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  1. D

    Should car be sending CURL messages?

    I also see that traffic, user agent is "curl/8.2.1" and the destination is Akamai. I don't see the exact IP you do, but since you're east coast and I'm west coast that makes sense. I took a look further, and for the IP I'm seeing with the curl user-agent ( I see... www.tesla.com...
  2. D

    Should car be sending CURL messages?

    Yes, curl is just a command line utility for downloading things over http/https. Pretty common to use it in scripts to pull things from web servers. In this case it’s connecting to Akamai which is probably where Tesla store firmware updates and other things they need to distribute widely.
  3. D

    How pay for Chargepoint - pay as you go

    For some reason mine only allows pay as you go.... I'd prefer the auto reload approach.
  4. D

    Vendor AmberCare Suite Launches Today, Electrifying the Market

    ^^^ This ^^^ After going through all the questions about the car, it then asks for email address and phone number without presenting any useful info. No thanks, browser window closed.
  5. D

    How do you find out about upcoming SpaceX launches?

  6. D

    Tesla Wall Connector - Data

    If it's connected to your local network then you can get info out via its REST api. It's supported by home assistant too.
  7. D

    How to adjust the amp on charger, not in the app

    Assuming it's a Gen 3, and also assuming that your breaker is correctly sized, then check the commissioning section in the manual. https://www.tesla.com/sites/default/files/support/charging/Gen3_WallConnector_Installation_Manual.pdf
  8. D

    EV charger adapter

    Type 2 connector Normally used in Europe, not the US.
  9. D

    PG&E and HAN (Zigbee) devices recently?

    If you're looking for compatibility, as far as I can tell the Eagle 3 API is the same as previous generations. HomeAssistant had no problems with it, and the few shell scripts I knocked together worked fine too.
  10. D

    PG&E and HAN (Zigbee) devices recently?

    I have an Eagle3 on PG&E in Fremont. It failed to add through the website when I tried it, but the PG&E support people were very helpful and were able to add it. Weirdly it's lost connection a couple of times, but I was able to re-connect it via the website and it quickly came back online.
  11. D

    Headlight frozen ‘on’ after SW update

    I had the happen a few months ago, it fixed itself overnight. Nothing I tried made any difference at the time.
  12. D

    Tesla or other wall charger

    I have Home Assistant setup to monitor and graph the usage of my wall connector. Sure your car can log the charging statistics too, but if you have multiple cars, especially multiple cars on different Tesla accounts, then it's easier to have it all in one place. It could be especially useful...
  13. D

    Tesla or other wall charger

    The only functionality I can think of that you wouldn't see on other "chargers" is that with the wall connector you can restrict use to only Tesla cars, or to only certain Tesla cars. If the wall connector is going to be outside then that's useful, if it's going to be in your garage then it...
  14. D

    Tesla Wall Connector control via Tesla App 4.23

    Supposedly it's in testing, but not yet available. At least from this.
  15. D

    Where does speedo speed come from?

    Service forgot to re-attach my GPS antenna when I got the MCU upgrade, so my car was showing stationary in Tesla HQ for a week, speedo worked just fine during that time. That doesn't mean that GPS couldn't also be used as a backup, or for calibration or adjustment, however there must be a...
  16. D

    Breaker Box Advice

    Whether the dryer is included in load calculations might be a local permit thing (if you need permits in your area). I'm in a similar situation, I have a circuit for an electric dryer but have gas, and the local permit people wouldn't exclude it, so the most I could have was a 50A circuit for...
  17. D

    Installing Tesla Wall Connector Outside

    Yes, you can set it to only work with certain VINs.
  18. D

    Can you stop charging remotely from wall charger using the mobile app?

    I have the same problem, I figured it was something to do with having the car set for scheduled departure. Besides unplugging I never found a way to stop it.
  19. D

    Help me understand the difference power ratings of the 75D

    The original S75D was around 333, the 2 motors combined were capable of outputting more than that, but they were battery limited. After some changes Tesla could "uncork" the car, giving it more power, which the service centre could do, and later they started coming uncorked from the factory...
  20. D

    Constant Driving Speed of a BEV Versus its Range

    A long time ago Tesla published this info for the original Roadster and the Model S. It's still on their website.
  21. D

    Lights won’t turn off

    I had 1 headlight that was staying on last week, directly after a software update. I noticed that on the screen, when the car was in drive it showed that headlight as out. Also the turn signal on that side was flashing a lot faster, and there was no clicking sound for the signal I got into...
  22. D

    Supercharger - Sunnyvale, CA - E. El Camino Real (LIVE 28 Jun 2024, 12 V3 stalls)

    Nice find on the permit. Shame to doesn't say how many stalls there will be. I saw yesterday that there's at least 3 charger cabinets on site so far.
  23. D

    Supercharger - Sunnyvale, CA - E. El Camino Real (LIVE 28 Jun 2024, 12 V3 stalls)

    I just saw what could be 2 V3 supercharger cabinets behind a construction fence in Sunnyvale, by the CVS at 576 E El Camino. Not managed to find a current permit for the area, there was an old expired one, but that was for level 2 chargers. Picture below, but it looks very like the cabinet in...
  24. D

    Road Trip to Sunriver, Oregon this Summer

    It's been a few years since I was last there, but they had 2 Tesla destination chargers near the main Sunriver building, as well as a paid J1772 nearby. Maybe call the main resort and ask if they're working, it's worth going there to get food anyway, even if you're not staying there.
  25. D

    dryer in garage plug in

    As others have said, you should use a splitter. I used a "Dryer Buddy Auto" for around a year before I got a dedicated charger installed, I highly recommend it.
  26. D

    Visiting England, should I rent a Model 3

    Make sure you look at the fine print of the contract. IIRC unlike most cars, the Model 3s only get a limited number of free miles, then you have to pay extra per mile. I was there in Jan, and wanted to rent a model 3, but due to the extra costs, and the miles I had planned, it wasn't worth it.
  27. D

    GPS not working after camera upgrade!

    They may have forgotten to plug the GPS antenna in. They did that to my car when I got the MCU upgrade, took it back and they fixed it in a few minutes.
  28. D

    Tesla Gen 2 Wall Connector 80A Charger; new, in box, 24 ft cable

    My S75D has a 72amp onboard charger, earlier cars with dual chargers could take 80amps.
  29. D

    Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion

    It's great news, but I wish they'd clarify the numbers to more media outlets. 2MJ of laser energy input produced 3MJ of output. However, to produce that 2MJ of laser energy took 300MJ when you look at the whole system. Some good news there is the 3MJ was with only 4% of the fuel burning...
  30. D

    Room for wall connector in this service panel

    What do you mean by is there enough room? If you mean physically, then yes, 21/23 can be used for a 240V breaker. If you mean is there enough power available, then you need to get an electrician to do a load calculation based on your incoming service. If the load calculation doesn't have enough...
  31. D

    72A Charger Upgrade

    I also have a June 2016 Model S, but a 75D. Mine came with a 48A charger, and I paid to upgrade it to 72A. In my case it was a physical replacement, not a software upgrade.
  32. D

    why does USA model Y shown 313 miles and Uk shows 331 miles range

    EPA vs WLTP? Different government methods of measuring range give different results.
  33. D

    Has anyone ever gotten Tesla Service to replace a battery due to degradation?

    Tesla used to have lots of info for the Roadster, the page is still there, but sadly the images aren't, and they're not on the wayback machine either. There used to be a great graph showing how much energy was used per mile across various speeds. Roadster Efficiency and Range EDIT: I...
  34. D

    Has anyone ever gotten Tesla Service to replace a battery due to degradation?

    Absolutely this. I would like to see all EV companies put out a clear public info page that explained what conditions they used to determine a rated mile, and include a chart with energy used per mile at various speeds and conditions, along with info about how much energy things such as the...
  35. D

    Can I get the tesla key card wet?

    You can get it wet, but don't feed it after midnight.
  36. D

    Block GPS?

    It might not. When I did the MCU1 -> MCU2 update, they didn't connect the GPS antenna, so for 2-3 days my car showed as stationary at the old HQ in Palo Alto.
  37. D

    Want to absolutely confirm: I can charge off a dryer plug?

    The adapters from Tesla let the car know what is the correct value, so it should set to 24a.
  38. D

    Relaying Wi-Fi to detached garage at a distance

    It's a wifi bridge. You'd need to buy 2 units, each one has an ethernet port and a highly directional wifi antenna. Anything that goes in the ethernet port of 1 unit, comes out of the ethernet port on the other unit. So to get wifi to the car at the other end you'd need a cheap access point...
  39. D

    Relaying Wi-Fi to detached garage at a distance

    Take a look at the Ubiquiti range of products. A pair of these will throw near gigabit speeds a decent distance https://store.ui.com/collections/operator-airmax-and-ltu/products/gbe
  40. D

    Any ideas to log in xifinity public hotspot?

    For Linux and Mac, you should be able to use... sudo ifconfig <nic> down sudo ifconfig <nic> ether aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff sudo ifconfig <nic> up
  41. D

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    I would ask Tesla service about it, and go from there. However, this is really about what you want. If you're not happy with the car, then you may well be best to sell it and get something that you'll like better. I hear resale prices are good right now.
  42. D

    What Do YOU Call the Pedal on the Right?

  43. D

    Writing a letter to my Representatives (USA)

    I didn't see any mention of what you want them to do. Allow Tesla to sell in the state? Allow Tesla to be part of any new EV credit scheme? Just recognize that EVs are a good thing?
  44. D

    I feel terrible for GM Bolt owners as a former Volt owner

    I think the only sensible thing for them to do right now is to start a buy back program. Give owners a generous offer to take the car off their hands, and let them get into something else.
  45. D

    Shop recommendation in Bay Area for scratch repair

    Where in the Bay Area? If in the south bay I can recommend ACE
  46. D

    Why would you not correct yourself when parking

    Maybe when the Tesla arrived, there was some other car where the Leaf is now, which was parked badly, forcing the Tesla to go outside of its bay?
  47. D

    Supercharger - Sunnyvale, CA - W. McKinley Ave (LIVE 12 Mar 2018, 12 V2 stalls)

    After seeing the story in the local news, I was wondering that myself. Will stop by it in the next few days and look.
  48. D

    Giving Apps Permission to your Tesla Accounrt

    I've put longer responses to this in other threads in the past, but to summarize. - If you give them your login, or just a token, they have the same access via the API that you do. - The biggest problem for me isn't that I don't trust the app/app maker, it's that I don't know how good their...
  49. D

    Anyone able to pick up directly from Fremont, if live close enough?

    Does it say delivery fee, or destination fee? IIRC destination fee is non-negotiable, and legally has to be the same for any location in the lower 48. I picked my car up from the factory, but it made no difference to the price/fees. However, that was a few years ago, so things could be...