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Partial Contacts Sync over Bluetooth

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I am the only phone key on my M3, it would be great if others shared their experiences as this issue is annoying
I also have the problem with contact appearing /not responding in navigation. This is my most frequent contact. I have only one Tesla MX and am the only driver. The Bluetooth suddenly shows a Tesla connection possible with the code name of my car with an android connection locked but I am on Apple phone with latest vsoftware version. The car cannot connect with or locate this android connection. Weird that it even exists. Very frustrated.
I also have the problem with contact appearing /not responding in navigation. This is my most frequent contact. I have only one Tesla MX and am the only driver. The Bluetooth suddenly shows a Tesla connection possible with the code name of my car with an android connection locked but I am on Apple phone with latest vsoftware version. The car cannot connect with or locate this android connection. Weird that it even exists. Very frustrated.
I do not use exchange. Or outlook or Microsoft. Apple user.
Similar problem on my M3P, end of year 2019/beginning year 2020 with the AMD Ryzen chip, but does have hardware radar. Super frustrating. It's been a problem on and off ever since I've owned the car, but it used to be easily fixed with a unpair repair of the phone. For the last 6 weeks or so, no luck after whatever update did this. I've now spent hours combing through 1400 contacts and removing symbols from first/middle/last names... including slashes, backslashes, @ symbols, dollars signs, underscores... but I'm leaving dashes, apostrophes, commas, and parentheses. I get the car, contacts load and look normal for about 30 seconds, then it goes back to "loading" and it never gets right again while I'm connected in the car. Basically the same thing it's been doing for weeks now. They have to fix this, it's unbearable. Next I'll see if any contact is a "vcard"... if Outlook could ever make this easier to tell in the modern versions of Outlook I'd love it. To go through all the symbols, I've been exporting to CSV, converting to Excel, then searching that way.
EDIT- I have Outlook 365, Exchange email at work, iphone 14 (about to be on version 17.2.1 here in a minute). A coworker has the same exact set up with an iphone 13, and his car works fine but it is an older intel chip M3.
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OK... check this out. Did a little test to see if some of the weird characters would obviously break anything. One of my contacts is now named (-@-), and it works apparently. Ampersand "&" and period symbols are also OK I guess, because they also show up for a good while (longer than 30 seconds lately) before the whole thing stops responding (goes to loading). More tests to go, but nothing obvious yet.


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Eureka(?) almost. It's acting better after I went through and cleared up the number fields... so during this most recent test Contacts and Favorites showed up (first time in 6 weeks I think) but Recent Calls is still crapping out after 45 seconds or something.
Details: I started deleting extra text in my phone number fields in my contacts. Most suspicious one was a question mark "?" ... as in "555-555-5555, right?" or something like that. Also got rid of extensions in there like "555-555-5555 ext.123".
EDIT: Well it didn't stay fixed for long. I deleted two contacts, and now nothing on the phone screen works in the car. Rebooting phone didn't help, now I'm rebooting the car (screen). Not fun when fixes don't stay fixed.
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M3P, end of year 2019/beginning year 2020 with the AMD Ryzen chip, ... A coworker has the same exact set up with an iphone 13, and his car works fine but it is an older intel chip M3.
Correction, mine has the Intel Atom chip, double checked under the "Additional Vehicle Settings".
Correction on number of contacts showing on my iphone:
3968 for Microsoft Exchange.
1237 for "Contacts" (these overlap with the Exchange one as far as I can tell).
2699 for Suggested Contacts.
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Fixed? I might have fixed mine for good, we'll see. During this last bit of editing contacts, I found two addresses that had slashes in them, and one or two other addresses with weird formatting. I ended up deleting ALL addresses from all contacts, and so far the contact sync in the car seems to be behaving better than before. We'll see if it sticks. The one lingering issue in the car right now is the favorites are duplicated triplicated in some weird way so that something like 7 or 8 contacts show up 2 or 3 times, but my final contact only shows up once at the very end after scrolling down. It's strange because I only have 9 favorite contacts on my phone (aka, I shouldn't have to scroll in my car favorites contacts, it should all be on one screen).
EDIT: second time walking into car, it's showing 8 contacts out of the 9 it should show. Closer, but not right yet. And is it normal for the phone contacts to take 30 to 60 seconds to load every time?
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Nope, broken again... no new contacts, no changes from what I did on January 8th, but I did get a new car system update, ver 2023.44.30.8. This is so random and frustrating. The very latest is it loads recent calls but nothing else. Cannot tell the car "call XYZ" to call that person.
It's now January 22, 2024. The last thing I tried was, while sitting in the car, on the iphone... bluetooth settings for the connection to the car, you can pick Only sync Favorites and Recent calls (not all contacts). Did that to eliminate all the possible things going on with the thousands of contacts I have. Still inconsistent results. Sometimes my 9 favorites load up after about 60-90 seconds and all is well. Sometimes they never load up and I can't call by saying "Call xyz". I guess the only thing next is to bluetooth-re-pair the phone, reboot everything, delete all my favorites, re add my favs. Somehow, I don't think it will make any difference, done most of that already various times.
Just to add my name to this issue. I have a 2024 M3 (highland), and I have no favorites and only my contacts from C-Z. Contacts starting with A or B, and a handful of C are missing. The Recent calls is showing. I have some icloud and some from a Microsoft Exchange account. The C-Z contacts are a mix of icloud contacts and Exchange contacts.
Just to add my name to this issue. I have a 2024 M3 (highland), and I have no favorites and only my contacts from C-Z. Contacts starting with A or B, and a handful of C are missing. The Recent calls is showing. I have some icloud and some from a Microsoft Exchange account. The C-Z contacts are a mix of icloud contacts and Exchange contacts.
I fixed my issue. I believe it was related to the "&". I had 3 contacts with an & in the name (3 businesses). I removed one and changed the "&" to "and" . The next time I got in the car, I saw all the contacts and favorites worked.
Problem SOLVED using iCloud (in line with EV_SteveA's post of Dec 22, 2022) - Tesla Model Y AWD 2024:
  1. I'm the primary driver (/owner) and had no issue with contact sync, The additional driver (my wife) had only a handfull (15 to 20) of contacts syncing.
  2. We are both on Office 365 (thus both using Exchange). My wife has an additional email account with the employer. No other significant differences.
  3. I have an iPhone Xs while she has an iPhone 11.
  4. Note that the contacts shown in the car would change if I added a contact in her Exchange account. The issue for her was therefore not linked to the cantacts themselves.
  5. I did a huge amount of "tests" with her old iPhone (which we had kept) but nothing worked. I removed her link with the job email account but that did not resolved the issue either.
  6. I decided to try the iCloud route (eventhough it is not ideal - since any added contact on Exchange would not appear on her phone). On her phone, I selected iCloud to sync contacts [Settings/Your Name (top)/iCloud and select Contacts]. This initiated the transfer of the contacts on her phone to iCloud. I went directly to her iCloud account to verify, but found out that only a small part of the contacts (say 25%) appeared.
  7. It took me some more time to realize that when importing contacts from Office 365, there were "stamped" as read only and a link was added to each of them (see attached photo - sorry! my phone is in French). I don't know why some contacts were showing and some did not but deleting that "outlook" link in the contact, made it appear on iCloud. We had to go through a few hundred contacts but we did manage to restore all of them.
  8. I then removed contacts for Office 365 [Settings/Contacts/Accounts/Office 365 (or any Exchange account) and un-selected "Contacts"]. Contacts, Favorites and Calendar are now all working.
Hope this helps. This is a band-aid solution and I sure hope Tesla can fix this from the source.


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I have the same exact issue. I had a Model 3 and had no problems, I have an iphone 15 pro max (everything is updated). I am on their beta software, so I wonder if others on here that are experiencing issues if they are on the stable releases on ios, or if they are on betas. Again, I am using the same phone same beta that worked fine with my model 3. Nothing on my phone has changed. Something to add to the things others have tried. I decided I would delete ALL my contacts on my phone so there were none, and go back and unpair and repair it to my 2024 model y. When I did that, I noticed that my favorites showed up (not the names) but they were missing before. I also noticed that the call log was syncing properly, where before the call log did sync but was missing like 2 weeks of calls... but then I went back in and put my contacts back in my phone and went out to my car and unpaired and re-paired it to my tesla and BAM... no favorites, and my recent call logs were not current and only a handful of my contacts were in there. I think this is definitely a tesla software bug, I did a bug report and called them they did another report, and I scheduled an appointment at the tesla shop so they could see it for their own eyes, and escalate this. It seems that it has been going on since 2023, this is a deal breaker for me, super annoying not to be able to call people with the voice command. I had read some people said something about multiple accounts or an exchange email server, I only sync a calendar on exchange, but to be sure, I deleted that too, and it made no difference.