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Random Model S sightings

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I know this is off-topic, but just to close the loop, here's the blog: http://www.corbinstreehouse.com/blog/plug-bug/

This VW Beetle conversion is very nice.

I've done my own conversion, VW New Beetle '01, and put LiFePo batteries in there. 60+ miles on a charge. Picture attached. I did sell it this past summer to help raise $$ for the Tesla.

Anyway, electric conversions have been a nice segue while waiting for our Model S deliveries!
How about a reverse Model S sighting? I got a huge kick today driving by a fellow who was acting like a salesman showing his Aston Martin DB9 to a potential customer on our very light traffic road. As I drove by, I hollered "Get a Tesla", and the sales-looking guy gave a weak laugh, and the potential customer just stared. I don't think the sales guy appreciated his Random Sighting.

And for the obligatory picture (of my car, not the DB9), VIN # 00064

shady road 005.JPG
... I guess I am officially a Model S stalker.. I spotted this at UTC mall in La Jolla, CA ... sig red tan interior. I was running late to Yoga, so the pic of the vin is too blurry to discern anything...

photo 1-1.JPG

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The pic was right side up on my computer... Mods?
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... I guess I am officially a Model S stalker.. I spotted this at UTC mall in La Jolla, CA ... sig red tan interior. I was running late to Yoga, so the pic of the vin is too blurry to discern anything...

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The pic was right side up on my computer... Mods?

heh, that's odd. Did you rotate it on your PC, but not save it?

My dad had a iPhone 3G and he takes pictures 'upside down'. The phone shows them properly, and when he imports them to his iPhoto they still are the correct orientation. But when he sends them out via message/email from either location they end up upside down.

My brother and I pummel him to no end about his pictures being upside down every time.

I think Apple does some external or other such voodoo to show pictures in the correct orientation, but fail to modify the actual image.
If I save that image on disk and open it with Picasa it have a correct orientation... If I open it in Paint or Paint.NET - it is upside down. But Picasa is my default viewer.

Image probably have some Exif property that not recognized correctly by most software, including this forum one...

Ahh here it is. In the metadata there is an 'orientation' field that flips the image 'rotate 180'. I am assuming that apple and google use it and other image software does not.

New Picture (7).png
Ahh here it is. In the metadata there is an 'orientation' field that flips the image 'rotate 180'. I am assuming that apple and google use it and other image software does not.

View attachment 11387

Um, today I've learned that I need to strip metadata from things before posting them on forums... My "PC" is running 10.6 - I didn't use iphoto to import this one and it still showed right side up... Well at least now you know your dad is competent...