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WTB a Tesla...Need Some Pointers!

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Considering a pre-owned Tesla to dip my toe into the Tesla waters.

Was looking for an older Model S in order to stay under or around $30k on my first go round. But after I discovered that you can't get an extended warranty without buying directly from Tesla, I've moved to consider a pre-owned Model 3...at the $40k mark.

Wondering what your thoughts are as current owners. Should I be worried about extended warranty on these cars?

Are there certain things I should consider when buying (model year? features I can't love without or don't need? etc)?

Been lurking around but look forward to learning more while here. Thanks in advance!
AS you can guess this is not the first time this question has been asked. You need to invest your time in browsing through the different sections or use the search to locate threads on your question. Reading others threads and answers will equip you with info that you would have not thought to ask. Its been answered dozens of times.
I don’t own a model 3 so can’t comment on cost of repairs on 3 but if you are looking for a used Model 3, my only advice is to do your research and know how much does a brand new car with same features is before buying a used one. A lot of people are selling used model 3’s on this site for close to a price a new one or sometimes even more expensive than a new one.

My other advice is to make sure that a 3 fits your needs vs. a model S. Two different cars and not necessarily with same functionality so depending on your needs, one may be better suited for you.
good luck with your search.
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AS you can guess this is not the first time this question has been asked. You need to invest your time in browsing through the different sections or use the search to locate threads on your question. Reading others threads and answers will equip you with info that you would have not thought to ask. Its been answered dozens of times.

Coming from other car forums, I'm sure that's definitely the case. I plan on looking around some more for sure.

I don’t own a model 3 so can’t comment on cost of repairs on 3 but if you are looking for a used Model 3, my only advice is to do your research and know how much does a brand new car with same features is before buying a used one. A lot of people are selling used model 3’s on this site for close to a price a new one or sometimes even more expensive than a new one.

My other advice is to make sure that a 3 fits your needs vs. a model S. Two different cars and not necessarily with same functionality so depending on your needs, one may be better suited for you.
good luck with your search.
Thank you! I'll keep that in mind!