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...This yahoo is no biker so 85 total should satisfy him for now...

My first thought is that there could be some [email protected] email address where we are supposed to send "submissions".
Might be pictures of different colors Model S that we have to send before we get the next clue.

Maybe something like "[email protected]" or some-such.

Just doing wild guessing though.

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Here is what I transcribed underdlined words are garbled:
The drop was incomplete.
I need to transmit.
One of Liam's YCs toadies has stopped me.
He wants proof.
MS one color.
Red equals 1.
Black equals 2.
White equals 3.
Silver is 4.
Grey is 5.
Blue equals 8.
Green is 8 as well.
Brown equals 10.
He demands one submission per member.
Sumbmissions must- can have no multiples.
No duplicate submissions.
This yahoo is no biker so 85 total should satisfy him for now.
The second line is spoken rather fast and is garbled some. I think stalking is the word but it only sounds like a single syllable.

Yeah, I listened again, and I think the transcription matches closely now.

What do you think "MS one color" means? ("Must Submit?")

"One of Liam's YCs toadies has stopped me."
Urban Dictionary: Toadie
toadie : A side kick, a tag-a-long, one who is sent to do the dirty work.

And I think we jumped to the conclusion that the name is "Liam YC" because the filename is "a YC demands proof.wav"

By the way, YC are characters often uses in color encoding techniques:
YCbCr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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He demands one submission per member.

Not sure who 'he' is. Maybe ?Liam's/Leon's? YC?.
I am assuming "M-S one color" is a picture of a Model S, for MS one color.

The colors are coded. Not sure what we need to get with the code. All the Model S colors are accounted for, there are 2 reds and 2 whites.

One of each of the code adds to 41, if you double up red and white you get 45. Those don't pop out as significant to me. Interesting that green and blue are the same, and with brown don't complete a standard count up. This code doesn't match the electronic/resistor color code. And 85 total could be battery size, a sum we have to make somehow, or just a number of submissions 'he' wants.

And it appears that all of us have to submit something different.

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My first thought is that there could be some [email protected] email address where we are supposed to send "submissions".
Might be pictures of different colors Model S that we have to send before we get the next clue.

Maybe something like "[email protected]" or some-such.

Just doing wild guessing though.

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Yeah, I listened again, and I think the transcription matches closely now.

What do you think "MS one color" means? ("Must Submit?")

I read MS as 'Model S'. I think we want a submission of a Model S picture, of only one color.
...Interesting that green and blue are the same...
Yes, probably worth pondering the possible significance of that.

This code doesn't match the electronic/resistor color code.
Ah, I see we had the same thought there. Yeah, not a close match.

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...I still think it it 'biker' at the end...
Unfortunately, "biker" reminds me of one of Kent Beuchert's aliases "thebike45". I doubt whoever is behind this 'game' would "go there", so I plan to ignore that coincidence.

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...I am assuming "M-S one color" is a picture of a Model S, for MS one color...
I read MS as 'Model S'. I think we want a submission of a Model S picture, of only one color.

Yeah, I had concluded that the color list was probably Model S colors just based on the list of colors provided.
Having "MS" be "Model S" makes sense there.

So, I think we agree:

#1: We have the audio clip transcribed probably at least 95% correct.
#2: We think we are supposed to get pictures of different colored Model S and submit them somewhere.
#3: Only one submission each, no duplicates, so we need to coordinate this.

We don't know (yet):
#4: Where to submit the pictures. Could be back on 4shared. Could be email attachments to some place (@yahoo?)
#5: Why there are number codes assigned to the different colors. Will we use them to decode a color coded message? Are we supposed to use them to "encode" something ourselves in the pictures we submit?
Red equals 1.
Black equals 2.
White equals 3.
Silver is 4.
Grey is 5.
Blue equals 8.
Green is 8 as well.
Brown equals 10.
Could this just be production sequence?
[SJ] Founders1 was Sig red, right? [match]
[EM] Founders2 was black, right? [match]

Perhaps Founders8 and Sig8 were Blue & Green so we get two different colors for 8 ?

Could it be that the last digit of the VIN has to match the color on the submitted picture?

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I'm beginning to think this is just an elaborate scheme by doug to get more photo submissions for the TMC calendar. And apparently he is short on pics of blue, green, and brown because they are worth a lot of points. :)

LOL. The "Tesla-2013" email alias would go along with that as well.
Ok, I am going to go line by line. I mostly agree with TEG on his 5 points.

The drop was incomplete.
I assume this is in reference to the image we pieced together last week, in that it was an incomplete picture. I am not sure what 'drop' would be referring to otherwise.
I need to transmit.
The message sender needs to get out the full image/message.
One of Liam's YC toadies has stopped me.
Someone, stopped him. Not sure if Liam's YC is significant as of yet. It probably is, at least the YC part.
He wants proof.
We need to get something for the person to stop stopping the message.
MS one color.
I think this means he needs a MS in one color. So a picture ('proof') of a model S. One color only. ?
Red equals 1.
Black equals 2.
White equals 3.
Silver is 4.
Grey is 5.
Blue equals 8.
Green is 8 as well.
and Brown equals 10.
All of this seems like a code. To what end I do not know. I assume we need to send pictures of single Model Ss such that the numbers make sense in some way.
He demands one submission per member.
Each of us needs to submit something. Although technically this could mean a single person could submit enough such that there is one submission per member.
Submissions must- can have no multiples.
This is a little generic. It could mean that a submission can't have multiple subjects, or that a single person can only submit once. I happen to think it means both.
No duplicate submissions.
I think this is meant to cover the other of the cases I mentioned above. I happen to think this means both also.
This yahoo is no biker so 85 total should satisfy him for now.
I happen to think this the key to where we should send our submissions. I think this with 'Liam's YC' is the combo we need to look for. I am not sure what this meas either. Sure we are all thinking 85kWh but what would a non-biker have to do with that.

I checked twitter for a LiamYC. There is one but it is formatted LiaMyC and they have no followers (toadies). There is a LiamYC123 again no followers. But is following 2 people. Sadly neither of them is a biker.
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I think we need to send pictures of Model S cars equaling 85 by the system listed. But no member can send more than one picture. We should start organizing pictures of high-value vehicles to send.

I think YC is the key to the address to send to. Still looking to figure out where that is. Hopefully when we find it, the address will confirm receipt.
Maybe they just want enough unique model pictures of model S submitted so that the "total point value" is 85.
So for instance, brown is a rare color so you get 10 points each. So if 8 different people submitted 8 different pictures of a brown model S we would be to 80 points already.
That would go along with red and black being low value colors as they are most common.