing it for you
  5. E

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It did the same thing for me a week or so ago. Except, in my case, there was a curb right in front of the right turn lane and I took over just in time time before FSD steered my car right onto the curb. From then on, I always take over immediately every time FSD takes the right turn only lane...
  6. E

    Your Full Self-Driving (Supervised) Trial starts now!

    I have been trying FSD 12.3.6 for over 2 weeks. Like it very much and will subscribe when the trial is over. It is not perfect. Most mistakes are about lane selection. But after sometimes, I know where it will fail and take over. But it drives me from point to point about 95% of the time.
  7. E

    Will I get a MYP today? (First car declined delivery 🥺)

    If I read his original post correctly, he got his replacement car right away. So, it’s not the same case as yours
  8. E

    FSD free trial

    Any Tesla that’s on 2024.8.x has not gotten the FSD trial yet. We have to wait until Tesla merges the FSD 12.x code into version later than 2024.8.
  9. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Don’t worry. You complete everything when you pick up the car. Hope you get a great build today
  10. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    It’s never too early to schedule for service because the next available service appointment maybe 2 weeks out. And you can keep adding more issues to your service if you find more issues later.
  11. E

    Lucid Gavity 😲 Awesome.. 440 Mi Range @ about $80K

    I was shocked when I first saw the announcement. And then I realized what they meant was starting at below $80k and you can upgrade up to 440 miles. So, very likely the below $80k one won’t have 440 mile range. But if I’m wrong, then it’s a good thing for the customers.
  12. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    From what I read, self open still works if you have keyfob (which doesn’t come with the car). Without keyfob, you must press the door handle and the door will slightly ajar. There is no close all door in the app (unless I missed it). Close all doors is only available in the center screen.
  13. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    All we can do here is speculate. I bet most people who work for Tesla don’t know the answer either. The tax rebate may go down. But if the demand weakens because of that, Tesla may reduce the price again to boost demand. So, for those who can’t get your car in 2023, keep your hopes up
  14. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Login to your Tesla account using a web browser. The MVPA will be there. The app didn’t list my MVPA before I took delivery either. But the web version did
  15. E

    Model Y to Model X?

    The reason why people will never get used to the horn situation is because it is not used often. Very likely you will only use it in an emergency situation and when you need it, your reflex kicks in and press the center of the wheel.
  16. E

    Model Y to Model X?

    The stalks and horn at the center of your wheel. These are major problems for some. I adjusted well to no stalk. You can’t never get used to no horn at the center. Having said that, you can activate the horn by placing your palm on the right side of the yoke/wheel where the horn button is. But...
  17. E

    Another sighting - Dublin CA Supercharger

    Tesla have removed rain sensor from any of their car for a long time. I’m fairly certain cybertruck won’t have it either. Even model X don’t have it
  18. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I could be wrong on this. But I believe if you have key fob, self presenting door still works with the current X. I don’t have key fobs so I can’t test it. But I read it somewhere that I works with key fob
  19. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    One more stupid thing about the safety score. If you brake hard trying to stop when the light turns yellow, it counts as hard braking. I meant don’t you want me to stop for safety reason? Because of this, some people (not me of course 😉), accelerate to beat the red light instead of braking
  20. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    You just have to slow down enough before turning to avoid aggressive turning. It’s hard to do when you are in a hurry. I agree that after 10 pm driving deduction is stupid. And it deducts like 20% from your score for that driving session. In bumper to bumper situation, I usually let the...
  21. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    If you have version 2 of the Safety Score, it will penalize you for excessive speeding, which is above 85 mph. The factors that really kills your safety score are forward collision warning, driving after 10 pm and hard braking. Try to use autopilot as much as possible to avoid the collision...
  22. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I heard 2024 model will not have steering wheel as standard because Elon thinks FSD will be fully ready by the end of 2023 🤣🤣🤣 So, you either have to pay for FSD or pay extra for the steering wheel.
  23. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    For my first Model X, I went to the delivery center and looked for my car in the parking lot a day before. I found it and inspected the exterior. Unless the car is in the fenced in area, they can’t really prevent you from inspecting it. Also, you might be just unlucky talking to a bad SA...
  24. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    If I have to bet my money, I think the discrepancy in EDD is caused by the complexity of shipping hundreds thousand of cars around the country every quarter (I’m talking about all models, not just X). Everyone’s EDD would have been accurate if everyone took the delivery in Fremont and ordered...
  25. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I doubt they got 10k Model X order cancellation in a year, not to mention in a quarter. Also, their last quarter revenue was 23.35 Billion dollars. Additional $2.5M won’t even change the decimal digit in their earning report
  26. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Tesla only reports delivery number in their earning report, not order number. So, scamming people for more order doesn’t really do them any good unless those orders translate to delivery. The funny thing is sometimes Tesla downplayed the order numbers. Like the order tracker said that Tesla is...
  27. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Model X comes with it
  28. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    You are in SoCal. So, keep your hope up. People in SoCal usually get their car the second half of the quarter which falls within your EDD. I think you will get your VIN soon
  29. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I agree with your assessment about the build quality. I think Tesla finally stepped up its game as far as the build quality. About the FWD behavior in the garage, mine initially didn’t want to open all the way. I kept pressing the open FWD buttons until both opened all the way and then pressed...
  30. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Maybe because they are trying to fulfill all of the existing orders soon and the new paint is not available for the next month or so? But knowing Tesla, don’t be surprised if you get stealth gray even when you ordered MSM
  31. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Mine is ultra red and I’m super happy with it. But before ultra red came out, MSM was the best color for me. From the video, stealth gray looks darker and shinier. That’s exactly the difference between the old red and ultra red, darker but shinier. But my perception might change if I see stealth...
  32. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    It does look really sharp. It made it difficult to decide between the ultra red and stealth gray now 🤔
  33. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Yes. This is based on my past experiences. Usually for me they assigned the VIN before the vehicle left the factory.
  34. E

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    There are only 2 plaids and they are high mileage. So, I think they are demo vehicles.
  35. E

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    I agree. Tesla just increased MXP’s price by $5k. This could only mean the demand outpaced the supply. Unless something changed dramatically that caused so many people to drop their orders, don’t expect additional incentives at the end of this quarter. I think so many people ordered MXP after...
  36. E

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    I had 2022 MXLR with ultra sonic sensor and it gave me accurate measurement to the wall in front of me while I parked. The 2023 MXP that I just got didn’t have it and it’s about 1 foot off which is pretty annoying. Everytime it tells me to stop, I’m about 2 feet from the wall. My 2022 MXLR told...
  37. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I have been driving my new Ultra Red MXP for 3 days now. I can say that it’s a big improvement from my 2022 MXLR. In my previous post, I said I never had a Tesla with no rattle or squeak. I guess the 5th time is the charm because this one is actually really quiet. It makes driving it so much...
  38. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    We picked up our MXP this afternoon . It was initially scheduled for tomorrow. But I got a text asking me how I wanted to pay and I asked them whether the car was ready today. They said yes but apparently not because the car was still dirty when we picked it up. They did ask whether we wanted it...
  39. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    In terms of driving experience, any Tesla will beat your Accord for sure. Well, I will even say any Tesla will beat the driving experience of most if not all ICE cars. The instant torque is the thing that you can’t get with the ICE cars. So, you won’t be disappointed in that regards. But based...
  40. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Yes, X is quieter than the Y. The driving dynamic is also different. X is much smoother than Y. About Tesla interior, I really enjoy their minimalist approach. I don’t like buttons in the other cars. I think people rarely touch most of the buttons in their cars. And those buttons are there...
  41. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    All Teslas that I have ever owned had some sort of creaking/rattling. I brought them to the service center and they could usually get rid most of the creaking/rattling. But it never got to be completely silent. If you don’t think you can live with the creaking/rattling, I suggest you don’t buy a...
  42. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Obviously you don’t want to kill the guy. But if you drive it and still alive, I think it’s safe enough for him to drive, right?
  43. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I ordered on 9/1 and will be taking delivery this Friday Oct 20.
  44. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I don’t have my X with me at this point so I can’t give you the exact instruction. But as far as I remember, you can keep pressing the button in the center screen to open the FWD fully and then there should be a prompt that says “keep the door open fully at this location” that you can press...
  45. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I don’t know about blue Plaid. But they are surely doing the Plaid batch right now because many Plaid orders got VIN, including mine. My order is Ultra Red Plaid with cream interior
  46. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I called the 1800 number today to find out where my car is after I got VINed last Friday (EDD was Oct 19-26 after VIN). It might be a coincidence 😉 But an hour after I called, my EDD was changed to Oct 16-25 👏👏👏
  47. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    The good thing is it will be the end of the quarter and the year. That means they will push very hard to get as many cars to the customers as they can. And I’m very sure they will prioritize the taX rebate edition first over the plaid because they are more likely to cancel if the tax rebate is...
  48. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    We are not up in arms about this. And of course everyone is free to choose what they want to do with their order and money. We are just here to point out our views that ‘23 vs ‘24 VIN might not make any difference in the end and simply have a peace of mind and enjoy the car if you get ‘23 VIN...
  49. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    How do you know that Model 3 Highland release is tied to model year? What is your source? Can you confirm that all Highland release will have ‘24 VIN?
  50. E

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Ford is the “other” car manufacturer. They tend to segregate new features with model year. Again, Tesla is different. This whole ‘23 and ‘24 thing is in your brain only. A few years from now, it might not even matter to you. Having said that, a new Tesla now is almost always better in terms of...