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Wish List Item: Weather Radar

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The car will warn you of severe wind but I've felt like it's so inconsistent when it actually will. I've seen 20-30mph sustained 40mph gusts and it will warn me but 30mph sustained and 60mph+ gust with nothing. It doesn't give you any input to how will effect the car, it would be nice if you are super charging and it knows about severe wind if it will tell you that you might want to charge a bit extra.

My biggest compliment though is being unable to tune into road condition/weather alert AM stations. Montana is the only state where I could actually tune in because they broadcast on both AM and FM.
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Reactions: Chris Barnes
I’ve requested this before.

I use an aviation app on my iPhone (WingX) on “Track Up”.


On occasion, it can suggest that we divert slightly to avoid the strongest returns. In any case, I just like having that weather information available in almost real time. “Almost” because there is always a slight delay in the returns displayed. Because of this, pilots are urged to use such information “strategically” rather than “tactically”. IOW, never use them to “thread the needle” between cells - that gap you see may already have closed right as you’re attempting to shoot through it.