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  1. bkp_duke


    Um, no. So, first the DMV stats are "self reported". There is no consistent requirements on how and what is reported there. It's been critiqued to the max in this and other forums (i.e. it's a really REALLY bad dataset to draw conclusions from except on how each individual system progresses...
  2. bkp_duke


    I took that as a 100% false statement. 6-7 years ago, even looking at YT videos and not going on my personal experience of riding in Waymo's "way back when" they were NOT reliable. Even back in 2021 there is a relatively famous video of them "piling up" and causing a traffic jam. They were...
  3. bkp_duke


    No, the best counter argument is evidence. The evidence that I drive daily with FSDb (last updated this past weekend - 11.4.2 is pretty darned good), and that I drive frequently to SF and have very recently ridden in a Waymo. You seem to have some emotional argument you want to hold on to and...
  4. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Not the 3/Y. Those beauties are reserved for the S/X. Would LOVE to be wrong on this.
  5. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Carbon-wrapped motors in a Plaid version, pretty please Elon. ;)
  6. bkp_duke


    Again, I have FSDb and use it daily, and travel enough to have recently used Waymo in SF (fortunately the one I was in didn't hit any animals). You live across the pond where you can't get either, and based your posts upon YT videos, not first-hand experience. Whatever you say bro, whatever...
  7. bkp_duke


  8. bkp_duke


    It's the rate of advancement, the absolutely most critical point, that you left out. 6 months ago, FSDb drove like a 6 yo. Now, arguably a 16 yo after a few lesions. It's the rate of advancement that is crucial, and as the training of the neural nets advances, that will accelerate at a far...
  9. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Nothing screams "confidence" like selling your stake in something you spun off recently . . .
  10. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I bought a CCS to NACS adapter and tried charging at several EA stations both in city and rural areas. It was a MISERABLE experience, all around. The network sucked, but beyond that there were simply frustrations every time I tried to plug the CCS cable into the adapter. It was bulky...
  11. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Try Carvana and Carmax as well. Tesla trade-in values are historically on the low side.
  12. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    At this point, they made it clear it's a "point of pride" for them. I don't see them endorsing NACS until it's clear to everyone that they have no choice. Their statement was very clear they are ready to die on this mound.
  13. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    The standards group that came up with CCS is PISSED about the Ford/Tesla deal. https://chargedevs.com/newswire/charin-is-not-thrilled-about-the-ford-tesla-charging-deal/ Sounds like GM or someone like them wrote that response. My response to this - if there is a next time, don't build such a...
  14. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    3/Y, correct. S/X, still use a modular system and companies like Gruber Motors make their living repairing these packs.
  15. bkp_duke


    You are comparing the stale Autopilot codebase (circa 2017 with VERY few updates since then - all dev efforts have been on FSD) to solutions that are in constant development (FSD and Waymo). Australia currently is in the FSD group, so you are stuck on a 5 year old system. I know, I have cars...
  16. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Is that Mr. Bean in the pic? Honest to God, never knew they were one and the same.
  17. bkp_duke


    I'm assuming you are referring to the other poster, because I was reporting MY OWN personal experience with double-parked cars on my Waymo ride in SF back in April.
  18. bkp_duke


    No bias, I've used all these platforms (FSDb, Waymo, Cruise). Waymo and Cruise are slow in point to point drives, and have in general a solution that simply doesn't scale. GREAT if you have experienced them going around double-parked cars. Perhaps the road I was on in SF was too narrow for it...
  19. bkp_duke


    Ah yes, the last resort - the personal attack. Why do I need to lie? Waymo is geofenced to 0.0001% of the streets that FSDb can cover, it's slower in going from point to point (by more than 2X), and is accepted as a "solution" that simply cannot scale. The DATA STORAGE requirements alone for...
  20. bkp_duke


    BINGO. Winner winner chicken dinner. Even if they can handle double-parked cars (the one I was in SF was not able to do this back in April), the "value" of this system is still incredibly low due to the teeny tiny geo-fenced area it is confined to. EDIT - I got FSDb 11.4.2 last night, had 3...
  21. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Won't go into detail here, will be for FSD thread, but had to share experience with 11.4.2. Pros: - MUCH better lane choice. Not a little, a lot better. - smoother right turns, less hesitation and jitter. - buttery smooth lane changes, even in heavy traffic with merges Cons: - car almost made...
  22. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Yep, installing right now. Time for some evening drives.
  23. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Like the look, but suspect it is CGI for several reasons (pixelation grain, lack of reflection from any nearby surface, and looks to be mirror image of the previous spy shot in the background, just edited on the car itself). But yeah, s3xy.
  24. bkp_duke

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Same with how Dems are in lockstep with Biden, they put the party and unity first (for better or for worse). But your oversimplification really isn't true. There were a lot of "never Trumpers" that were very vocal during his presidency. I don't group all the Dems into one bin, there are the...
  25. bkp_duke

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is a VERY mypoic assessment. There have been several, very vocal, Republicans that have voiced continued and expanded support for Ukraine. You seem to want to categorize every R as a part of the "Freedom Caucus", but most are not actually. Heck, this week Russia issued an arrest warranty...
  26. bkp_duke

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Or the vaunted Russian air defense is . . . over-rated.
  27. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    The competition is coming: 🤣 TL;DW - GM's motor assembly shows very VERY little integration compared to even Ford, much less Tesla. Mary led . . . the march to a second bankruptcy.
  28. bkp_duke

    Tesla heat pump / HVAC (non auto)

    Curious what your power/$$$ savings have been since the switch over.
  29. bkp_duke

    FSD discussion

    If you have a USB drive installed for sentry mode, clean it out. Per the FSD thread, this may actually be causing some problems with FSD computer response times. Not confirmed, but has been reported. I'm still waiting on 11.4.2, so can't comment on the drives yet, but 11.3 has been very good...
  30. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    He wanted to talk at length about the ADAS/lane keeping system. Someone at the dealer told it was up to "Tesla level good". I dispelled that myth with one drive in FSD. "OK, my BMW can't do anything like this."
  31. bkp_duke


    OK, we are talking VERY different things then. It's common for viruses to down-regulate the immune system DURING an infection. It's almost universal (but via different mechanisms). It's how various viruses go through their propagation cycle. This is temporary and abates after the immune...
  32. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Neighbor got one of these. I had to grit my teeth and congratulate him on the purchase (because it's an EV).
  33. bkp_duke


    I'm hoping you meant a /s on the end there. SARS-CoV-2 is not an immunodeficiency virus.
  34. bkp_duke

    FSD discussion

    I've got 100TB of SSD storage at home . . . I'll find a spot for it. ;)
  35. bkp_duke

    FSD discussion

    Thanks for the USB tip, will go clear out the footage today in both cars.
  36. bkp_duke


    It's endemic. Except for the immunocompromised and those with serious medical conditions, I don't expect many severe cases moving forward.
  37. bkp_duke

    BYND Beyond Meat out of main

    Needs to be peer reviewed, but not encouraging. https://futurism.com/new-study-lab-grown-meat-worse-environment
  38. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I just checked again, now 24h after the post, and the thread has accumulated nearly 30 pages of replies. Very entertaining reading, but the TL;DR is that most are very happy to have pending access to the Supercharger network and many consider Musk, even if they hate his guts, a "master...
  39. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    IIRC Tesla already has a revenue sharing agreement with the property owners for superchargers. Ford has a lot of land and stealerships . . .
  40. bkp_duke

    Investor Engineering Discussions

    Tesla does all the logic at the car. I hope they provide Ford the necessary bits to do that as well. Less to manage long term for Tesla.
  41. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Currently in local Service Center for a HW2.5 to 3.0 upgrade (scheduled yesterday!) This place is HOPPING busy with mid quarter deliveries. Oh, and the new red is sexy AF!
  42. bkp_duke

    Elon & Twitter

    Long-time? First anyone heard about it was something like 1-2 days before it happened. You have some PROOF to the contrary you can link us?
  43. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Agreed. If H/K were to go NACS, it's game over for everyone else in North America.
  44. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Heaven I hope not. Supercharging is a fantastic bridge between Tesla Auto and Tesla Energy. I want them to stay fully integrated into the Tesla company. Besides, spin-offs are not Tesla's style. It's the opposite of vertical integration.
  45. bkp_duke

    Elon & Twitter

    HA HA HA. Do YOU believe what you wrote? Clearly your hopium of Elon committing some crime is exponentially greater than your understanding of the law.
  46. bkp_duke

    Elon & Twitter

    And so what? You do understand there is a LARGE legal barrier to prove "quid pro quo"? Going to take a ton more than a Twitter Spaces announcement. But hey, the entertainment value of this thread is never to be underestimated.
  47. bkp_duke

    Elon & Twitter

    This bill has been in the pipeline for MONTHS. We all understand your political bias, and that you hate Elon, but you are somehow trying to associate a "free" political announcement on a free platform is "payment" for passing a bill that will benefit not just SpaceX, but any company launching...
  48. bkp_duke

    FSD discussion

    I've done better than that. I've repeatedly ridden in Waymo's when I went on business trips. My experience matches what I see . . . on YT! LoL. Where the system actively avoids traffic, highways, and as many left turns as it can (it will usually make 3 right turns to avoid a single left)...
  49. bkp_duke

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    True. But, and I'm not joking on this, I just scheduled my HW 2.5 to HW 3.0 upgrade today . . . for tomorrow AM at the local service center. That's good service right there.