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  1. J

    PW2 Reported Grid Export on 3-Phase

    I have a single PW2 on a Gateway2 in a 3-P house. The PV is on 3-P Inverter and the car charger is 3-P. Now we are into less sunny days it is becoming more obvious that the Tesla App and API reported "Grid Export" figures seem to be incorrect. For example yesterday the App says that 1.8kWh was...
  2. Grenadine

    Adelaide to Perth & Adelaide to Darwin

    Looking to drive from Melbourne on a holiday and wondering how easy are these trips in an EV? Melbourne to Adelaide seems well covered by the supercharging network. What about after that? Do you have to individually ring places to charge? How hard is it?
  3. Dylanpete

    Tesla adventure in Outback Queensland and North-QLD

    Earlier this year Richard McNeall posted an appeal via the AEVA Australian Electric Vehicle Association forums checking which Tesla owners had an interest to drive around Australia and help to establish a charging route, promoting the installation of 3 phase 32 Amp charging points at regular...
  4. aikisteve

    Laadkabels en (potentiële) laadproblemen uitgelegd

  5. RichardMcN

    Red Centre Adventure !

    A new adventure for Tessie ! It was very exciting to see @Rich Bentley 's Tesla Owners invite to Alice Springs for the festival season ... Even better, Richard B has been working like a demon organising charging sites between Adelaide and Alice, All I have needed to do is wrap up the...
  6. Blue heaven

    News from Western Australia

    News from Western Australia As many would know the WA South West have had in place for the past two years the excellent RAC electric highway, a series of DC charge stations that puts about 85% of the states population within 100kms of a fast charger, this covers thereabouts 10% of the states...
  7. RichardMcN

    Anticlockwise Adventure!

    Now I've had Tessie for 7 weeks it's time for a big adventure! This Sunday, John (friend) and I are heading up to Cairns and Darwin and, IF (big if) we still get on, and we haven't hit too many roos and we're still on time, we'll press on down the coast to Perth, taking advantage of Blue...
  8. Blue heaven

    Outback mystery tour

    Time for a roadtrip.
  9. MDK

    Perth to Brisbane

    Nullis Arbor, unum Tesla (zero trees, one Tesla) In a few days techno-phile and I are heading off on a big adventure! We aim to drive from Perth to Adelaide in 6 days, charging on 3-phase power along the way. techno-phile has done the legwork contacting various businesses and roadhouses...