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New map update broke Navigation

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Hmm, yeah based on what I heard here, I asked them to try to remote in. They said it was impossible due to the fact that I had the latest software and there was "nothing he could push" to my car...hence the need for the visit to the SC. I just moved down to Monterey temporarily, so this will be my first time here, but I've always had good experiences at the PA SC on El Camino...

I'm still under warranty so max out of pocket I'll be is $200, but I'll be grudging that if they try to charge me.
Just got my 2015 Model S 85D back from service. Last Friday I went to leave for work and the center screen would not boot up. When I pressed the brake, I could see the backlights on the steering wheel buttons quickly light up then turn off, as well as a very faint popping sound from the speakers. It seemed like the MCU was trying to boot up but immediately failing. I assumed my eMMC has failed. I had to get the car towed to Tesla since I have pin to drive enabled and there was no way to drive the car. According to service, it was a corrupt SD card that holds the map data. I'm assuming they replaced the SD card as most of my settings were reset to defaults.
Just got my 2015 Model S 85D back from service. Last Friday I went to leave for work and the center screen would not boot up. When I pressed the brake, I could see the backlights on the steering wheel buttons quickly light up then turn off, as well as a very faint popping sound from the speakers. It seemed like the MCU was trying to boot up but immediately failing. I assumed my eMMC has failed. I had to get the car towed to Tesla since I have pin to drive enabled and there was no way to drive the car. According to service, it was a corrupt SD card that holds the map data. I'm assuming they replaced the SD card as most of my settings were reset to defaults.
The SD card only holds the map, not the car settings. Your eMMC is probably starting to fail.

My SD card was fixed remotely in January by them partitioning and formatting the SD card. It's been fine since. It's disappointing that this problem hasn't been broadcast to all of the service centers.
The SD card only holds the map, not the car settings. Your eMMC is probably starting to fail.

My SD card was fixed remotely in January by them partitioning and formatting the SD card. It's been fine since. It's disappointing that this problem hasn't been broadcast to all of the service centers.

Yeah my mistake. They mentioned they had to do a factory restore which caused all my settings to reset. I'm keeping pin to drive disabled for now so I can at least (hopefully) drive the vehicle to the Tesla service center when the eMMC fails, or something else happens that makes the center screen not accessible. Getting it towed out of my garage was a pain...
The prognosis, after installing the maps and still not being able to fix the navigation issue is to order and replace the MCU "daughterboard" which will take a week to get done.

Does anyone know if the new daughter boards work with the old MCU or will they have to do a larger retrofit? Here's to hoping!
Just bumping in case anyone else runs into this issue - car was given clean bill of health and I was told to come back to collect my car after new daughterboard was installed. My phone app did not work (I was able to honk/open sunroof, but not unlock or start) and they were unable to do so via the laptop either. So still in the rental until they figure it out...which hopefully will be tomorrow. I was told remote engineering was working on it as we spoke...
The same day I picked up my car I had to drive it to Florida so I've been offline for a bit. I've put about 3K miles on the car since I last posted.

They did not charge me the $700. I dropped it off at 10:30 am on the appointed day and was given a 2014 Model S 60 as a loaner. At least it was an S. I miss the days when we got an equal or better car as a loaner.

They had the car from Monday morning to Wednesday when I picked it up around 11 am. Total cost was $458.70 with the SD card being $20 and the labor at 437.50. The other $1.20 was tax on the SD card. Breakdown further is $262.50 to confirm that I was right and installing the SD card cost $175.

What bothers me is that I had contacted them a couple of weeks earlier with the issue and they said that if I improved my wifi connection then the map will finish downloading and life goes on. It didn't. So there was already documentation in my file on this issue. Also, a search on this website took me roughly 5 minutes to determine it was the SD card. They already knew what the issue was yet they had the car almost three days.

So when I picked up my car, I drove back to my house to get my luggage, went over to my sisters house, got her and drove off to Florida. This is when I found out that the car was still learning. Fortunately I had read about that issue on this site. Otherwise I'd have been concerned. The car could not map a route to Florida (from Maryland) so I just had it map to the second supercharger I wanted to use on the trip. That didn't happen. It took over ten minutes for it to come up with some weird choice of chargers that would I would have arrived at with over 130 miles of range left. So the first few stops I just picked chargers that looked about the right distance so I'd be low but safely so.

After about three days the car started mapping much faster and much more accurately but I really think that the service center should have mentioned it needing a few days to relearn. They also lost some of my settings somehow so I had to restate preferences, which isn't a big deal but Tesla service has never lost any settings before. Maybe I'm just getting grumpier in my dotage.

On a side note, there was a supercharger in Orlando at a rest stop on the toll road that charged my car at 40 mph and I only had 30 miles of range left. I have never seen that before. My car charges at 28 mph at my house. I left that one and went to another nearby that charged at normal supercharger rates.
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Looks like I just 'joined the club'... (2013 Model S, original MCU1).
Did not have any maps update recently. Anyone able to resolve this without having to take car into service?
Mine was resolved by Tesla remote access to the car. The micro SD card that holds the map had to be partitioned and formatted. The map then downloaded and installed. It's been fine since then.

My guess is that the failing mcu1 wrote incorrectly to the card and destroyed its formatting.
Mine was resolved by Tesla remote access to the car. The micro SD card that holds the map had to be partitioned and formatted. The map then downloaded and installed. It's been fine since then.

My guess is that the failing mcu1 wrote incorrectly to the card and destroyed its formatting.
Thanks murphyS90D. Tesla is telling me I have to take the car into a service center (no repair estimate yet)... I'm trying to push back and ask them to diagnose remotely first.
My 2013 P85 just had this occur last week where my navigation stopped working with the error that maps weren't loaded. It then started downloading maps but froze when the progress bar went full. Long story short, I scheduled a mobile appointment and Tesla remote service reset it and then called to inform me the SD card is bad and I need a replacement. I was told the fix is temporary and sure enough, the map worked for a day and it's dead again with the error that navigation maps are not loaded.

I was quoted $215 plus tax and labor but it sounded like it would be under $300. I asked if I can just buy the SD card and install it myself and I was denied because they claimed they need to program it. Since I'm not driving much, I left it for now and might consider upgrading to MCU2 instead of there's no MCU recall.

They did say the MCU 2 upgrade is now $1500 but if I want radio, it's an additional $6-700. I was also told the upgrade affects the reverse back-up camera and if I want it to work properly, it's an additional $300 charge. I didn't get into details but I suppose the camera needs to be upgraded?
That's interesting; the first time that it happened to me was about a month after having the MCU replaced. Maybe there is some correlation.
I think so. It is 2 months we (me and tesla service) getting the update of maps which came with mcu change- timing out while updating. With a difference that the car is at tesla for 6 days trying to find a solution. They confirmed they can remotely push the updates.
My 2015 S did this today. I scheduled a service appointment. After reading this forum post tonight, I went out to disable pin-to-drive since others have been screwed when the MCU failed and this might be a sign of future problems. But I was pleasantly surprised when the little triangle with the exclamation point inside was gone! I gingerly opened navigation and told it to navigate to a previous destination at random and it worked. It has been parked for 6 hours connected to wi-fi since I got home from work. Guess I'll cancel my appointment now. Thanks for this post and all the replies. If my car has more issues I'll update this.


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