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$1,000 Early Access Deposit - Reading the tea leaf...

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How is everyone interpreting the $1K deposit from $250?

$250 is Dinner out with family at Chil's (while I don't give my money away) I careless about this. Now losing $1K is a bad loss on a sure win on my Eagle and I do care.

My point is this... Is Tesla seeing people backing out after a accepting Foundation order and thus prompted this exercise to give ppl a pause before they accept??

Your thoughts..

I'm all for the bump to $1,000 from $250.

Makes the opportunity cost 4x as high and for a lot of people, that will be too much to squander on a "maybe".

I have two reservations from reveal day in 2019 and this just gets me closer to an order email, haha!!

I cannot wait for this truck. Getting either a satin ODG wrap, or the satin black wrap from Tesla. Good times!!
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Got my Cybertruck!!

Matte Black no less, haha!!



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