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Cracked Rear Window

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So its only -2C here which is not very cold for March in Northern Ontario. Our M3LR started preconditioning on schedule for 730am depart. When my wife got into the nice and toasty warm car she observed that the rear window was cracked from around the rear defrost lines down to the bottom of the window and then across most the width of the back window. Car is 6 months old. Absolutely no ice on the window, to impact to the window or anything like that. I've put in the service request but wonder if anybody has had luck with Tesla covering the replacement? This is not an impact issue clearly when the rear defrost kicks on it ended up cracking the window. Anybody with similar experience?
Yikes! The Great White North, comes with its risks. Can you share the year? Is it still under warranty? If not, it looks like the comprehensive part of the insurance would have to cover it. I have heard that Tesla had replaced them in the past, but they are hyper critical and look for signs of rock chips, etc. Just my Canadian 2¢ worth.

Best of luck.
Its a 2022, only 6 months old. Service did respond and say if there is no sign of impact it would be covered however it needs to be brought to a service center to be assessed. Options are 700km away or about 500km into the US. They will add it to the mobile service waitlist (I have 3 issues already on the waitlist) and the ranger will assess if it'll be covered by Tesla or not but regardless a roadtrip will be necessary to get it fixed.
Its a 2022, only 6 months old. Service did respond and say if there is no sign of impact it would be covered however it needs to be brought to a service center to be assessed. Options are 700km away or about 500km into the US. They will add it to the mobile service waitlist (I have 3 issues already on the waitlist) and the ranger will assess if it'll be covered by Tesla or not but regardless a roadtrip will be necessary to get it fixed.
Wow! At least they did acknowledge that. Living in T-Bay has some challenges. I must say, I consider myself quite lucky that I can (now) literally walk to the service centre, which is about 1 km away from our apartment. I say this only since having TKR (Total Knee Replacement) in January and now being able to actually walk without being in utter agony. 😀
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Similar to others that have had almost the smiley face Crack. I took a pic you can see it clear cracked right down the heating line.


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Had the same type of crack in wifey's Model 3. Took it to service center expecting a hassle and burden of proof on my part. SC manager (Kennesaw Georgia) was great and fixed it under warranty saying they would try to finish same day. Worst part was that they gave me Model S loaner, then texted me three hours later to tell me to come get the car as the work was complete.

Larry in Georgia
All fixed under warranty and while I was there they looked at a rear taillight that had excessive moisture in it and replaced it. Nice drive, great excuse for a road trip. I got a loaner for the day, was about 4.5-5 hours total for the replacement and time for the adhesive to set. I got to drive my first Model S as a loaner which was nice (albeit it was a 2016 so it seems a little dated these days). They knew we were from out of town so gave the loaner and had the car charged up to 90% and ready for the trip back home when we got there.