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Fairfield County Tesla Owners Club

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Hello All,

My name is Phil and I am a proud 2016 Model S owner. After speaking at the Tesla CT legislative briefing on Jan 30th in South Norwalk and meeting many Tesla owners since then, I thought it was the right time to create a Fairfield County Tesla Owners Club. The plan is to have meetings in Fairfield County every two months to bring early adopters together to help educate the market and CT politicians about our experiences and passion with Tesla Motors and soon Tesla Energy. West Chester, New York and all CT Tesla owners are welcome to join/attend all events which will be held in Fairfield County.

A little about me: I'm 46, grew up in Westport CT at public schools and currently live in Fairfield CT with my wife and two young children. For the past 23 years I have worked at a fortune 100 company in technology sales, strategy, and strategic partnerships working with some of the largest companies in the world but have decided to make a change to be on the ground floor of the next technology industrial revolution, one that Tesla is major part of. I've been an early adopter my whole life and have a huge passion for Tesla since becoming a Model S owner just 6 months ago. Every chance I get I educate people on my car, how it works, and how Tesla will change the world for the better.

Our first event will take place on June 8th at the Patio at Longshore in Westport, CT overlooking the Long Island sound. Address is: Pearl at Longshore: 260 Compo Rd South, Westport Ct 06880. There will be live music, drinks, appetizers and a chance for folks to speak about their Tesla experience and meet many other owners.

Please RSVP at [email protected] and reach out with any questions or concerns. Please also forward this post to any that might be interested in attending in the area.

Looking forward to a large turnout and continuing to educating the market on Tesla.

Bumping this up as the fight looms in CT!

Elon Musk pens letter in local paper as Tesla makes final push for right to sell in Connecticut

Looking for more CT Tesla owners that are passionate about their car and Tesla's strategy to join us on June 8th. Hopefully we are celebrating the new law allowing Tesla to be sold in CT, if not we will be strategizing on ways to increase awareness in our state.

This pic is from last week, we could have used more Tesla owners at this event but still the message has been heard.


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Bumping this up as the fight looms in CT!

Elon Musk pens letter in local paper as Tesla makes final push for right to sell in Connecticut

Looking for more CT Tesla owners that are passionate about their car and Tesla's strategy to join us on June 8th. Hopefully we are celebrating the new law allowing Tesla to be sold in CT, if not we will be strategizing on ways to increase awareness in our state.

This pic is from last week, we could have used more Tesla owners at this event but still the message has been heard.

Model3 reservation holder and CT resident here giving my 2 cents and playing devil's advocate.

I have contacted my representative and we had a very nice email discussion regarding the proposed bill. Ultimately, I was unable to convince him of its benefits but he did thank me for voicing my concerns and I could tell he did appreciate hearing from me.

Secondly, I've had several discussions with some friends from CT about the Tesla bill and all of them had no idea you could not buy a Tesla in the state, nor did they understand the dealership - customer - manufacturer dynamic that currently exists. To put simply no one considers themselves as buying from Joe the dealer, they simply think they bought a Honda from Honda.

Thirdly, although nearly everyone I spoke to (besides my rep) did agree Tesla should be able to sell direct they did not think carving out an exception for Tesla was the right way to do it. Everyone thought all manufacturers should be able to sell direct and that this would be best for all consumers. While correct I understand this is a compromise to appease some dealers but I feel it might be hurting support as well.

Finally, most representatives have no idea the support that exists. We have a single poll conducted by Tesla themselves saying 3/4 of CT residents support the Tesla Bill. This poll doesn't have much weight and carries a lot of bias coming from Tesla itself. I could not find out how the questions were phrased to do a deep dive here but I suspect it was phrased in a such a way to produce the desired result of Tesla. To be clear I think the support exists but I think the poll skewed it. Along those same lines, a 10,000 person online petition sounds impressive but is dubious at best as I have no heard that those signing have been verified to be actual individual CT residents. 10,000 signatures also only accounts for .35% of the adult population of CT. Thus I'm sure most legislators are ignoring both the poll and signatures.
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Thirdly, although nearly everyone I spoke to (besides my rep) did agree Tesla should be able to sell direct they did not think carving out an exception for Tesla was the right way to do it. Everyone thought all manufacturers should be able to sell direct and that this would be best for all consumers. While correct I understand this is a compromise to appease some dealers but I feel it might be hurting support as well.

This is confusing to me. The reason the franchise laws (that Tesla is fighting) exist in the first place is to protect local independent dealerships from the threat of the manufacturers selling direct to consumers and undercutting the dealerships. Changing that law and allowing all manufacturers to sell direct is a threat 1000x larger than the Tesla threat to the dealerships. Enabling direct sales to consumers isn't a compromise from the dealerships, rather it would totally kill their business.

The root of the problem is how the franchise laws are currently written forbidding any manufacturer from selling direct.. even if there aren't local independent dealerships.

The only way to solve is is either a carve out for factory-direct sales (no franchises) or changing the existing laws to allow it. The solution is not allowing all manufacturers to sell direct.

Also, the bottom line here isn't that the dealerships are gung-ho to force Tesla to sell through their dealerships, it's the threat that Tesla is selling cars 100x better than any other ICE they currently sell. They're all just anti-EV.
This is confusing to me. The reason the franchise laws (that Tesla is fighting) exist in the first place is to protect local independent dealerships from the threat of the manufacturers selling direct to consumers and undercutting the dealerships. Changing that law and allowing all manufacturers to sell direct is a threat 1000x larger than the Tesla threat to the dealerships. Enabling direct sales to consumers isn't a compromise from the dealerships, rather it would totally kill their business.
I agree it would be 1000x the threat the law is now but people seem to hate exceptions.

The root of the problem is how the franchise laws are currently written forbidding any manufacturer from selling direct.. even if there aren't local independent dealerships.

The only way to solve is is either a carve out for factory-direct sales (no franchises) or changing the existing laws to allow it. The solution is not allowing all manufacturers to sell direct.

Also, the bottom line here isn't that the dealerships are gung-ho to force Tesla to sell through their dealerships, it's the threat that Tesla is selling cars 100x better than any other ICE they currently sell. They're all just anti-EV.

To clarify, the law going through right now, HB 7097, allows the sales of Tesla vehicles through manufacturer owned dealerships/franchises. So the question that comes up is why can Tesla own their own dealerships when Honda can't. This kind of argument is exactly what is meant by "making perfect the enemy of the good" but I just wanted to comment that its out there hurting the bill in some form.
My state senator voted against the bill in finance committee. Nobody is opposing the bill because it does not permit manufacturers that sell through independent dealsers to be allowed to own dealerships.

There is no reasoning with them, because their vote has nothing to do with reason. It is about their personal relationships with dealership owners, and political contributions.

Governor Malloy pretends to be a friend of the environment by saying CT will live up to the Paris agreement pledge. But Connecticut Fund for the Environment actively supports this bill because they say it is necessary (need all the EVs we can get) to meet our carbon reductions. He also signed an anti-Tesla bill that gives CT taxpayer rebates for EVs - but it excludes Tesla (even if this bill passes) because it is only available through independent dealers.

Just more corrupt crony politics in Hartford - nothing new here. Just one of the many reasons CT is ranked last among states in so many ways.
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This Thursday at 8pm is our get together at Pearl at Longshore at their outdoor patio (around back). The weather looks like 60 degrees and overcast, if it rains we will move to inside. Please park at the parking lot for golf which is right next to Pearls parking lot, just before it on the right hand side. Look for the red Model S and try to park next to it so we can take some pictures of all the cars after. Looking forward to meeting some owners/reservation holders.

Below is the link to my project Loveday submission, hope you enjoy it.

To clarify, the law going through right now, HB 7097, allows the sales of Tesla vehicles through manufacturer owned dealerships/franchises. So the question that comes up is why can Tesla own their own dealerships when Honda can't. This kind of argument is exactly what is meant by "making perfect the enemy of the good" but I just wanted to comment that its out there hurting the bill in some form.

The reason Honda can't have their own dealerships is as was explained above as to why these laws exist in every state. Basically what they are doing is protecting dealers from manufacturers who might otherwise use them to grow their business (invest in facilities, training and inventory, build up brand recognition and value through advertising, sales and service relationships, and create community goodwill through little league and other sponsorships), then turn around and cut them out of the deal by opening their own stores (or buying out some dealers and operating theirs).

In many states's laws this original intent is clear, but in others it is not, and it yet others the laws have recently been changed to override this intent.

The right way to fix this is to clarify that any automaker who does not have franchise dealers can sell direct. But dealer associations are afraid that could open the door to new manufacturers in places like China and India to create their own direct sales networks. If they were successful and taking share from Detroit, the Big Three would use this as an argument to throw out the laws protecting franchisees.

So Tesla is just the tip of the iceberg in this problem, and in some states, just to make the issue go away, laws have been rewritten to carve out Tesla specifically or EV-only makers in general (which they may regret, because I can foresee multiple EV-only makers coming to the US from China and later India).
Connecticut legislators update residents on session

I had the chance to educate the room on the Tesla/CT battle and ask our CT leadership, specifically senator Tony Hwang, on where he/they stood on Tesla's direct sales model coming to CT. Two out of the three legislators support Tesla in Ct, Tony Hwang does not. My fellow fairfield county Tesla brother captured their stances here.

thanks for posting, that was awesome to watch. I've found its very hard to find legislators explaining their opinions on the tesla issue.

For those of you who didn't watch Mr. Hwang's argument seemed to be the following items:

1) Tesla is not the only player in the electric car market. He referenced Chevy with the bolt and volt, toyota with the prime, and volvo who plans to implement an electric motor in all cars in the future.

Comments: I'm not exactly sure the reason he mentions this fact but it appears he's attacking a straw man here. The straw man argument being that CT residents need the Tesla bill to pass so they can buy electric cars and he's saying no you don't there are plenty more options. To which the obvious problem is that only the bolt is an electric car in his example.​

2) Apple sells its phones through the apple store and through other phone manufacturers.

Comments: Mr. Hwang doesn't really expand on this thought but I think the reason he mentions it is to setup his next argument below. He doesn't actually come out and say Tesla should do the same as apple in his example but that appears to be his train of thought. The problem here is that the CT law right now wouldn't allow Tesla to be sold at dealerships and direct at the moment.​

3) The problem with the bill is a fairness issue. Why should Tesla be the only one allowed to sell cars directly? If you are going to sell cars in CT you need to follow the laws which require a dealership as a middleman.

Comments: This is probably the most valid of his arguments and one I've seen debated quite a bit. Which has a better chance of passing? Limit direct sales to Tesla only or allow all car manufactures to sell direct? The former argument is countered by Mr. Hwang's fairness question whereas the latter is probably a much worse situation for car dealers and would face much more opposition.
4) When you buy a car from a dealer you also setup a relationship and place you can get your car serviced. Tesla does not have a comparable service infrastructure.

Comments: Mr. Hwang seems to be saying he's trying to protect consumers by not allowing them to buy Teslas. This is a strange argument as there is a service center in Milford, electric cars require less service, and Tesla has actually just rolled out their plan to overcome the lack of access to service.
5) Mr. Hwang finishes it off by complaining about how "vociferous" both sides of this bill have been in lobbying their efforts. He then goes on to bemoan the fight itself and finishes up with essentially a why can't we all get along?

Comments: Both sides do seem very intent on their side but the fact is the Tesla side has already compromised by creating a bill that would only let Tesla sell direct. I feel this fact is very overlooked in the current debate.

This is politics. Has nothing to do with facts or logic.

The politicians are owned by the car dealers - financial contributions and personal relationships.

Teslas are sold in just about every other state with no negative consequences.
CT residents have been purchasing Teslas (out-of-state) for many years with no negative consequences.
I hope everyone is enjoying the rest of summer. We are planning our fall Tesla owners/reservation holders/enthusiasts get together on Thursday evening, September 28th from 7-10pm and hope you will be able to attend. We will be meeting at The Pearl at Longshore in Westport Ct. We will be meeting outside around back on the patio. The address is 260 Compo Rd South, Westport CT.

For our get together this quarter we will focus on three primary topics below in no particular order...

  1. Tesla in CT? As CT lawmakers return to work there is still not a place for Tesla in CT. Fairfield County has the largest population of Teslas in Ct and Westport has the most on a per capita basis. It's now up to owners to step up and show our support for Tesla in Ct and to shine the sun on the those who still don't understand the advantages Tesla will bring to our state
  2. The search for the 3! As you know the Model 3 has shipped and is out in the wild, though I haven't seen one yet or heard of anyone seeing one. With that in mind our hope is that we can publicize this event across Fairfield County in an effort to attract one to our get together on 9/28. If you know anyone please encourage them to attend. As always, we will take a pic of all the cars together at the end and push to local press
  3. Get to meet some other cool people and have fun talking about Tesla among other things...

I want to thank Dawn Henry and Demetri Spantidos for volunteering to coordinate this group with me going forward. Dawn and Demetri have spent many hours/days working to educate people on Tesla, its amazing technology, and Tesla's vision for the future. We all continue to be very involved in the political battle in CT and continue to work to educate CT residents on the advantages a battery powered, stealth quiet, self driving, rocket-ship/car delivers for the future of CT. Dawn, Demetri and I live in Westport, Weston, and Fairfield

Lastly, this Saturday there is a CT EV showcase in Fairfield from 10-2pm. The three of us will be attending (2 X's and an S). Let us know if you would like to meet up at the event or join in showing off your car. Some local politicians will also be attending...not all supporting Tesla..

More Info and how to register your car below:


That's it for now. Please let us know if you will be able to make the 28th and if there are any other Tesla owners/reservation holders/enthusiasts that you think might want to be a part of our club and get together quarterly to help spread the word.

Please also take a moment to sign up for our Fairfield County Tesla Club below, spread the word please, and let us know if you can make it on 9/28

Fairfield County Tesla Owners Club | Tesla Motors Club

Thanks for your support,

Phil, Dawn, Demetri
Some updates from CT. Over the past 3 weeks we have made some progress.

1. We will be rebranding as CT-Tesla.com and post info there and here about our group/mission and how you can help/participate.

3. 9/28/17 We had our fall meet up at Longshore in Westport. Great people, great times, great cars. We performed a 10 way summon at the end.

2. 10/5/17 We met with a candidate for CT governor who loves our story and wants to help raise awareness. We will abe meeting with 2 other govenor candidates in the coming weeks.


4. 10/7/17 Last Saturday night 10 owners and 2 Tesla employees volunteered their cars and time to shuttle 35 participants of Westports Kitchen Crawl that raised over 16k for charity. 300 people attended the event who learned a lot more about EV’s, Tesla, and their challenges in CT.

More to come...

Pics below, feel free to share.
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