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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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Trolls gotta make a living you know. The Ruble just doesn't go as far since their murderous dictator went on his rampage the past year so they have to do what they can to pick up some cash where they can. If it wasn't for them how would we know what Russia Today is telling them to spread?
One can be paid? Do you mean that I can skip all the MLM and Ponzi meetings?
Russian anti-Putin dissident group, the National Republican Army, takes credit for the recent assassination of the pro-Putin blogger Vladlen Tatarsky.

Former member of the Russian Duma, and now anti-Putin dissident IIlya Ponomarev said:

This action was carried out in a club owned by one of the most famous Russian gangsters and criminals, Yevgeny Prigozhin, As a result of the action the club will stop its work. We are satisfied with this.
The action we carried out was not directed against civilians, and all the victims are among the active supporters of the war, justifying the war crimes of the Putin regime in Ukraine.
The group also took credit for the assassination of Darya Dugina, according to Pononarev. Outside observers have been unable to confirm that the group even exists.

Beau of the Fifth Column had an interesting take on the most recent assassination:

His point is the Russian government can no longer deny all of the strife and violence that is happening inside of their country. Beau says they will need to beef up internal security which will drain off resources from their war of aggression.

The many attacks inside of Russia are in the shadows (wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma) It's hard to know what's really going on or who is responsible. But I think it's safe to say these are not false flag operations since, assuming Beau is correct, they will force Russia to take troops out of Ukraine.

IMO the mysterious explosions in Russian war-related factories and infrastructure, combined with assassinations of very public hard-right pro-war figures point to one or more anti-Putin groups successfully operating inside of Russia. Their existence is much more important than their name(s). They may end up being a significant wild-card factor in the outcome of the war in Ukraine.
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Likewise unexpected-

Terrible planning considering people are starving in places like Pakistan (or somewhere thereabouts if I’m not mistaken). Surely there’s a way to move Ukraine grain to where it’s needed instead of poking Ukraine’s saviors in the agricultural eye.

Now back to poking ourselves in the eye through our regularly scheduled Troll-play.
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Things slowed down on the frontlines over the last week. Apparently russia is rationing ammo to keep reserves for to respond to the Ukrainian counter attack.

Also the Ukrainian govt has stated that Russia speeding up evacuations from southern Ukraine. Interesting. They did the same before pulling out of Kherson.
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A detailed analysis of Russia tank storage

And something Timothy Snyder has pointed out in several places. The core reason for this war is Putin and Russia believe that Ukraine is not a real place, not a real country (there are a number of other reasons, but this is at the core of it). They believe that about all the former Soviet Republics and pretty much anyone else who was once in the Russian empire.

Like a small child who is exerting its influence over the world for the first time they believe that if they once touched it, it's theirs. The idea that Ukraine is a sovereign nation with borders that should be respected doesn't apply to Russia. Ukraine is just a breakaway province that needs to be brought to heel and the rest of the world helping them is interfering in internal Russian affairs.

Russia was willing to play along with Ukraine's separateness as long as Ukraine stayed under Moscow's influence like Belarus has. If Ukraine is playing at being independent, but really is just a vassal state of Russia, that is acceptable. A truly independent Ukraine is a threat to Putin and Russia.

Putin's argument to his people is basically, "yes Russia is corrupt, yes it's a miserable place to live, but everywhere else is worse." He needs people to buy that even if they don't believe anything else. It's the way he stays in power. If people believe life can't be any better, then they won't rebel. What's the point?

A health democracy in Ukraine with a growing market economy runs against everything Putin says. It's more dangerous than a healthy democracy in someplace like Latvia because of the personal ties between Ukraine and Russia. There are a lot of Russians with Ukrainian family. If Ukraine grows into a healthy strong democracy, the people there will tell their family back in Russia and the big lie will be exposed.

The talking heads on Russian TV have been going on about how terrible things are in the west like people in the UK are starving with only turnips to eat (which are imported from Russia). Any evidence of political instability in western countries is magnified and trumpeted on Russian TV as evidence of how everywhere else is as corrupt as Russia, or worse.

Of course the rest of the world doesn't agree with Russia. Especially those who are in territory once controlled by Russia.
Maybe because it's irrelevant. There is massive corruption in all governments, that doesn't mean a country deserves less support in fending off an invader.
Sure, Denmark or Nigeria, who cares, they are just all corrupt, aren't they? Unless you have a very short memory, prior to the war there were plenty of accusations in the Western press against Ukraine because of its massive corruption problems, extending right to the top of Zelensky's administration, and its massive deficits in the rule of law. Obviously we don't get to hear much of that any more, to prevent people from wondering if the location of the border in the Donbas is really worth all of this.
Given the US history of attacking other countries, how do you consider Western credibility when we are condemning Russian aggression? We may not like it, but apart from NATO and some staunch allies like Australia, Japan and South Korea support for Ukraine has been lukewarm. Israel hasn't really supported Ukraine either, and better don't even talk about KSA, even though both countries are supposedly US "allies".
For those keeping tabs on where China is, this is relevant

And in closely related news the C919 deliveries have commenced, which is of course a direct competitor to the A320. They got given (I use the term cautiously) certification by CAAC but the mooted western certification is nowhere to be seen.

Sukhoi of course is completely AWOL for rather obvious reasons. A real shame for them that Putin took this path.
Sure, Denmark or Nigeria, who cares, they are just all corrupt, aren't they? Unless you have a very short memory, prior to the war there were plenty of accusations in the Western press against Ukraine because of its massive corruption problems, extending right to the top of Zelensky's administration, and its massive deficits in the rule of law. Obviously we don't get to hear much of that any more, to prevent people from wondering if the location of the border in the Donbas is really worth all of this.
Given the US history of attacking other countries, how do you consider Western credibility when we are condemning Russian aggression? We may not like it, but apart from NATO and some staunch allies like Australia, Japan and South Korea support for Ukraine has been lukewarm. Israel hasn't really supported Ukraine either, and better don't even talk about KSA, even though both countries are supposedly US "allies".
I'm not sure what your point is. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was wrong, period, no other actions by other countries at different times are relevant. It seems you're just engaging in more "what about-ism", which is equivalent to saying "because person A once killed person B we shouldn't try to stop person C from killing person D".
Re: Trolls et al

I do wish there was a consuming VR experience indistinguishable from reality where these Trolls and others supporting the invasion of Ukraine could experience having a caring significant other who, if they are capable, they care for. Add to that some children they adore and who adore them. Now send in some Russian troops to gang rape the significant other in front of the kids then shoot the kids in the head. Finish up with turning the “animal” (because that is what this person is to a Russian) into a quad such that they are incapable of ending their own life.

It would have to be a virtual experience but I do wonder if it might cause these people to pause for a moment and look in a mirror.

Sometimes I think we shy away from passing along learning - like lessons in empathy - out of political correctness. We need a slightly different balance as too many adults are walking around with patently crazy thoughts spinning around between their ears; thoughts most parents should have dispelled them of at a young age or committed them for if not successful.
Unless you have a very short memory, prior to the war there were plenty of accusations in the Western press against Ukraine because of its massive corruption problems, extending right to the top of Zelensky's administration, and its massive deficits in the rule of law. Obviously we don't get to hear much of that any more, to prevent people from wondering if the location of the border in the Donbas is really worth all of this.
It's true Ukraine has problems with corruption. They stem from the time it was a Soviet Socialist Republic. After the dissolution of the USSR, the corruption was further fueled by their good neighbor[/s] Russia. Ukraine has made great strides in reducing corruption and has fought valiantly against the corrupting influence of Russia.

The current war is a direct result of the efforts made by the Ukrainian people to rid themselves of the corrupting influence of Russia. The Revolution of Dignity (Maidan Rebellion) of 2014 was a popular uprising in Ukraine to rid itself of a corrupt Kremlin puppet. Shortly thereafter Putin invaded Ukraine and illegally annexed Crimea in order to continue imposing his corrupting influence over this neighbor.

One of the main purposes of Russia's current war in Ukraine is to shore up its control of Crimea by creating a land bridge to it. Zelensky made this clear:

The war in Ukraine began with Crimea and must end with its liberation.
As has been said here many times, Putin views a neighboring Slavic democracy with many close ties to Russia and that is free from corruption as an existential threat because it would be a clear demonstration of what Russia could become without his corrupting influence.
If you want to learn more about the Revolution of Dignity, I once again recommend this lecture from the person who literally wrote the book on it:

Your reference to the Western press criticizing Ukraine in the context of corruption is highly ironic. One of the most vocal entertainment outlets in the Western press that was highly critical of Ukraine and Zelensky was recently proven to be a bunch of lying liars who pander to the base of a highly corrupt and anti-democratic US political party. In case you forgot (or conveniently overlooked), the US president they spread lies to support was impeached for trying to make an arms shipment to Ukraine contingent on Ukraine publishing false claims against his upcoming political opponent. Of course the lying liars who pander to his base said all sorts of terrible things about Ukraine and Zelensky to try to justify this highly corrupt attempt to make an arms for political-dirt deal.

If your best argument is based on the word of self-proclaimed liars from a self-proclaimed entertainment outlet that says it's not a news outlet to avoid being prosecuted for spreading lies then we should scratch Ukrainian corruption off the list of things we should worry about.
The core reason for this war is Putin and Russia believe that Ukraine is not a real place, not a real country (there are a number of other reasons, but this is at the core of it). They believe that about all the former Soviet Republics and pretty much anyone else who was once in the Russian empire.

I don't doubt the Imperial message is heartfelt amongst the the nationalists and that it is a recurring theme in the Media outlets, but I find it hard to believe that tail is wagging the dog.

Russia spent years (decades ?) weakening Ukraine from within. They thought an invasion would be easy and swift, and could quasi-reasonably argue that the Russian speaking population favored the intervention, similar to the excuses Hitler would use for invading countries to protect ethnic German minorities.

Beyond that, there is
  1. NG
  2. NG
  3. NG
  4. Oil reserves
  5. Oil reserves
  6. A large, educated population
And beyond that, Russia wanted a disposable buffer between itself and NATO