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Tesla employee hogging supercharger in new Reno SC

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Well-Known Member
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Mar 6, 2013
San Diego
On the off chance someone from Tesla is reading this, there are several pissed off tesla owners waiting in line to get a Supetcharge this morning from the just opened Reno Supercharger at the Atlantis hotel. In particular there is one tesla with manufacturer plates that is occupying a slot and it isn't even plugged in.

There are about seven teslas waiting to charge.
Well, whoever it was, he had a hotel valet pull his car out of there a few minutes ago. Profiles in courage...

Currently a 7 car waiting line for SC at this 6 slot SC. No doubt full of TMC Connect (and gigafactory tour) attendees waiting to charge and leave.
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Ugh. More boorish behavior at the supercharger this morning. A dude with negative 10 miles on his car and a need to get out of here quickly wanted 30 miles of charge so he could get to the Truckee SC. He asked the first guy in line if he could cut in, the first guy said yes, so he cut in line and started charging. Unfortunately he didn't stick around to explain that he was only going to be there for 5 minutes and left, leaving his key fob on his car (why?). Then some other idiot decided to unplug his car (why?). When he came back (20 minutes later!) he was accosted by someone saying how pissed off some people were. But then he had to plug in again and charge for 5 minutes more, whereupon he left.

Really guys, be nice to each other!
The Tesla owned car was there from at least before midnight. There was a line to charge at 1-2 am and people realized the car was unlocked and unplugged it hoping that the alert would bring back the inconsiderate driver.

Posting the Mfg plate won't identify the car as this is the number on all the company owned cars. Vin needed.
I did take a picture of the employee parking bass badge on the windshield, but it's kind of moot now. I'm sure they know now that they screwed up and aren't going to do it again...

They only screwed up if there were negative consequences for them. Otherwise, short of a medical emergency, it just means that they're an asshole.
I pulled in to try and get some charge to get to lovelock SC. Saw the line and the TMC event signs. Looked like it was a PITA to get in so decided to get on my way and drive more conservative. Made it to lovelock no problem with the tailwind and driving 70-75. Sound s like I missed a lot of fun ;)

I did try to go the night of the GF opening also and there where like 3 S plugged in and no one in them. You could tell they had been there a while and where done charging as no fans or lights where on at all. Probably people left them there to go to the GF event or something. Luckily there were 3 other stalls with people in the and charging, albeit very slowly.
I did try to go the night of the GF opening also and there where like 3 S plugged in and no one in them. You could tell they had been there a while and where done charging as no fans or lights where on at all. Probably people left them there to go to the GF event or something. Luckily there were 3 other stalls with people in the and charging, albeit very slowly.
If they were charging slowly, perhaps it was because the other cars actually were still charging, and at a high rate? If one car on a SC pair is ramping down, the other ramps up.
No, not a loaner, it had a Tesla employee parking pass on the front windshield.

Bottom line, there was a whole lot of not thinking about others that I saw that morning, and very little forgiveness and kindness towards others too.
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Could it be a loaner?

I swear the last time I got a loaner it had manufacture plates.

That's what I thought too...

No, not a loaner, it had a Tesla employee parking pass on the front windshield.

Bottom line, there was a whole lot of not thinking about others that I saw that morning, and very little forgiveness and kindness towards others too.

But then this got posted same time as I replied... Thanks @Cosmacelf
Perfect opportunity to amplify best practices and to educate/re-educate the growing ownerbase.

Along with that I'd like to see a reduction of FUD, well-intentioned or poorly thought out or both.

For example, there will not be 385,000 M3 on any one continent for quite some time. At best maybe 50% of those reservations are from the US.

Why raise alarm when none is warranted? Today's SC network is 97% underutilized and has less than 50% the capacity it will have in 2 years or so. Further, in the States, 2/3 of homes have garages, and most Tesla owners don't use SCs now.

385,000 * 50% * 33% = at worst about 60,000 more cars in the entire US that might use SCs.

And that's with twice as many SC pedestals as there are today.

With regard to the poor form exhibited by a Tesla employee, it's an opportunity for improvement and education. A teachable moment, if you will.
The annual production rate goes to 500,000 next year. That's a whole lot of cars no matter how you divide it up.

I think Model 3 drivers will be more likely to use SCs since I bet a lot of use are in condos or apartments without charging available and certainly not DC charging capability.
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