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Looking to buy a 2020 Model X or newer in the US or 2022 Refresh

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I am looking for a 2020-2021 Model X Performance or LR (leaning towards performance). Or a 2022 refresh LR or Plaid. If you are thinking of selling send me a DM. Located in NC and I am a cash buyer. I will pay more than your trade in. Needs to have 6 or 7 seats, FSD is a bonus. I dont mind buying from out of state and having it shipped here. I buy and sell a lot of cars. If you are a scammer dont waste my time. Selling to me will benefit both of us. You get more money and I save some money by not paying retail. No im not a scammer and no funny business. Color isnt very important, im open to whatever. If you want to sell send me a DM and I can send you my cell so we can chat on the phone or Facetime.