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Have Tesla insurance, just got DMV letter "Intent to Suspend" for lack of insurance

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So, anyone else with Tesla insurance experiencing this odd quirk? I imagine it'd only be rearing its head right about now, as I got Tesla insurance just as soon as it was available (it was significantly cheaper than my existing plan, for significantly better coverage in all categories).

Opened my mailbox to a DMV nastygram today saying they don't have proof of insurance for my 3, and *flails arms wildly* they're gonna suspend my registration in December (*stops flailing*). That's odd, I've never had a letter like that before, through the different insurance companies I've switched between.

Anyone else? I almost wonder if Tesla sent their "it's insured" notice to DMV just before my previous provider sent their "it's not insured" notice to DMV, and resulted in a real world sneakernet race-condition.
I got one of these letters years ago, though not for my Tesla. I had moved to AZ, and updated all my records including my auto insurance. Fast forward three months, and I get a letter from the AZ DMV stating my registration was going to be rescinded for lack of insurance. At the time I had Nationwide. When I consulted the DMV to see what was going on, I was told that "[my] carrier did not provide coverage for Arizona residents", which I found particularly odd given the name of the company. Switched insurers, provided proof, done and done.

Presuming that the Tesla insurance company or its subcontractor sent you proof of insurance, I imagine you can stroll into (or maybe even call?) the DMV and offer them proof of insurance to them.
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I received the same letter, but a proof of insurance notice was also on my DMV renewal. I sent a copy of my registration card with my check for renewal to the DMV, so hopefully that will be enough! Yes it was quite rude, I have insurance!!
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I just got this last week and called the DMV. They gave me an email address to email a copy of my insurance card to. F going into the DMV in person!

It's because you cancelled whatever insurance you had and switched to Tesla. Tesla insurance cannot be sent electronically and for whatever reason they don't tell you this when you sign up for it. So the DMV sees you as having canceled/no insurance. It has to be done manually (phone, mail/fax/email, in person etc. etc.)
I received one as well. The DMV “Notice of Intent to Suspend” letter (for those who have yet to receive it), identifies the various ways you can remedy it (update) the DMV.

1. DMV Web Site (https://www.dmv.ca.gov). Select “More Online Services” then select “Vehicle Registration and Suspension Program”
2. Mail evidence of liability insurance with a cut out and envelope the DMV provides with the letter
3. Call their Automated Voice Response 1-800-777-0133
4. Visit a “DMV Now” self service terminal at select DMV offices.

When I’ve switched carriers in the past, the notification to DMV was seamless (and I think electronic), in flowing to DMV. Seems likely this is one of the growing pains in this new area of Tesla’s operation. It’s a little bit of a hassle, but for me, worth the time in the return on investment - if it continues as monthly savings...and supports Tesla’s grander mission and profitability need.
Received this notice as well, and couldn’t finish the process online. My insurance docs didn’t have the NAIC so I had to contact Tesla Insurance, in which they promptly regenerated the document and card for me, with the NAIC.

The rep told me they’ve been having discussions with the person in charge at the CA DMV, but they haven’t been able to get them to accept their NAIC online. He also said they sent a handful of letters to their customers about this issue but it looks like it hasn’t gone to everyone. I certainly didn’t get one.

Anyhow, once you try to submit your proof through the archaic DMV site, it’ll error out and give you an email address to send your docs to: [email protected]. Of course, no instructions whatsoever so I just attached the policy and typed in my plate number, VIN, make/model and PIN from the original letter. I’m expecting no reply, as par for the course with the DMV.
I figure I've got AAA, so I'll go stop by there and see if they can set this straight.

The letter gives these 4 options, but:
1) the website doesn't have "more online services", and under "online services", the "Vehicle Registration Suspension Program" option isn't there... soooo... good job keeping your docs up to date, DMV.
2) yeah, mail is a one-way door, don't really feel too confident in that, but maybe I'll do this as well (since I have a printed insurance sheet, and a roll of stamps, and they included an envelope and everything), it takes me maybe 2 minutes to do this.
3) calling DMV's automated phone system is about as enticing as a root canal
4) I don't know how a DMV kiosk can handle this, but it's worth a try, and provides real-time feedback if it was accepted.

So I'm going to do four things, following a chain of verifiable failure modes: (1) go to the full URL from the document and try and submit it from here, then if/when that doesn't work, (2) print a copy of my insurance proof and drive to a DMV kiosk and try that method, then if that doesn't work, (3) go to AAA and see if they can handle it, and if all else fails, (4) stuff it in the envelope and mail it.
Ahhh... the plan (1) almost seemed like it worked. But not quite. I called Tesla insurance support (1-844-348-3752 or "34-TESLA") option 1 (CA policy support), then option 3 (general support), asked for the NAIC number and got it quick and easy.

Oh, the full URL, I forgot, is here: Vehicle Registration Suspensions and Insurance Program
(at least as of today, for CA policies) the Tesla insurance NAIC number is 12831.

Tried submitting it, and it gave the "euhh we're a little brain-dead and can't verify that" error (if you could verify it electronically, why wouldn't ya do it automatically?). So it says to go via email or mail. Hm. Off to plan (2) at a kiosk!
Bet you the kiosk is simply the same web interface that will spit out the same verification error. But let us know how it goes
Yup, I expected that. Definitely not the same web interface, but the same mechanism. Garbage tier process, I tell ya. I fault DMV for this incredibly clumsy process that relies entirely on the providers to use DMV's mechanism, yet also relies on us to tell them to look at their own records of a provider electronically notifying DMV? It's a self-obsoleting mechanism... if the mechanism were working as intended, there would be no reason to even have this process. So, in practice, the only useful purpose for this "you don't appear to have insurance, so go online/go to a kiosk to validate" would be to upload non-electronic proofs... yet they can't seem to do that? Clumsy.

2019-10-26 12_31_08-Clipboard.jpg

Off to try plan (3), AAA's DMV services!
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Plan (3), AAA's DMV. Another fail.

Everything looked good on their end, and since registration wasn't suspended, they couldn't unsuspend it with proof of insurance. Another broken system - they can fix it after it's broken, but can't apply a preventative fix before it's broken.

They suggested that instead, I call Tesla insurance and whine at them to submit the proper proof to DMV.

I'll combine that with (4), stuffing my proofs into an envelope and mailing it to DMV (with the provided sheet & envelope). So, next stop, 1-844-34-TESLA again...

edit for smaller update: called them again, talked about it, "stop me if you've heard this before" and yeah, not an uncommon issue. Said the most sure way is to go to DMV in person (despite the letter saying "staff at field offices cannot provide vehicle insurance program services" in big bold at the bottom), but the 2nd best thing is to just print and mail it. Given how much huff I've gone through so far, I think it's fair to just do that.

The guy on the phone did, somehow, update my documents with their NAIC number, though - now it's shown along with the underwriter's address, where that line wasn't present before. That might be what's needed...
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Same, got the letter, no dice on website.

Sent email...

UPDATE 12/29: Called Tesla, nice person on the phone seemed to know exactly what was going on. Without me asking, she offered to re-issue a new insurance card with NAIC number on it (mine did not have it), asked me to email her a copy of the DMV letter, and said they'd take care of things from their end. Additionally, she mentioned that I should hear back from them when all is taken care of (we'll see about that...)

But for now, this seemed a more promising response from Tesla customer support than previous things I've read. Success pending still, of course, but there appears to be hope that they're working on improving their way of working.
Good day Folks!

I was wondering if anyone else received a DMV Vehicle Registration Suspension letter citing lack of Proof of Insurance.
I switch to Tesla Insurance in first week it was offered so I wonder if that's why California DMV thinks that I have no insurance, because of change of insurance. My previous insurance on my TM3 was Geico and they probably got notice of the cancellation but Tesla Insurance didn't send in the necessary paperwork?

Just thought I ask since I assume insurance verification these days are cover by Insurance companies but not like proof of insurance is a hassle to submit lol I thought it would be done automatically without me having to submit paperwork.

Pardon me if I put it on the wrong section of the forum just wasn't sure which section this be under.


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