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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Is it possible to develop a stepped strategy? Can you devise a strategy that will secure your retirement and still leave opportunity for future growth?
How about: Don't sell anything until you absolutely need the funds. The other strategy is to have some of your money in "diversified" stocks. Because they are barely appreciating, you won't feel bad selling them.
Would you be so nice and explain "Delta-Hedging" once more, thanks.

Well I’m not the expert on this but a long shot, @FrankSG (I think) wrote it up well a few weeks back.

In simplest terms, the MM’s need to ensure they have the shares to cover all the calls at $2000 (and everything imbetween), so they have to buy more.
I kept thinking about what fuels the current ramp-up in the SP.

Yeah, sure, the notes yesterday from AJ and Dan Ives helped (maybe helped focus the minds of some institutionals, maybe they were waiting for the "signal", particularly from the typically-bearish Jonas, maybe Dan Ives helped them remember that Tesla is currently scooping itself a major slice of the huge Chinese auto market), but that wouldn't account for 10% in one day, on top of the shorty blood bath from last week.

It could also be a lot of FOMO from both retail and institutional investors with all the upcoming announcements and events (5-for-1 split, S&P500 inclusion, Battery Day, possibly Q3 deliveries...)

But interestingly, the psychological effect of owning whole shares of TSLA by retail investors with limited cash, which the split was supposed to address... may be currently addressed, at least in part. This is strictly concerning retail investors with brokers that allow fractional share trading, so almost exclusively in the US: while not in that situation, I would also feel uncomfortable about buying / owning part of a share in any company, so if TSLA looked to me like a good investment but my cash situation meant that I had to either just buy one share and be left with very little for additional buys of anything else, or I had to just give up on investing in TSLA, I probably would simply have decided to look elsewhere (buy "cheaper" stocks). But the recent announcement of the upcoming split changed that paradigm. Retail investors can now take a fresh look at TSLA and, importantly, be ok with owning fractional shares of TSLA as long as they hold multiples of 1/5 of a share, and only owning fractional shares for a couple of weeks, before Tesla... makes them whole again. And the driving force for making such a buying decision is ever stronger as the SP goes up every day (yes, FOMO!).

The somewhat laboured point I'm trying to make here is that I don't expect a major pop post-split, because some of it is already accounted for in the current upward move. There are of course most of the non-US investors who can't take advantage of the current situation because they can't trade fractional shares... although some of them may figure it makes sense to buy pre-split, even if it's a stretch (Tesla stretch?), and sell a few post-split shares at a later time. Now, importantly, I also don't expect the stock to drop post-split, it will probably go up, but not by a lot. Maybe 5% in one week (excluding the possibility of an S&P inclusion announcement).

But it could as well just rise and top out before Battery Day after which my best guess is that we could see a huge drop. Firstly because it's: Buy the rumour, sell the news, and secondly because most will just not get what mind boggling progress Jeff Dahn and Tesla have acheived. It's just over mosts head.
Yes, that's my expectation as well: buy the rumour and sell the news (I actually don't see a huge drop; but a mild drop, yes) because it will take a while for most non-technical folks to figure out what that stuff actually meant. Which is why I am currently trying to learn as much as I can about the technical side of Li-ion battery developments (incl. Dahn group's recent progress, and others).
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More volume than yesterday, a few margin calls being covered?

I really don’t know if we can sustain this all the freakin’ way to the old splitterino, it’s crazy!!

And just skip closing in the $1700’s, that would be sweet.

Regarding selling, wifey has found a house she wants for around €1m, which is about what we have in core shares (trading account another €500k with calls and LEAPS), so now the “discussions” begin. I don’t want to sell out so low, I prefer (as said a few weeks back) to get €2m, or more. Plus it would need renovating, so would like several €100k for that

We’ll see, might get there by end next week at this rate...

Debt, borrow the money & keep the shares?

Difficult in UK as they changed the rules, so it's no longer dependent on an ID and optionally being alive, nor on savings. It's all predicated on income from a steady long term job. I may have to explain those concepts:-

Steady and Long Term - not gigs, project-based or zero-hours jobs. You are a permanent employee (until you aren't). There are no worries from competitors, other countries, Brexit, negative interest rates, automation, pandemics.

Job - doing labour or activities (optionally being paid) for your time or knowledge.

Income:- in taking a loan this must exceed outgoings. So that's most people stuffed.
In the wee hours of this morning I felt really uneasy, because this massive rise in such a short while just feels super crazy. I started to contemplate on realising some gains.. now not so much anymore, here's my reasoning:

- It has just begun, price target 5k (before split) in 2024 still seems totally reasonable (see ARK, Cathy Woods, or Ron Baron for an eloquent explanation)

Soo many catalysts to shove this thing further:

- After the some big banks upped their targets, financial advisors dare now to put TSLA into clients portfolios (I bet they do not understand why, but window dressing might be a strong reason to do so). Imagine the client asking why he has not got any TSLA in his portfolio...

- Funds frontrunning S&P inclusion, retail investors doing the same

- meanwhile massive pressure for shorts, margin calls...

- Battery day will be huge, even the dumbest start to realize this > more buying pressure

- Progress of Shanghai, Berlin and Austin > Impressive

- Progress in manufacturing now obvious for the dumbest as well...

- meanwhile bad news from the "competition" VW ID3 debacle gets worse at every news cycle,

- Tesla Energy getting traction...

and so many others...

Question remains if the squeeze (which I think it in in an slow, relentless way, think of feet over red hot embers..) will accelerate and where it tops out. Some (I think it was @Lycanthrope) have gradual selling targets, to catch a meteoric rise. But it could as well just rise and top out before Battery Day after which my best guess is that we could see a huge drop. Firstly because it's: Buy the rumour, sell the news, and secondly because most will just not get what mind boggling progress Jeff Dahn and Tesla have acheived. It's just over mosts head.

I am almost certain wie will see 2000+ today. I might put some crazy high sell orders for a tiny bit of my holdings... but then again a squeeze happens if the longs hold... OK guys thats the order of today: HODL !!!!

Cheers to all the longs, thank you all for being here and for providing so many insights, Love you all.

Edit: typos

Spot on analysis.

Current pre-market suggests we could be repeating Feb delta-hedging squeeze. The question is what happens after the split+sp500+batteryday combo. You're probably right there is a risk of a drop after the battery day, but our momentum is too strong to go significantly down unless there is a huge short-term squeeze.

On the one hand, there are too many short term catalysts to justify realizing gains right now. On the other hand, we cannot go up 100-200 bucks every day going forward. At some point we're in the bubble territory if this rally goes on until battery day. Not that it really matters to long-term holders waiting for 5k or more.

It's worth remembering that the valuation doesn't need to be attached to reality in the short term (look at NKLA). Let's assume TSLA has a fair value of $1800 right now if you ask bulls here. There is no reason why we couldn't rally to $3000 or more if comparing current TSLA valuation to real bubble stocks. Just my opinion.
Debt, borrow the money & keep the shares?

Difficult in UK as they changed the rules, so it's no longer dependent on an ID and optionally being alive, nor on savings. It's all predicated on income from a steady long term job. I may have to explain those concepts:-

Steady and Long Term - not gigs, project-based or zero-hours jobs. You are a permanent employee (until you aren't). There are no worries from competitors, other countries, Brexit, negative interest rates, automation, pandemics.

Job - doing labour or activities (optionally being paid) for your time or knowledge.

Income:- in taking a loan this must exceed outgoings. So that's most people stuffed.

Nah, don't want to borrow - what-if something happens and the market crashes again, that would be an incredibly stressful scenario. Better to cash-out what's needed and be secure IMO.

I'm going to keep the day job a bit longer anyway, will fund my fleet of Teslas (MY, CT & R2 - already decided to keep my MX too)
Nah, don't want to borrow - what-if something happens and the market crashes again, that would be an incredibly stressful scenario. Better to cash-out what's needed and be secure IMO.

I'm going to keep the day job a bit longer anyway, will fund my fleet of Teslas (MY, CT & R2 - already decided to keep my MX too)

Surely you just need enough cash for mortgage and living expenses for a time? 6, 12, 36 months. Whatever your comfort / risk.

Goes back to the 4% a year thing. Market or tesla might crash for 2 years. Unlikely longer. Possible upside in that two years is high.
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A bit of a try by the MM's to create some panic and a drop? not unusual in pre-market...

Now here's something that I was told by @NicoV over in the Tax-Split non-US implications thread.

Our broker advised to consider repositioning some calls as some of the new strike-prices could be a bit illiquid. At the time I didn't think about it too much, but actually I've got October calls for $1380 and $1820, the rest are all nice multiples (4/9 $1500, Jun 22 $1250, Jun 22 $3500), but those first two calls will be adapted to strikes of $276 and $364 - the options chain is going to be a mess and indeed, who'd be looking to buy on those strikes?

So thinking to roll these to a "nicer" number post-spltterino. Just wanted to gives the heads-up to the rest of you.