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Supercharger/Tesla Appreciation Day

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Half Dollar Bill

Traveller, teacher, poet, accountant, innkeeper
Oct 19, 2013
Freeport Maine
I'm copying this from a tesla.com forum thread. Feel free to post questions/ideas here or there.

tesla rally | Tesla

Tesla Rally
Submitted by mrporter6 on June 21, 2018
To say I am proud to have purchased a MS three years ago and put on 100000 in the past 3 years is really an understatement. At 77 I have owned lots of cars to include Mercedes and Porsche and have never driven a car that gives me as great a pleasure as this car. It really bothers me how people get involved in just the negative and can not look at any of the positives. Anytime there is a fire they go wild but do not mention that this is just one when there are hundreds everyday in the USA alone. In Seattle recently a MS with a family in the car was struck from the rear and spun around several times and the car is just about destroyed and no one was injured and yet this did not even make any of the local news stations.

What Elon Musk has been able to accomplish in the past 10 years with Spacex and Tesla is just slightly short of amazing. The Spacex program alone is just a remarkable feat. I can not watch enough of these as they blast off and in less than 10 minutes the first stage comes back and lands on a postage stamp landing zone. As a retired Airline pilot I can testify to the fact that it would have taken me 10 minutes to return to the runway I took off from if i lost an engine on Take off. This feat is just remarkable. But to top it off Elon goes out and creates a car company. Not just any car company but one that uses a completely new technology . He is now is the final days of making this a viable operation by turning out 5000 per week. Again a whole lot of people are not praising him for the 100% effort he is putting into this project but instead are doing what they can to SABOTAGE this effort.

Having said all this I think it is time that we find a way to thank Elon for giving us something that we truly love. I would like to propose that on 1 July all Tesla owners come together to show the world that there are a lot of us out there and that we really think we drive the best car in the world. I think the place for this rally is every Supercharger in the World. On 1 July I would like to see all Tesla owners come out and meet up at the SC of there choice . Instead of using the normal negative press to publicize, we could use Facebook to post photos and stories of the day. I think this would be a great way to show Elon and the whole Tesla team how much we really appreciate what they have provided for us to have fun with.

My real issue is I do not know how to get this started as I am not a real Facebook guy however I do know that there is a way to make this happen real fast and Im confident that there is several Tesla owners out there with the know how.

Finally, the reason I picked 1 July is that is the day after Tesla will announce that they hit the 5000 M3 production mark and I think it is time to celebrate.

Note that we've already established that quarterly production numbers probably won't be published until either the 2nd or 3rd. And also there have been comments about the 4th holiday and travel concerns. But there still seems to be support for the 1st date. His main objective at this point seems to be getting the idea out in broad circulation so whatever you can do to help.
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