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Looking for a used S60

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I just want to state in advance, I understand my request is quite low. In all honesty, I don't make enough money for this vehicle and that's why I'm trying to get one used. I'm in my 20s, married, and am Active Duty Army. I bought a sports car when I was 17 and 'knew it all' and unfortunately I'm paying for Premium Gas every day during my 180 mile daily commute. I'm trying to find a Tesla for under $50,000 and it's near impossible. I wish I had a backseat for a childseat, or an electric car so my 180 miles wasn't so grueling and expensive. If my inquiry is insulting, I totally understand, and I hope you accept my apologies in advance. I'm just trying whatever I can you know?.If you happen to come across anything that may work for me, I'd be sincerely grateful.

Thank you anyways for your time and consideration,
I just want to state in advance, I understand my request is quite low. In all honesty, I don't make enough money for this vehicle and that's why I'm trying to get one used. I'm in my 20s, married, and am Active Duty Army. I bought a sports car when I was 17 and 'knew it all' and unfortunately I'm paying for Premium Gas every day during my 180 mile daily commute. I'm trying to find a Tesla for under $50,000 and it's near impossible. I wish I had a backseat for a childseat, or an electric car so my 180 miles wasn't so grueling and expensive. If my inquiry is insulting, I totally understand, and I hope you accept my apologies in advance. I'm just trying whatever I can you know?.If you happen to come across anything that may work for me, I'd be sincerely grateful.

Thank you anyways for your time and consideration,
Have you considered a used S85 with higher mileage and thus lower cost? Your 180-mile daily commute may be better suited to an 85 vs. a 60.

We own a S85 and need to sell ours in order to purchase our model X 90D. Delivery is expected in the next 90 days (so says Tesla) and we really don’t wish to sell before then. However, the price for this $89,800 car in excellent condition will be less than $50,000.

Please PM me if this is something you wish to explore further.
Looking at Autotrader, I see 12 listed at 50K or under. Even some 85s. I think you will find that 180 miles for a 60 will not really work without having to stop at supercharger or some other type of charger along the way.
Have you considered a used S85 with higher mileage and thus lower cost? Your 180-mile daily commute may be better suited to an 85 vs. a 60.

We own a S85 and need to sell ours in order to purchase our model X 90D. Delivery is expected in the next 90 days (so says Tesla) and we really don’t wish to sell before then. However, the price for this $89,800 car in excellent condition will be less than $50,000.

Please PM me if this is something you wish to explore further.