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Range Loss While Parked

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 24, 2015
Clark Co, WA
Note this is not a complaint, just an observation. Some people have brought up questions about range loss and I verified it Sunday. I had an 1 1/2 hour appointment and took pictures of the instrument cluster before and after. I left the house with 266 or 267 miles range (I forget which) and arrived right at rated range.


However after the car sat in the sun for 1 1/2 hours, I lost three miles of range and the KWh used did not go up.


It's kind of goofy, but the KWh used since the last charge is only for energy used while driving. It doesn't reflect vampire losses while parked.

When the weather is mild to warm, I usually get right around rated range driving, or if my stops are short, but vampire loss while parked any length of time drops me below rated range. The energy used is useful for trips when you aren't stopped long except at chargers, but it is less useful if the car is going to be sitting for more than a few minutes without charging.

Just FYI for anyone who cares.
That is my experience also. Energy used to preheat, precool, emergency cool and vampire losses are not calculated as part of the Wh/Mi gauges. I believe that once the car is ON, the meter starts reading usage. Might not even need to be in drive, but I might be wrong on that one. These uncalculated losses can be significant in the winter (Minnesota) and probably summer (Arizona) and need to be dealt with "manually".
My first experience with Vampire loss aided by reading all these threads was very positive

Model X 2016 5 days at Syracuse Airport covered parking outside temps avg 72-85F
Energy Save mode ON
Smart Preconditioning OFF
Always Connected OFF
Range mode ON

I NEVER checked the car with any App

Astonishingly the loss was 1 Mile total over the 5 full days
My first experience with Vampire loss aided by reading all these threads was very positive

Model X 2016 5 days at Syracuse Airport covered parking outside temps avg 72-85F
Energy Save mode ON
Smart Preconditioning OFF
Always Connected OFF
Range mode ON

I NEVER checked the car with any App

Astonishingly the loss was 1 Mile total over the 5 full days

Good thing. It's probably a good idea to change these settings if the car is going to sit for a while.