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Arizona Powerwall Installs

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I’m in SRP territory and running an 8kw SunPower system and 1 PW on the E-27 plan. Installed by Sun Valley in 2 phases similar to Darwin. Goal should to shave/eliminate peak usage and demand charges; not offset all usage. SRP rates are crazy low, especially off peak, on the E-27 generation plan. I’d be careful dealing with a seller (ie Tesla) for solar panels that doesn’t know how to game the SRP plans.

PW installed Feb 13th and commissioned May 3rd to take advantage of the double rebate. Just got my $3600 check from SRP over the weekend.
There is no game to the system with SRP and to be honest I doubt Sun Valley vs Tesla would be much of a difference. It’s pretty upfront in SRP territory on what to expect if you do your homework.

I would go with the cheapest option that made sense. Solar panels are a commodity, so at the end of the day the goal to me is who will offer me the best price. Don’t get caught up in the panel name brand game. That can be a discussion for another thread and I’m sure it’s been discussed numerous times here, so I’m going to avoid going any further on that topic.

I do agree that the goal is to reduce demand costs during peek hours and that is where the PWs come in to play.

Just found this article that explains the SRP rate plans, doesn’t get into solar much.

Are you on the least expensive SRP rate plan? Half of customers in Arizona are not
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There is no game to the system with SRP and to be honest I doubt Sun Valley vs Tesla would be much of a difference. It’s pretty upfront in SRP territory on what to expect if you do your homework.

I would go with the cheapest option that made sense. Solar panels are a commodity, so at the end of the day the goal to me is who will offer me the best price. Don’t get caught up in the panel name brand game. That can be a discussion for another thread and I’m sure it’s been discussed numerous times here, so I’m going to avoid going any further on that topic.

I do agree that the goal is to reduce demand costs during peek hours and that is where the PWs come in to play.

Just found this article that explains the SRP rate plans, doesn’t get into solar much.

Are you on the least expensive SRP rate plan? Half of customers in Arizona are not
Exactly this! Tesla's new price of $2.65 before incentives is wayyyy cheaper than Sun Valley. I have gotten 3 quotes over the last year that were 3-7k more going with Tesla. SRP has to plans and just waiting on them for approval and then we are good! 4kw system and 1PW!
Kenne74, my reference to the “game” is to understanding one’s usage and demand, SRPs rate plan structure and how to design a system that will best take advantage of the SRP pricing plan structure in order to shorten ROI. With the generation rate plan this will occur by minimizing peak usage and demand charges while not overpaying for excess production and/or storage.

My reference to Sun Valley wasn’t intended to induce price shopping or brand recommendations. I simply noted what I have and who installed it.

My recommendation for members to be careful was in light of recommendations by Tesla for systems that make no economic sense given the SRP rate plans (i.e.excess solar panels and multiple PWs which will result in poor ROI performance). I agree people should do their homework and I would encourage part of that homework to include consultation with multiple industry experts including those with experience with the SRP. Then buy from whomever provides the most perceived value (to include price point, warranty, service, etc).

People should also be careful regarding the new solar rate plans. If you review the new plan documentation, the SRP has tweaked the rates, demand charges and/or reduced credit for energy sold back to the grid to ensure they, on average, have the same revenue regardless which plan users choose. For me and my system, the E-27 plan works best as I have low (currently negative) peak grid draw and near zero peak demand. Grid rates (especially off-peak) are very cheap on the plan.
I'm about to pull the trigger on Tesla solar, as well as some powerwalls, so I have a few questions.

  • I already have solar though the company is now bankrupt and I'm essentially orphaned. It's paid for in full. Will Tesla just add on to it or will they require it be pulled? Will they do the removal? Is my existing inverter any use at all?
  • My existing equipment is hanging on an exterior wall that gets mega heat the second half of the day. Are they willing to install stuff in the garage?
  • What's the turnaround time roughly? If I order now will it be installed this year?
  • Is Tesla the right company to go with? Any regrets?
I know I had more questions, I'll come back when I remember them. I'm really just looking for any gotchas that you all may have gone through. I'm signed up for the SRP battery and am hoping to capitalize on the credit before it goes down at end of year.
I'm about to pull the trigger on Tesla solar, as well as some powerwalls, so I have a few questions.

  • I already have solar though the company is now bankrupt and I'm essentially orphaned. It's paid for in full. Will Tesla just add on to it or will they require it be pulled? Will they do the removal? Is my existing inverter any use at all?
  • My existing equipment is hanging on an exterior wall that gets mega heat the second half of the day. Are they willing to install stuff in the garage?
  • What's the turnaround time roughly? If I order now will it be installed this year?
  • Is Tesla the right company to go with? Any regrets?
I know I had more questions, I'll come back when I remember them. I'm really just looking for any gotchas that you all may have gone through. I'm signed up for the SRP battery and am hoping to capitalize on the credit before it goes down at end of year.
I would call tesla energy and ask them those questions, specifically if they will add to a system. What size do you have currently? Is it still working? Tesla is by far the cheapest in AZ right now but there are some downsides to them. My system should hopefully be installed next month. Ordered May 1st.
Well finally got my Powerwalls turned on, took forever. Still can’t access it via the app but I ran the website wizard and set it up that way for now. Help ticket submitted.

Currently ran 2 AC units and 1 huge electric hot water tank that I should replace. 12kw and it ran with no issues, some solar was being produced.

Things I learned but failed to do - while you are waiting on the electric company you can easily turn on the powerwall and use it in backup mode just run the wizard and change it from backup to consumption. If I would of known this......
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Well finally got my Powerwalls turned on, took forever. Still can’t access it via the app but I ran the website wizard and set it up that way for now. Help ticket submitted.

Currently ran 2 AC units and 1 huge electric hot water tank that I should replace. 12kw and it ran with no issues, some solar was being produced.

Things I learned but failed to do - while you are waiting on the electric company you can easily turn on the powerwall and use it in backup mode just run the wizard and change it from backup to consumption. If I would of known this......
What was the delay in turning them on? APS/SRP or Tesla? Also shouldn’t they set up the app when they install? I’m getting my system/PW installed Thursday.
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The delay was SRP and the holiday. Tesla never set up the app and told me it was possible until the unit was commissioned....

My workaround is working now, so I’ll give them a few days to get back to me. Once they install your batteries turn them on and access it via webpage while you wait for your inspection.
Anyone know if it’s true that it takes a few days before time based control setting show up? That is what Tesla is telling me...


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You have a couple options. Connect via your WiFi if they hook it up, I had to ask. Then you will need to figure out the IP address on your router and type that into your browser. The other option is to connect via the cellphone WiFi signal should show as TEG-XX and type in in your browser.

The password for the WiFi is S and the last 5 of the gateway SN, so SXXXXX. Once you get in then you just need to log into the gateway and that will be your email and password is the last 5 of the gateway SN, so XXXXX, without the S. The is regardless of installer or customer. Enter installer if you want to make changes because Telsa will leave it in backup mode (last page). I just skip through until I saw I could change it to self consumption mode.

If you google it there should be some pictures.
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