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Tesla Master Plan 2, 3 & 4

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Lots of great things are going to happen this decade and fully explode into the next.
Gotta drink your green juice to stay alive to see it all happen!
Soylent Green... it is the year 2022!

No, Elon's doing the right thing by spending his time thinking about the long-term health of the company, and it's limits to growth. Anti-green politics is a reality he's taking on right now, with a decent chance of turning the tide over the next decade.

This is almost certainly why we haven't seen "Secret Master Plan - Part Trois" yet, even though Elon told us he was working on it nearly a year ago.

Elon Musk on Twitter: "@DoctorJack16 Master Plan (mé·nage à) Trois is all about tonnage" / Twitter

Right now, Elon is waiting for the IRS and Commerce Dept to finalize rules for the IR act incentives, especially the one for battery production. Once the Gov't commits in writing, then it's time for Elon to go public with Part Three.
Typically, you want to complete at least a few items from your previous master plan before moving into the next one.
Always have to be looking ahead. MP2 was released before Model 3 was in production so before completing MP1.

Tesla has crossed a few items off of MP2, but it is time for MP3. Signal to everyone where you plan to go. If other companies see Tesla’s plan it might accelerate their own plans. Thus, Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy.
Always have to be looking ahead. MP2 was released before Model 3 was in production so before completing MP1.

Tesla has crossed a few items off of MP2, but it is time for MP3. Signal to everyone where you plan to go. If other companies see Tesla’s plan it might accelerate their own plans. Thus, Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy.


The only one you can sort of say they've completed is the first point, though they're nowhere near close to the 2019 "1,000 per week" goal Elon set. And of course, they unveiled four different styles in 2016 and have only ever produced one of them.
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The only one you can sort of say they've completed is the first point, though they're nowhere near close to the 2019 "1,000 per week" goal Elon set. And of course, they unveiled four different styles in 2016 and have only ever produced one of them.
Agree, the last two are not yet close. I’d say the first two are checked off. With the Semi in production and Cybertruck supposedly this year that kind of hits all major segments. Maybe you could argue they don’t have a compact car on the horizon that we know of.
Agree, the last two are not yet close. I’d say the first two are checked off. With the Semi in production and Cybertruck supposedly this year that kind of hits all major segments. Maybe you could argue they don’t have a compact car on the horizon that we know of.

I disagree.

1) The solar roofs, as far as we're aware, have never reached close to the 1,000/week production target Elon said they'd hit by the end of 2019. They have also only ever unveiled one of the four roof types they unveiled in 2016. This is 25% complete, at best.

2) They scrapped the autonomous minibus/minivan concept. They have shelved the Roadster 2.0 (super/sports car category). The Semi isn't being manufactured in any meaningful volume. The CT does not yet exist (we heard similar "hopefully this year" timelines for 2021 and 2022). No hatchback or compact, as you mentioned. Tesla sells four vehicles, but really only 1.5 (3/Y) in any volume as S & X appear pretty much dead even after the refreshes. That's quite a few vehicle segments they aren't addressing at the moment.
I will find MP3 exciting if it includes achievable vertical integration, such as mining.

I expect it to include more FSD nonsense because that lie needs to continue.

What can Tesla realistically do to accelerate solar? Probably only massive battery support. I like that tesla tries with solar roof but that product does not appear to be fundamentally important.
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Tesla Master Plan Part 1 — 1 page, summarized by 4 simple bullet items.

Tesla Master Plan Part 3 — 41 pages, summarized by a 4 hour presentation.

I guess this explains why it took so long to come out, but wow that’s a big change in direction.

Also notable on this Master Plan. Elon Musk isn’t credited.

I’m sure he contributed, but very interesting that his name does not appear in this report at all. Clearly not an accidental omission.

Notable that Drew is the top advisor on this.

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There's your veh TAM. Lots of info. Look forward to seeing tmc digest this
I’m glad to see Tesla accounting for producing hydrogen for running the Haber-Bosch process to make ammonia. The mods here once removed a couple posts of mine on this subject to Off Topic Galore, and my attempts to get questions about this on earning calls have never received enough shareholder votes to make the cut. Now I feel validated and vindicated. Sweet, sweet justice 😊.

Many notable omissions:

1) No estimates of how the lower cost and higher usefulness of renewable energy will increase the quantity demanded relative to current energy demand. Basic economics. When a substitute good arrives that is better and cheaper than the traditional option, markets consume more of it. Tesla's MPP3 thesis begins with the statement that the current energy economy is wasteful and points out that electric motors and heat pumps will increase efficiency, but they omit the next step of the analysis that would predict that lower marginal costs of consuming energy will likely increase the average wastefulness of energy consumption over time. Nor does Tesla include estimates based on autonomous driving, proliferation of robots, internet of things, 5G, and other new energy-hungry technologies just waiting to gobble up cheap solar power.

2) Sustainable chemicals and lubricants. Tesla mentions Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for the first time ever, but only for producing fuels for boats and aircraft and not for anything else. Petroleum and natural gas are also used for non-fuel applications; energy is not the only problem to solve for sustainable civilization, but a bunch of electricity will be needed for the carbon capture and hydrogen production feedstocks for F-T synthesis. We need plastics, solvents, lubricants, synthetic rubber, wax, asphalt, pharmaceuticals, etc.

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3) Boring Co and SpaceX integration in Tesla’s plan as Elon had promised a year ago. There are some obvious possibilities for Boring Co and Tesla, but not clear how SpaceX fits in besides maybe the carbon capture and F-T synfuels aspect.

4) In line with point 1, desalination. Climate change and human use patterns are drying up rivers, lakes and aquifers. This is a serious problem, existential risk to civilization. Indoor agriculture and shrinking the animal food industry could help but I’m not going to bank on either of these happening with certainty. Desal mainly has two problems, energy and distribution of both the waste and freshwater produced. The energy cost is going to fall and Boring Co underground aqueducts might be of use for distribution.

5) Computation and data transmission. The Internet, AI training, data centers and cryptocurrency mining are still growing rapidly, with total volume of processing and transmission continually outpacing the savings from energy efficiency improvements. Information technology electricity consumption has been growing exponentially for decades with no end in sight. Tesla does not appear to have modeled for this in MPP3 in their assumptions about the demand for electricity.

In summary, MPP3 looks like a conservative base case which represents Tesla’s estimates of the minimum that needs to happen to transition the world to sustainable energy without introducing austerity policies. However, I doubt that it will even be on the right order of magnitude of what will really happen if solar and battery cost trends continue, and, as Tesla noted, the targets of MPP3 would require merely 0.2% of Earth's land area so there's plenty of room for upside. I still stand by the general reasoning I presented in this thesis last year:

A recent research trend is direct capture of water from the air which the Tesla HVAC may do, this is a lot less environmentally damaging that Desal.

Underground Boring co aqueducts are a great idea. Specifically because capture of water from the air works best near or above the sea, or in other locations with high humidity, In addition to capturing new water, we will need to move it around.

IMO MP3 and Investor Day sketches out Tesla's plans though to around 2030.

We might one day have MP4 which tackles issues like water and food production.

Yeah, I bet it will. Exponential scope creep has been a consistent trend for Tesla since the beginning and for Elon Musk's ventures overall. At first, the goal for Tesla Motors was to show the public and the automotive industry that lithium-ion batteries could power compelling cars that were fun to drive and try not to go bankrupt in the process of doing so. They weren't even attempting to do most of the work at the time; they wanted to outsource almost all of the manufacturing and most of the design except for the electric powertrain itself. Look where we are now twenty years later with ambitions for 20M cars/year, autonomous driving, humanoid robots to promote the likelihood of benign AGI alignment, and TWh-scale energy ambitions. It looks to me like Tesla is trending towards being humankind's general sustainability conglomerate and I anticipate more will come for other serious issues relating to environment and nonrenewable resource beyond energy, at least if the rest of the world's institutions continue failing to get the job done. Oceanic trash cleanup? Helium conservation? Rewilding? Farming? Landfill mining? I wouldn't put it past them to get involved in any of these.

And if we extrapolate the historical trend for Master Plans, I predict that MPP4 will arrive three years later than originally scheduled, will begin with a weeklong investor conference followed by release of a detailed whitepaper 420 pages long (written mostly by Tesla's in-house GPT trained on Dojo), and TSLA will collapse by at least 50% in the aftermath. Not investment advice.
Sadly, I'm thinking this is autonomy, robots + real-world AI.

Why do I say "sadly"? Two reasons:

1. other master plans are not yet done;
2. this one is likely a departure from (rather than extension of) the other master plans [i.e., 'not a new chapter, but a new book"]

I have mixed feelings about this.