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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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The raw materials access, price and quality will be major points. Brazil and Australia both have easy access for several crucial raw materials, lithium access for Brazil in country and from Chile/Bolivia, for example plus nickel and cobalt

Indeed. While South America is famous for its lithium, Brazil has some excellent laterite (nickel, cobalt) potential potential as well . The key question is how low can HPAL get the processing costs.
Except when corporations retire you. Actually, I'm busier since with goals to the moon now. Learned a lot here!

I might sell a few shares soon... turning 60 this year. Want some cash post recession.

Does this current tesla rally have anything to do with ENPH up hugely today, over 20%. They make microinverter systems. I am trying to figure out if they are connected to Tesla. I was assuming Tesla was their customer or something to that effect.
No one retires as early as 65 anymore.

I think a lot of this board will be retiring well before 65 ;)

I retired years ago. OK, officially I was "fired" from my last job because the new owner was literally an insane liar and I couldn't go along with his warped "vision" for the company, but Tesla helped me remain "unemployed" for the rest of my life :D
I did not read bc I avoid Elektrek for previously discussed reasons but I believe its touching one the false matter. It may be correct but the wrong battle.

There should be zero doubt that there is a ton of demand out there globally including pre orders in the 6 digits for the CT but the hard nut to crack is not the demand but the mass production technology.

To produce that thing in masses and with low costs will required a complete new not yet existing production technology including tooling and is a huge project that is IMO underestimated. I have zero doubt that Tesla will manage it but it will come up with challenges and possibly hiccups.

The CT is not just a new model within the existing ones but all fundamentals are very different and with it everything. Implications are huge.

Attention should be on that part as its the critical one for the success.

I'm not so sure that the tooling is that much of an unknown. While I know next to nothing about manufacturing, Sandy Munro knows quite a bit, and he thought it was cheap and easy. IMO the most likely issue will come from the design of the exoskeleton -- in particular collision safety. That isn't something that Sandy Munro has appeared well equipped to deal with. That said, I think that Tesla will find a way to make the cybertruck while exceeding safety standards -- they are excellent at what they do. But I think most of the challenge lies with the details of the design, not the tooling.
Are you telling me we should all buy as many options as we possibly can on market open to pump up the stock!?! brb, placing my order for 1,880 calls now.

You're joking, but the WallstreetBets community has grown rapidly recently and received some media attention (CNN). Last week they were heavy into MSFT options and there was a news link regarding an algorithm detecting heavy option plays around MSFT.

I dont have numbers to evaluate to say whether they really are a big enough group now to have a noticeable effect.
I don’t understand the significance of the “wall of worry”. Can someone please help me out?

It doesn't mean anything too deep. Just when a stock goes on an extended bull run, stock purchasers are continually worried they are buying near the top, and thus the stock will soon drop, since they are indeed buying near the top at that moment.
The raw materials access, price and quality will be major points. Brazil and Australia both have easy access for several crucial raw materials, lithium access for Brazil in country and from Chile/Bolivia, for example plus nickel and cobalt maybe being constraints make some mine/refinement proximity an issue for one or more battery factories. In South Africa, for example, they may well want some raw materials but the domestic market can barely support a CKD plant.

Mexico, which is in North America BTW, is certain to have a major plant soon because it has one of the very best locations for export, allowing duty free import to almost all of the Americas plus favorable terms for Europe.

Input of raw materials is important, but more important will be output of cars. I do not expect to see a Giga Brazil (or Giga India) before Model 2 has been introduced for $20,000-$25,000. The Latin American market is not big enough for a gigafactory which yearly produces hundreds of thousands of Model 3 and Model Y at prices of $35,000-$50,000. Neither is the south Asian market.
Does this current tesla rally have anything to do with ENPH up hugely today, over 20%. They make microinverter systems. I am trying to figure out if they are connected to Tesla. I was assuming Tesla was their customer or something to that effect.

Am long ENPH. No nothing to do with Tesla. Just top and bottom beat yesterday with strong guidance in the most profitable part of solar sector.

Since TSLA is often compared to AMZN:

It may be a dump question, but do i get this right, that Amazon had 3 Stock Splits before the year 2000, with 2-1, 3-1 and 2-1 ratios?

Doesn't that mean, that without that splits, the AMZN Stock, for a Stockholder, who bought in 1998, the Stock is not 2.155$ worth for him/her, but valuated like 12x, so at 25.860$?

If that is right, then TSLA is far from close to todays Amazon Stock prices and TSLA even at 1000$ is a damn good buy, if you HODL for 10 years. I mean we don't even had a split with TSLA.

Maybe this year? :rolleyes:

You should never base your comparisons on share price. You need to look at the company’s market cap. I highly recommend watching Dave Lee on Investing @DaveT . Start at the beginning and watch all of them.
Am long ENPH. No nothing to do with Tesla. Just top and bottom beat yesterday with strong guidance in the most profitable part of solar sector.

Cramer noted ENPH when discussing TSLA this morning, sort of related to solar as being a business that Tesla is making some progress toward. He noted something about TSLA getting into the grid too.
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I think when it hits $1k bears will check out mentally.

but if it does hit $1,000 soon then im going to be rude and demand Elon give us a new paint color for all the new cars we can buy. Preferably that matte gray from the unveil. It will be known as “Shareholder Gray”

I just realized that I bought my position in Amazon at $764/share, and its now worth over $2000 just over three years later.

My most recent TSLA purchase was at $767. Very possible that TSLA hits $2,000 before three years...
just get a supporting membership, i _think_ that might do it
Another fundraising day for TMC, just like 4 February.
I retired years ago. OK, officially I was "fired" from my last job because the new owner was literally an insane liar and I couldn't go along with his warped "vision" for the company, but Tesla helped me remain "unemployed" for the rest of my life :D
A lot of people here hope to get ‘fired’ by TSLA and ‘suffer’ from unemployedness.
I think we’re all so jaded that the new Nikkei finding on Tesla’s advantages was fairly blasé, because it basically just confirmed stuff we already know. I wonder if the rise over the last two days results from more institutional investors waking up to the realization of just how far Tesla’s ahead of the competition, coupled with the competition’s very large structural disadvantages?

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Well, I'm only relatively new to participating in this forum. I have been closely following TSLA since the IPO. I almost invested, I loved the idea of electric cars but I have done well as an investor by not investing until I can see obvious success. TSLA was simply too risky for me all those years until I started nibbling in the $200's and loaded the boat at $184.

Was I wrong for not getting in on the IPO (or buying on that first crazy trading day)? I wanted to. I would have made even more money so yes. On the other hand, TSLA didn't hit my investment criteria until recently.

If I made a mistake it was not fully understanding how tenacious and effective that man they call Elon Musk really is. But I can give myself a break because he really only fully cemented his reputation by landing rockets on drone ships and launching a mass-production car. But had I known him better, in a more nuanced way, I might have invested sooner. Of course, that four years of relatively flat trading pre-2019 would have been painful. And I couldn't pull the trigger through it all (until very recently).

The reason why you didn’t invest earlier is why I did. After my initial research of Elon Musk, I knew what he was all about and capable of. Dude, next time just ask me. ;)
I've been retired since 43. That was 20 years ago. My wife just says I'm chronically unemployed and basically lazy. Sadly she loves her job so most of my traveling is on my own.
Similar here, wife likes her job and it is in a critical position for Intel.
Still, the plan was to have the Model 3 drive her to work then return home for the best protection from elements. Maybe FSD this year, but ok waiting in favor of not causing too much "fear of the robots."
Oh, we're OT again?
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Cramer noted ENPH when discussing TSLA this morning, sort of related to solar as being a business that Tesla is making some progress toward. He noted something about TSLA getting into the grid too.

If anything they are competitors, especially with ENPH launching storage this year. At one point ENPH could have been an acquisition target for Tesla as it has some useful tech but getting too big now.
I am currently "gardening" so have quite a lot of free time in my days at the moment. And have found myself watching a lot of Grand Designs on Netflix. Whacky and wonderful house building projects. I know Elon has a lot on his plate but it astounds me how time consuming and expensive it is to build a decent quality family house. Come on Elon, it's the logical extension of solar roof and residential hvac! Disrupt global house building please!

Already on it; Boring Co bricks.