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Bluetooth TPMS for MY/M3 to Norway

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From what I have read, the new bluetooth tpms is of use in MY and maybe later for the M3. Regardless, the service centers in Norway did not know of the bluetooth kind, maybe because the model y hasn't been delivered in my country.
I am in search of the bluetooth tmps, but can seemingly not get them in Norway.
If someone can get a hold of 4, new, Bluetooth TPMS in USA and send them to Norway, that would be great.
I will compensate for the cost of the sensors, the shipping cost, and a compensation for the work to whom it may concern.
Feel free to contact me too discuss this further.
Best regards

Moderator note: moved to "want to buy" marketplace section
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Unfortunately, I dont think there is any way to specify such a thing with an order for your car. Even manufacturers that have a high degree of customization (BMW is the one I am most familiar with) do not have any option to specify which TPMS come with your car.