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"Proactive" 12v battery replacement - good idea or overkill?

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Basically it comes down to your threshold of pain (or inconvenience) at possibly being affected at the worst possible moment (Murphy's Law). For about $120 you can get Mobile Service to come out and replace the battery in about 20 minutes. The Santa Clara Service Center could also do it but you may have to wait for an opening. I had mine done in my driveway at just under four years old (2018 LR RWD) only because I was going on a trip to Oregon and didn't want the chance if it acting up while traveling there and back. Peace of mind was worth it. And no, I did not get any warnings or suspect anything was wrong with it.
Just as another data point, I had the 12v battery on my 20 LR replaced by mobile service before my latest road trip.

$121 all-in and FWIW the tech's opinion was that it's a good move.

He also mentioned that Tesla would move to all 16v low voltage batteries soon.

They are apparently more reliable, easier to see / calculate likely failure (so no random pre-emptive replacement) and have an entirely different architecture.

I didn't push him on it, but a quick search seems to back this up - https://www.rdforum.org/threads/127493/
Regarding the subject line of this thread, I find it funny that people question proactively getting a new 12 V battery. I did it a year ago or so, and have zero regrets. It cost like $100, for a $60,000 car, to make sure that it continues to operate without 12v battery problems. My understanding is that a sudden failure of that battery is far more complicated to remedy in our cars, versus an ICE car. I will always get a new 12v every few years proactively as long as I own a Tesla. Short money for peace of mind.
Living in the desert brings another issue when the dreaded battery message appears: part of the load shedding the BMS does is to completely/partially inhibiting AC. I have an Ohmmu that occasionally causes this error, which is easily cleared by disconnecting the 12v and HV batteries. Easy only if you have the right wrench for the 12v battery lug with you. The last time it did this, I was 40 miles from home on a 110F day. Suffice it to say that the correct wrench is now in my frunk. My point is that while the 12v warning won't brick the car, it AZ, it's a serious PIA.
Been running my Antigravity 51R and monitoring with a battery tracking for the last 1.5 years, no problems at all.

Few images of the Antigravity battery vs the OEM Hankook:






MS3 is four years old now and about to go out of warranty.
1) Should just go out buy the appropriate 12V battery and replace the current one?
2) Anything special needed to be done in the replacement or is it just swapping batteries in ICE car?
I would recommend doing that. My M3 was just under the 4 year warranty and the battery failed (sulfur smell) without warning. Replaced under warranty. You may want to check to see how much Tesla charges. I remember that it wasn't hard to remove the battery, but not trivial.

Usually, though, you get a replace battery message weeks before the battery dies.
You are playing a gambling game that can cost about $120, or it can be free. If the battery dies under what's left of the warranty, replacement should be covered for free. On the other hand, if the battery holds out until after the warranty expires, the cost is about $120 if mobile service does it, or probably higher if done yourself with an aftermarket battery. 12V battery from Tesla is $85. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a suitable replacement for less.

Replacing the battery involves disconnection of a connector under the passenger rear seat. There's plenty of YouTube videos that describe the procedure. Here's one I found with a quick search:

I had my 12V battery proactively replaced by mobile service. It was nearly four years old and I was going on a long trip and didn't want or need the chance of it failing.
Hello everyone! please tell me where I can buy the original Hankook AtlasBX 85B24LS battery for Tesla model 3 2018. i am from Ukraine and we do not have a Tesla service, and the original battery cannot be purchased. i will be grateful for the answer thank you!
I apologize for my English(
Hello everyone! please tell me where I can buy the original Hankook AtlasBX 85B24LS battery for Tesla model 3 2018. i am from Ukraine and we do not have a Tesla service, and the original battery cannot be purchased. i will be grateful for the answer thank you!
I apologize for my English(
Just buy any B24 battery locally that has a vent port to connect the vent hose to. Make sure it is at least 33 Ah. Make sure it has the same or smaller dimensions than the Group Size 51R specifications that we use in North America.
Hello everyone! please tell me where I can buy the original Hankook AtlasBX 85B24LS battery for Tesla model 3 2018. i am from Ukraine and we do not have a Tesla service, and the original battery cannot be purchased. i will be grateful for the answer thank you!
I apologize for my English(

Here are the specs from the Hankook global catalog. The Tesla owner's manual states that the 12v battery should have at least 33 Ah capacity.
Просто купите на месте любую батарею B24 с вентиляционным отверстием для подключения вентиляционного шланга. Убедитесь, что оно составляет не менее 33 Ач. Убедитесь, что его размеры такие же или меньшие, чем у размера группы 51R, который мы используем в Северной Америке.
в Украине у 80 процентов владельцев Tesla 3 при использовании неоригинального аккумулятора ATLASBX возникает ошибка «аккумулятор 12в необходимо заменить в ближайшее время».


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Just buy any B24 battery locally that has a vent port to connect the vent hose to. Make sure it is at least 33 Ah. Make sure it has the same or smaller dimensions than the Group Size 51R specifications that we use in North America.
in Ukraine, 80 percent of Tesla 3 owners have the error "12v battery must be replaced soon" when using a non-original ATLASBX battery.


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It helps, but after about a week or two, the error reappears((( so I'm looking for a way to order an original battery, and have it shipped to the Ukraine. If you can give me a link to order, I would appreciate it!
The only way I know is to use the Tesla app and maybe they will ship it. The latest software update in service mode allows for configuration for an Atlas or a Varta.
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