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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

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Does Tesla control the press release?

I second that question! I've been reading this theory a lot lately, but I find it hard to believe a government agency conducting an investigation into your company/product would say "hey, here is our report, pelase let us know when you want us to release it".

I think it is very likely the agency would want to release any results after the markets close if we are talking about a publicly traded company. They would want to prevent any suspicion they are activley influencing stock price. But for the very same reason I also think they would want- maybe are even bound by law - to release all results immediatly after they've concluded an investigation.

The notion that the NHTSA would be working with Tesla to time the press release is just implausible. Anyone else thinks the good people of the SEC would have a word with the NHTSA bosses if they did that?
I second that question! I've been reading this theory a lot lately, but I find it hard to believe a government agency conducting an investigation into your company/product would say "hey, here is our report, pelase let us know when you want us to release it".

I think it is very likely the agency would want to release any results after the markets close if we are talking about a publicly traded company. They would want to prevent any suspicion they are activley influencing stock price. But for the very same reason I also think they would want- maybe are even bound by law - to release all results immediatly after they've concluded an investigation.

The notion that the NHTSA would be working with Tesla to time the press release is just implausible. Anyone else thinks the good people of the SEC would have a word with the NHTSA bosses if they did that?

While NHTSA will let TM know the results first there is no way that TM can dictate/coordinate when the report will be released.
A couple of things on topics here.

The NHTSA letter that became public regarding the NEMA adapters DID show sensitivity from the NHTSA regarding Tesla's consent to publicize. It is not so far fetched to consider that Tesla needs to sign off on the wording of public announcement and therefore the timing.

Regarding the 10% tariff drop for Europe. Whether Tesla is already tariff free owing to final assembly in Tilburg or not. Is it not the most refreshing news about a US manufacturer. When was the last time there was a ripple of excitement about anything related to exports from the USA to Europe (and China).
Help reduce the supply of TSLA shares available for short sellers to borrow. Place a GTC (Good Till Cancelled) sell order for your shares at a ridiculously high price limit. That should prevent your brokerage from lending your shares, or should force them to replace them if they have already been lent. In actuality, GTC is only good for a few months, so remember to update it. Of course not actually selling our shares is an even more effective means for thwarting short sellers, since they would not be able to cover their positions cheaply.

I can confirm from Fidelity that this does not actually work. I talked to representative who said that this doesn't work. If you have the shares in a cash account, they will not be lent out. If you have the shares in a margin account, they will not be lent out unless you borrow on the margin.
We all agree that TM needs a Giga battery factory. They build it or they and a partner(s) build it. If TM were to build it alone then they will need $$$. Anyone think that Elon may raise cash like he did last year to pay off the government loan? Could he be quietly trying to leverage price up with Q4ER, NHTSA clearance and release of tremendous China demand as part of guidance discussion on the 18th?
Help reduce the supply of TSLA shares available for short sellers to borrow. Place a GTC (Good Till Cancelled) sell order for your shares at a ridiculously high price limit. That should prevent your brokerage from lending your shares, or should force them to replace them if they have already been lent. In actuality, GTC is only good for a few months, so remember to update it. Of course not actually selling our shares is an even more effective means for thwarting short sellers, since they would not be able to cover their positions cheaply.
This tip was helpful and educational for me, thank you Curt. I placed sell order at 800 limit on all of my shares, now I am hoping for a giga short squeeze:smile: to get my order executed!.

Which actions are taken by the broker to replace blocked shares if my shares were loaned for shorting?
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This tip was helpful and educational for me, thank you Curt. I placed sell order at 800 limit on all of my shares, now I am hoping for a giga short squeeze:smile: to get my order executed!.

Which actions are taken by the broker to replace blocked shares if my shares were loaned for shorting?

It has been discussed a bit already further up this thread, but in reality, your broker can't loan out your fully-paid for shares without your permission. If your shares were purchased using margin, though, they can be lent out at the broker's discretion, since your shares are essentially collateral for the cash you borrowed.

If your shares were loaned out and you decided to sell them, your broker will simply recall the shares from the borrower before settlement occurs (T+3 business days) and deliver the shares to the new owner.
Can someone provide a reliable source about the GTC Idea.
If true TMC could trigger the first Forum triggered short squeeze in history.

There are so many different rumors under what conditions the broker can loan out ones shares.
I think its very weird that the broker can loan out the shares since its bad for the shareholder in the case they shortsell the loans.
Can someone provide a reliable source about the GTC Idea.
If true TMC could trigger the first Forum triggered short squeeze in history.

There are so many different rumors under what conditions the broker can loan out ones shares.
I think its very weird that the broker can loan out the shares since its bad for the shareholder in the case they shortsell the loans.

I have to disagree with the premise that short sellers are bad for longs/share holders. I don't know if you were around for the last squeeze but I was thanking all those who were short on financial boards. They made that possible. Short selling can accelerate down movement but can accelerate upward as well
I understand that shorts are very important for an efficient market price, however I think its not fair that my broker can borrow my shares to shorts without passing on a cut to my of the intresntrate they earn on that.
I already pay my broker trading fees so they should be pass some of the interstate earning to the shareholders.
We all agree that TM needs a Giga battery factory. They build it or they and a partner(s) build it. If TM were to build it alone then they will need $$$. Anyone think that Elon may raise cash like he did last year to pay off the government loan? Could he be quietly trying to leverage price up with Q4ER, NHTSA clearance and release of tremendous China demand as part of guidance discussion on the 18th?
That's exactly what I'm thinking. The question is will it be considered as positive or negative. I think it's very positive even it means a little dilution on shares. It not only make Gen 3 a reality. But also could be a profit center in the future by supplying battery for energy storage.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. The question is will it be considered as positive or negative. I think it's very positive even it means a little dilution on shares. It not only make Gen 3 a reality. But also could be a profit center in the future by supplying battery for energy storage.

I'm not sure but I think I remember Elon saying within the past two months that they were not going to try to raise more money for it. I've watched so many interviews/Q&A sessions that I dont remember which one I heard it from. I think it was the interview on the 14th or 15th clarifying the recall and 6900 deliveries.
Re the GTC thing. I also wonder if requesting the physical shares from the broker (one might say you're not a true long unless you have the actual paper) so that they are not "in street name," might tie up your shares and prevent the broker from making them available to short?
I'm not sure but I think I remember Elon saying within the past two months that they were not going to try to raise more money for it. I've watched so many interviews/Q&A sessions that I dont remember which one I heard it from. I think it was the interview on the 14th or 15th clarifying the recall and 6900 deliveries.

I think he said something similar last year before he issued more shares/warrants/bonds :wink:.
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