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Searching for 2010 or 2011 Roadster Sport

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The Roadster Sport 0-60 time is only 0.2 seconds faster than the standard Roadster. My advice is to find a good Roadster in a color combo you like and not focus on just the Sport version, as that really limits you when it comes to finding a Roadster.

Right, but the Sport also offers adjustable suspension (which you could also add on to a standard Roadster). But agree not to just focus on one version over the other.

Makes my heart glad to see Roadsters becoming a bit more scarce again ...
Thanks for the feedback all. I have definately transitioned my thought pattern and now feel a 2011 model would best fit what I am looking for based on the upgrades made to the sound and comfort. Let me know if you know of any 2011's that become available.