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New Model 3 White got Keyed - only 5 days old.

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really sorry to see that, absolute scumbag, i struggle to understand why anyone could get any type of pleasure from keying a car - jealous pri*k, id avoid going through insurance if you can as it will completely screw you when it comes to renewals - i learnt the hard way with a claim previously - hope you get it sorted pal and karma pays a visit to the scum who did it
The police know this, most other people don't, so they like to make people aware of the risk. I don't have a problem with this. Its not one of the worst things the police have ever done.

I do understand your view.

I wanted to highlight the option to listen to someone with qualifications in law, rather that a police officer who hasn't. Sometimes legal advice is included in motor insurance policies and this may be a start, this doesn't in itself trigger an insurance claim. A legal route is an option.

Alternatively, if the video happened to fall into the hands of one of the popular YouTube Tesla Cam channels, it might be quite impactful over time if the perpetrator is clear.

Sadly any punishment for this minor crime, even if prosecuted, would be an inconvenience for the criminal.

Always worth considering all options.

It's a type of crime that only a coward would do, only cowards try and hide what they are doing.
Sorry, this is rubbish. Or Crimewatch wouldn't have made it past the planning stage.

AND... this is a criminal damage worth less than £5k. Triable only in the Magistrates' Court. Magistrates are deemed to be professional judges, fair, and immune to prejudice. That's weapons grade dung, of course, but the issue here isn't prejudicing a trial but that the cops wont know where to start and aren't going to commit resources to a door to door or an observation post in the OP's residential car park for a keyed car. Rightly, no?

OP on the other hand can set up all sorts of subterfuge to keep eyes on his car park, sitting out in a hide at night, setting up elaborate CCTV, until the neighbours complain and Plod DOES come around to tell him to knock it off.

@Rich Tea , I know just how you must feel. It's new, its perfect, and some knob just wants to spoil it for you. If you know who it is, make a money claim. Sounds like the video gets you over the threshold in the small claims court (that it was more likely than not that it was him). If not... get the best respray you can and forget about it
I don't really care that much TBH. I would quite like to see the footage.
All I said was the police say that, and they do, different forces have said it to me and members of my family on more than one occasion. I did not think it would be so controversial
if the video happened to fall into the hands of one of the popular YouTube Tesla Cam channels, it might be quite impactful over time if the perpetrator is clear.

I would post the footage, the embarrassment alone to the person could be worth it, contact the local newspaper too, some like these stories

When Sentry Mode first came out in USA clips were posted online, and they made headlines. Plenty of culprits handed themselves in ... collars felt by family members probably
I had similar happen to me - probably worse. A crazy person scrawled a name in my bonnet.

I used Autoglass Body Repair who were by some distance the most reasonable quote. They did a good job. Also useful that they come to you as opposed to having to drop the car off.


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When Sentry Mode first came out in USA clips were posted online, and they made headlines. Plenty of culprits handed themselves in ... collars felt by family members probably

And employers are increasingly doing image searches and social media searches to check out prospective employees. The technology to do so is readily available.

That's a lifelong sentence. If they thought about it, which they obviously didn't, the fear of consequences is far greater than the greed which made them do the crime.
Any decent body shop will fix that. £400-500 I'd estimate. Don't bother with a smart repair on the bonnet - the angle of it, you'll always see it. They're OK on a bumper down low, especially on a non-metallic colour. They may need to blend into the wings, or may get away with it as the paint is fairly new and its not dreadful to match in my experience, there are much worse colours!
Oh noooo! I'm so sorry to hear that, I feel so incredibly upset that you've had to go through this. I remember you telling me that I stole your charge from Newcastle as I picked up on the same day as you. Don't let the scumbag who done this ruin your enjoyment of the car, they are clearly not worthy

This also worries me, as I park my car in a residential car park in Newcastle too. I am definitely leaving sentry mode on every single night.

I love the car more than anything but I don’t like all the extra attention it is bringing to me.

I hope you get this resolved with the least amount of fuss.