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Strange glitch on air suspension

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2018
So I run out to do a quick errand (Amazon return at Kohl’s).

So I’m chatting with a friend as I arrive and I stop for a minute to finish up the call. Then I pull up to the spot (parking lot is nearly empty). I park and so happen to glance back. The gap above the wheels was abnormally high.

I go back and sure enough it’s on the highest setting. So I lower it and see this message at the top setting. Something about using highest setting in this location. With X next to it. I click the X and the message disappears. I didn’t even know this was an option or knew how to set it. But some how it thought I wanted the highest setting in that location on it’s own. And it worked. Only problem was, I never set it.

Maybe sitting still in a parking lot in drive is a short cut to enable that feature. ;)
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So I run out to do a quick errand (Amazon return at Kohl’s).

So I’m chatting with a friend as I arrive and I stop for a minute to finish up the call. Then I pull up to the spot (parking lot is nearly empty). I park and so happen to glance back. The gap above the wheels was abnormally high.

I go back and sure enough it’s on the highest setting. So I lower it and see this message at the top setting. Something about using highest setting in this location. With X next to it. I click the X and the message disappears. I didn’t even know this was an option or knew how to set it. But some how it thought I wanted the highest setting in that location on it’s own. And it worked. Only problem was, I never set it.

Maybe sitting still in a parking lot in drive is a short cut to enable that feature. ;)
“Raise suspension at this location“ casts a rather wide berth, like within a half mile. Might there be a location nearby where you requested a Raise suspension, like a car wash? Other location sensitive controls are much less, like the “Fold mirrors at this location” is much shorter, like 10s of feet.

When I go through the car wash, the suspension goes up long before I turn in to the parking lot, but the mirrors fold in just before entering the chute. The mirrors unfold just after leaving the chute, probably 150 feet away. The suspension stays on high until I am well away from the location. Guess what, the Kohl’s store we frequent is in the same lot as the car wash.
Nope. I didn’t even know the feature exists to include a location. And I rarely raise it to the highest setting. But have occasionally, and not anywhere near this Kohl’s. Only in back country driving. The Kohl’s is 1.5 miles from my house.
I have my suspension auto-raise in 3 places- 2 ferry docks and my driveway. It’s been working pretty reliably until recently, maybe since last ota update but I’m not sure. The difference is sometimes it now raises when I leave the location. It never used to, and it still lowers properly as I speed up so it’s not a safety issue.
It only happens at the locations I have selected to raise. For a while in 2021 it was adjusting itself at every red light, that was annoying but I believe an ota fixed it.