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Camp Mode only for HVAC?

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Supporting Member
May 22, 2020
New York
So I had a chance to go camping solo for a night on a fishing excursion. I had everything in order, got in the front, hit camp mode, exited to hop in the back, got situated...and all the cabin lights were on. Ohhhkay. Now I’m in the back and can’t turn the lights off without being a contortionist and clicking them all, or as I did I reached forward and clicked the voice command and told the car to turn off all the interior lights. That helped, but all the door hardware lights were on and the front screen, too, which eventually went to the campfire scene, but I’d rather it had been off. I would have liked to be able to change all these settings as defaults in the system ahead of time or at least on my phone in the back.

So, am I missing something? Is Camp Mode just HVAC and nothing more? IMO Camp Mode should be all encompassing, HVAC, lights off, screen on or off at my discretion, and totally controllable from the rear of the vehicle on my phone which is where I am, trying to sleep.

Otherwise it was great. Kept a perfect temperature. The slight hum of the heat pump was actually soothing. I went through 10% of my battery over around 9 hours with it being 55 and breezy outside, 68 inside.

Have sent suggestions to Tesla, but, you know...no response.
Camping mode will not lock the doors if you exit the Tesla vehicle, take your phone. The HVAC will remain on. You can drape a towel over the screen or just turn down the screen brightness to minimum. Turn off the cabin lights before you get out of the driver's seat. Use your phone as a flashlight.
Thanks. I turned the cabin lights off but they turned back on when I exited to go to the back and for some reason didn't turn off once situated in the back. I'm sure it's user error but I'm not sure why the interior lights didn't time out once I was in the back. Maybe a longer delay?
I guess what I’m saying is Camp Mode shouldn’t be a climate setting alone, with everything else a preparatory activity involving changing day-to-day defaults. It should be a feature setting that can have customized defaults, or at the very least be controlled entirely by the app from the sleeping quarters. If I’d like to watch a movie from the back before bed, or listen to music, turn the lights on and off, etc. it should all be accessible on a phone from the back. Hell, I’d mount and dedicate a tablet as a Camp Control Panel. Just a feature request for a camper.
I haven’t used Camp Mode yet but would it be possible to setup a driver profile called “Camp Mode”, and save your camping settings on that profile. When you’re ready to turn in for the night, just change the driver profile to Camp Mode. Also I agree with needed ability to control certain menu items from the phone app itself.

I like this idea and to add to this, you can have the front seats move all the way forward to give you more room in back. Those seat positions stay with the "Camp Mode" driver profile.
Yes Jungl3 & Mike_TV, that's what I'm getting at exactly. There is just too little functionality on the phone to make the various adjustments when you're already in the back of the car, and doing everything "manually" before you head to bed would get old. Plus, on a multi-day trip if I leave the camping set up in the back but have to drive somewhere everything gets undone. I'm not a programmer but wonder if the API would allow for this through a third-party app.
I like this idea and to add to this, you can have the front seats move all the way forward to give you more room in back. Those seat positions stay with the "Camp Mode" driver profile.

yeah, i saw a TesMat review video and that's what the guy did. He created a driver profile for Camp Mode and it seemed to work good for him. I never realized all the little things that get saved with the Driver Profile!