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  1. Durzel

    Speed restrictor -July changes

    I don't disagree that it would be a good idea to implement it. I was more commenting on @Billbrown1982's post specifically.
  2. Durzel

    Speed restrictor -July changes

    I've always thought that people bemoaning speed cameras saying they are forced to watch their speedo are using hyperbole disingenuously. As you say if you're a halfway competent driver you ought to have a pretty good idea, to within 10mph I'd say, of how fast you're going, particularly at lower...
  3. Durzel

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    I got my car in March 2020, I was vaguely aware at that time of “variable quality” in paint, panel gaps, etc. At that time of course it was a case of “it is what it is” because they only came from one place. The guy I use to detail all my cars tried to warn me to calibrate my expectations...
  4. Durzel

    New headlights retrofit

    Yes that’s right. The adaptive stuff came out shortly afterwards, maybe a couple of weeks or so I think.
  5. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Not in my experience. My USS Autopark parks dead centre in the lines typically.
  6. Durzel

    New headlights retrofit

    Could’ve told you about that strange behaviour when connecting them. 😓 It certainly is worrying - when mine were fitted one was stuck on and the other was completely off. Assumed the worst, as you did. Glad to hear you’ve got this done. It really is a night and day difference, particularly with...
  7. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    I’m completely puzzled as to why it matters what side of the car the driver is sitting when the cameras are all in the same place worldwide, and Autopark is a fully autonomous feature?
  8. Durzel

    The M3 Photo Thread

    Big Tron vibes 😎
  9. Durzel

    UK Pricing piss take

    Surely if you can wait then it would make sense to wait for Juniper?
  10. Durzel

    2024.20.6 Change to binnacle display steering wheel nag visuals

    Have they changed the icon that shows a steering wheel and "Please pay attention to the road" (or something like that) when it detects you aren't paying attention? It's a minor OCD gripe but surely it should be an icon of eyes or something, because that's what it's complaining about, not your...
  11. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    That is not unusual for Autopark on Teslas in my opinion. Seeing a "P" symbol on my car - with USS, etc is quite rare.
  12. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    ...suggests that Intel cars with USS are getting it as well, and getting the marshmallow view while using it. Not confirmed by the video though, can see an upgraded console which would mean it's at least a late 2020 car. Needless to say I didn't get it on my RHD car - 2024.20.6 shows "minor...
  13. Durzel

    3rd party warranty

    Could be that this is a can that is being kicked down the road. As I understand it the lease company only cares about the mileage at the point of taking the car back. If the OP leases the car for another 12 months, they'll be perfectly happy to keep taking his original payments which - since...
  14. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Ah right yeah, forgot Plais S was LHD... that would make sense.
  15. Durzel

    UK Pricing piss take

    Where does this atittude square with Tesla offering 1.8% APR for the Model Y, and a minimum 5.9% for the Model 3, up to 9.6% for the Performance?
  16. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Maybe its a HW4 only thing? Several people with EAP/FSD with cars that otherwise ought to have got it, haven't - e.g. 2022 on cars with Ryzen, no USS. A Highland Model 3 owner said they just had "minor fixes" too, but didn't come back to say whether or not they had EAP or not. Have also heard...
  17. Durzel

    3rd party warranty

    Might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure the battery warranty is 120k miles on a Model 3 LR (assuming not LR RWD), not 100k?
  18. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Have you checked the app rather than the car? Apparently it shows in there but unconfirmed.
  19. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    120kWh pack M3P please, or just 100kWh... I'm flexible.
  20. Durzel

    [UK] 2024 Order to Delivery discussion

    Think that might be my new favourite colour. It really suits the Y too, more so than the other reds in my opinion.
  21. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Ah right, yeah, if you were buying it in Europe (no brainer when its LHD either way) then you have that market to sell back to. To be honest, as a UK customer, the fact Tesla keeps pulling it from sale would not fill me with any confidence at all about the long term plans for the car - i.e...
  22. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Why would you have access to a much larger resale market when the cars are probably cheaper new (and thus used) in Europe, than UK ones?
  23. Durzel

    UK Pricing piss take

    Hard to say with any certainty. Since they have moved UK Y production there it would seem logical to do the same for 3, to bypass the Chinese tariffs. You’re right though it might be a while if the Y keeps Berlin busy enough.
  24. Durzel

    UK Pricing piss take

    Same. Although I'm waiting for it to start being made in Berlin like the Y is now. Quicksilver would look awesome, Cherry Red too to be honest although it's a bit more muted and in my opinion suits the Y better.
  25. Durzel

    Email from Tesla offering better Trade In values.....

    A new M3P every 2 years. Bonkers :)
  26. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Still makes me chuckle to think that Tesla provided LHD S/X owners with one of those grabber tools for when they inevitably come across a ticket machine or drive through etc that they can't handle. Luv 2 lean across to try and press ticket machine buttons and grab the tickets with my plastic...
  27. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Not very confidence inspiring is it? Then again I think people who bought LHD S & Xs over here are mad. For full price too.
  28. Durzel

    UK Pricing piss take

    Unfortunately it is the price the market is willing to bear (or not - we'll see in a few months i guess). There is also the differences in living standards, salaries, etc. What's the mean salary in Slovakia in GBP? If it was sold at the equivalent UK price over there then perhaps hardly...
  29. Durzel

    Hansshow vs Tesla Offer Power Frunk/Trunk - which one to buy?

    I think he is, but yeah after he stopped dealing with support queries it became very hit and miss getting help from them.
  30. Durzel

    Considering swapping my M3P for a Lotus Eletre. What will I miss?

    True, but if you want the car and buy it outright you’re down that, or close to it, in depreciation every month anyway. All told my M3P that I bought outright has lost that much a month, if not more. That accumulated depreciation is just gone, like that £38k would be. The only practical...
  31. Durzel

    Hansshow vs Tesla Offer Power Frunk/Trunk - which one to buy?

    Anyone had a foot sensor fail? Mine just stopped working out of the blue. Spoke to EVOffer support on Telegram and they advised me to try and quickly short two of the four female pins on the cable going to the ECU. I presume if it had worked then it would’ve meant the foot sensor was faulty...
  32. Durzel

    Considering swapping my M3P for a Lotus Eletre. What will I miss?

    Is Eletre the one they’re doing 48 month, 0% APR, £799/month on? Aside from that I was in agreement with you until you said you loved the Cybertruck. Now I’m questioning your faculties 😓
  33. Durzel

    Hankook Tyres Cracking

    Seems like an extremely fussy MOT tester to me to be honest. Maybe he feels obliged to give at least one or two advisories? I wouldn't give much thought to running those tyres.
  34. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Just to draw a line under this for me, I checked my Tesla app today and saw that the extended warranty has been applied. I've had no communication yet to confirm it. The last email back and forth I had was with [email protected] - which seems to be a complaints email of sorts - who initially...
  35. Durzel

    2021 Center Console Retrofit

    I've had "USB device malfunctioning" or something like that in my past alerts, not seen it in active alerts though, and haven't had any red crosses on dashcam. That is with an official Tesla hub, though. It seems they can be a bit flakey either way.
  36. Durzel

    Model 3 Highland Performance

    My gut feeling (haven't test drove one yet, but have driven a Highland base model) is basically: It's what the Performance should have been from the start in terms of visual distinction from LR. I was always slightly miffed that the only visual difference between LR and P was some tokenistic...
  37. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    This is false, at least as far as the official extended warranty goes (the one provided by Millenium, accessed via here). This integrates with the app, follows the car if it's sold, etc. What they've said there is only true of random aftermarket warranties.
  38. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Same boat, as you know. I have made enquiries about forcing performance of a contract, but it's not something done via small claims and I've been told that so long as they refund you then it would basically be difficult to fight as you'd be doing so on a point of principal. Since it would be...
  39. Durzel

    V2H hack

    I would assume in a Tesla if it detects the 12v battery is not holding a charge (because it’s constantly draining) it will simply determine that it is failing, throw an alert that will then have the attendant consequences (car not sleeping, not updating, etc)
  40. Durzel

    Would You Buy a Tesla Phone?

    Will never happen so it's a moot point. At what point do people start to apply some critical thinking to these flights of fancy? Just because Elon suggests something could happen, doesn't mean it will - and nowadays more than likely that it won't. Elon even tweeted about how it could use...
  41. Durzel

    Turn signal mode change since last OTA

    Quite a few people have experienced this and been confused by it. I have no idea why Tesla switched this on for people, as the option has been available for quite a while (defaulted to "off").
  42. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Hmm.. this is all very slapdash. Seems to be no rhyme nor reason to why some people had it honoured and others don't. I don't even have a refund!
  43. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    What was the circumstances of yours? Had you dropped out of warranty while the extended warranty was unavailable to buy?
  44. Durzel

    EU likely to impose 25% import tariff's on cars from China

    Probably a somewhat ignorant point of view but why, as a consumer, should I care if China is selling cars at "artificially low prices"? Am I supposed to care that big German marques can't make the margins they want on their offerings, and want to carry on charging over the odds? Seems like...
  45. Durzel

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Yup, am aware. As said it's a case of finding the time and also having to learn a new language to try and achieve this.
  46. Durzel

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    When I get some time and if I can decipher the code I'm hoping to fork it and add an option to "treat offline as asleep" (like TeslaFi has). My OCD is bad with it always showing "offline" now, when I know it isn't. The TeslaMate devs are reticent to conflate "offline" with "asleep", which i...
  47. Durzel

    Is this for real? Passport and driving license upload or you can drive your tesla!

    Bought outright, not received email. Why would they need to do KYC retroactively for existing contracts? Classic Tesla though sending emails that look like scams. I remember sending my money via BACS to a random bank account, and looking through a webpage HTML source code to see if they had...
  48. Durzel

    UK Black M3P with tints and chrome delete

    Some places will disassemble the mirrors to get better coverage. If done in situ on the car then it is very difficult to get certain parts of it done well, as you say.
  49. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Well spotted. Was hoping to get that (even though I don’t know what it means) but oh well.
  50. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Received this back from that email earlier this evening (emphasis mine): Obviously not very happy. I have emailed back pointing out that I did email them during the period the extended warranty was unavailable to buy, at which point my warranty was still valid, and I received a response...