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Tesla-focused YouTube Channel

Would you watch a YouTube channel that is only Tesla-focused?

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I am thinking of starting a youtube channel that only focuses on Tesla. I know some channels already exists but I am just curious if you watch them and if you would like to see an another Tesla-focused channel?
There are... many... too many... The market is oversaturated, I couldn't think of any new information or content that a new channel could add.
It all depends on the quality of the videos and what you are trying to accomplish with them. You'll have to make a few videos to see if we like them. If your hoping to make money, then that is a bad idea. It sounds like what you want is to post a few Tesla videos to "your channel" and not to make another "Like Tesla" channel.
Subscribe to a bunch of the popular ones. Do some research on what they present, and decide if you can offer something that's unique and competitive. Hint: the big ones are done by people with a lot of free time on their hands, and a lot of video skills. Making good, watchable videos is a lot of work. Recording yourself talking on your phone will get you zero views. Good camera work, properly researched, scripted and edited presentations might get some views. Maybe.
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I do watch a few of them and for different reasons. I agree there are many of these channels and if you're just trying to pimp your referral code or make YT money, you might be successful but probably not with the crowd here on TMC.

A likable on-camera personality (or at least voice) and strong video editing skills are a must for a large viewership. It's unlikely you'll have unique content for those of us on TMC or Reddit unless you've got some kind of inside scoop.

I see you're in SF. If by that you mean SF proper and if you have FSD, documenting FSD drives/progress on the crazy streets of SF would definitely be an interesting angle.
I follow a few like i1Tesla, “Like Tesla”, TB with Jbørn from Norway, Tech forum, Teslanomics, DÆrik, Out of Spec, Andy Slye, Undecided, Model3man, EV Stock channel, Tesla DIY, Robert Rosenfeld, Kyle Wunderli, TesLatino, Frugal Tesla Guy,

They are all good, but my favorite is Jbørn of TB out of Norway because he does the best reviews on anything Tesla but also reviews other EV’s. His recent European Vacation was awesome.

Kim of “Like Tesla” I’ve learned lots from her before I purchased the model 3, she has great short cuts on using the screen and finding those Easter Eggs, it was her video that got me messing with my screen and what ever combo I used I ended up unlocking the premium connectivity package.

DÆrik, all high performance stuff, he’s done it all to his model 3.

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Subscribe to a bunch of the popular ones. Do some research on what they present, and decide if you can offer something that's unique and competitive. Hint: the big ones are done by people with a lot of free time on their hands, and a lot of video skills. Making good, watchable videos is a lot of work. Recording yourself talking on your phone will get you zero views. Good camera work, properly researched, scripted and edited presentations might get some views. Maybe.
What this guy said.

I'd just add... You should do it if it's fun for you. If you want to learn more about video editing and filming techniques OR if you just really love talking about Tesla or both... Then do it for your own sake. The viewers may or may not come.
I am thinking of starting a youtube channel that only focuses on Tesla. I know some channels already exists but I am just curious if you watch them and if you would like to see an another Tesla-focused channel?

If you do a Youtube channel, there are some questions you need to answer first:

1) Who is your target audience? That will determine your content. If your audience is Tesla owners, then you need to provide useful information for Tesla owners. Either provide advanced "how to" tutorials that will benefit Tesla owners or provide insightful discussion on topics that will interest Tesla owners. Avoid basic stuff that most Tesla owners will already know. And avoid just doing boring autopilot videos, unless you can provide insightful commentary. Tesla owners can use Autopilot themselves, they don't need to watch someone else driving on AP. If your audience is non-Tesla owners, then provide information to help them decide if a Tesla is right for them. Talk about what you love about your Tesla, charging, "range anxiety", maintenance schedule, etc...

2) What is the purpose of your channel? Is it to make money? Is it to get referrals? Is it just to share your passion of Tesla with the world? Is it to discuss topics related to Tesla? Is it about sharing Tesla breaking news? That will greatly determine your content and your strategies for promoting the channel.

3) What is your passion or area of expertise? Presumably, you like Tesla cars since you own one. What is it about Tesla that you are most passionate about? And what about Tesla do you have the most expertise on? Passion and knowledge are key to a successful youtube channel because the audience will be more invested and attracted to your channel if they see that you care about it. If you have passion, it will show and your audience will appreciate it. Also, having passion will make doing the youtube channel easier for you. We all find it easier to do things that we are passionate about. Also, if you do the channel on a topic you have knowledge about, it will make things a lot easier because it is always to easier to talk about what we know about. Plus, your audience will take you more seriously if it is obvious that you know what you are talking about.

Good luck!
I disagree that high quality video production is required. Good content is the foundation. If you have that, the video editing and equipment will come later.

Speaking of good content, even a sense of humor is not essential, although it certainly helps. Think about these forums and the ways we can rate posts. I rank these in order of priority:


Your content should strive to earn those sentiments. The best channels have very unique content. i1Tesla comes up with very practical mods. Rich Rebuilds fixes salvaged Teslas and has a ton of other EV-related DIY projects. Both of them also have a lot of on-camera charisma.

If you are having a hard time finding that unique angle, we can always use more people explaining the benefits of EVs and dispelling myths that just won't die. Be prepared to do lots of research, present data, and supplement with your own driving experiences. Study up on data visualization and graphic design. Use current events to keep your content relevant.

Production quality does matter, but you can get by with just a phone too. Keep things steady as much as you can. Rehearse. Keep your speech track concise. If you must have a branded intro, keep it short. Do multiple takes if you stumble so you can assemble your most coherent footage in post-processing.

A successful channel takes a LOT of work. You really have to love doing it and be passionate about your content.

Remember, content first.
On the "what is your target audience" angle, I found a channel I liked a lot when researching. Now that I am an owner, have some experience and knowledge of my own and have seen that content creator here..........
If his videos come up in my searches I specifically avoid clicking on his content.

If you make videos for people researching,they won't be long term viewers but it might be easier to make videos. If making videos for newbs, same thing applies. If making videos for a "permanent" viewer base the content will be a lot of work to come up with.

I think what is needed is DIY basic repairs, brakes, 12volt, washer pump, maybe suspension bushings, but for that either you need to be diy mechanically minded or team up with someone who is and clear views of the work challenging camera work wise.