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Looking to buy MPP partybox for Autocross

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I have a 2020 Model 3 AWD (w/ AB) daily driver that I started to do autocross with. The TC / SC is quite intrusive but would love to get more out of the car and seems like the only after-market options out there to turn these off are MPP party box or Ingenext bonus upgrades. I've contacted MPP but they are quite reluctant to sell to me since I haven't bought anything from them. Ingenext in general doesn't seem to have great aftermarket support and I'm not sure whether the drift mode from the bonus upgrade with fulfill what I need. Alternatively, I've heard that you can remove the wheel sensor but that disables ABS and power steering. I've been itching to trade in my car for a performance but would like to wait until highland comes out.

Is there anyone who can vouch for me to get in line for the partybox or sell one to me? Or are there any alternative options out there that I'm not aware of?
Just a thought, but have you shared actual autocross results with MPP to convince them of your use case?
Also, maybe they would be more open if you buy front camber arms at the same time? You really want those for AutoX anyway, they'll save you money in the long run on tires.
@gearchruncher I went on a call with one of the sales person and explained how I started doing autox but haven't shared any results. I did email them with some footage but no response.

I agree, I think it would be worth it to get the front camber arms. I wonder how much I need to spend until they're open to taking orders for the party box.